Light Language Audio
The Energy of Light
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Light Language Blessings
Blessings from the 8th Dimension/ Dragon Realm
We open the channel to your own Knowing; your own power; your own Divine Love. The 8th Dimension, or Dragon Realm, is the Realm of Ancient Wisdom. You are the Knowledge you seek. You are blessed with Divine Knowing and Intuition. You are your Highest Self in this moment; in your dimension; in your own timeline; always. You are living infinite lives at once and you can tap into your own Knowing, your own experiences, from all of your timelines at any moment. We bless you with this Knowing and release the power you locked yourself away from out of fear. Be your Highest Self in all your Divine Wisdom and infinite Love from Source.
We open the channel to your own Knowing; your own power; your own Divine Love. The 8th Dimension, or Dragon Realm, is the Realm of Ancient Wisdom. You are the Knowledge you seek. You are blessed with Divine Knowing and Intuition. You are your Highest Self in this moment; in your dimension; in your own timeline; always. You are living infinite lives at once and you can tap into your own Knowing, your own experiences, from all of your timelines at any moment. We bless you with this Knowing and release the power you locked yourself away from out of fear. Be your Highest Self in all your Divine Wisdom and infinite Love from Source.

ll_blessing_8th_dim_dragon_realm.mp3 | |
File Size: | 4864 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Blessings from the Andromedans
The Andromedan are a celestial race of beings who have many starseeds here on Earth. They are especially gifted in science and healing the body in multi-dimensional ways. This light language transmissions is a blessing from the Andromedans as an energetic download of Light to positively influence our technology and holistic forms of healing ourselves and the universe. They also bring blessings for Peace and Understanding withing humanity as we grow towards Oneness consciousness. This blessing improves our natural energetic and physical healing capabilities and brings relaxing energies to calm our spirits and enlighten our minds.
The Andromedan are a celestial race of beings who have many starseeds here on Earth. They are especially gifted in science and healing the body in multi-dimensional ways. This light language transmissions is a blessing from the Andromedans as an energetic download of Light to positively influence our technology and holistic forms of healing ourselves and the universe. They also bring blessings for Peace and Understanding withing humanity as we grow towards Oneness consciousness. This blessing improves our natural energetic and physical healing capabilities and brings relaxing energies to calm our spirits and enlighten our minds.

ll_andromedan_blessing.mp3 | |
File Size: | 3238 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Blessings from the Anunnaki
This light language transmission is a blessing from the Anunnaki for their soul family and all souls living on planet Earth at this time. The themes of the transmission are: love, respect, opening awareness and inner guidance, blessings for planet Earth, blessings for the Anunnaki soul family, blessings for all souls to achieve their potential in the now-moment, Truth revelation, connection to their family Star, and human-body upgrades to receive more energy, divine guidance, and overall awareness.
Also note that the Anunnaki have a somewhat negative reputation, and this is not related to any sort of alien-slave narratives that have played out in the past. This energy is from the direct Star/Soul race of Anunnaki that is ultimately benevolent and has our best interests at heart for the evolution of the universe and humanity as a whole (although they/the energy will be strong and direct, i.e., no-nonsense).
This light language transmission is a blessing from the Anunnaki for their soul family and all souls living on planet Earth at this time. The themes of the transmission are: love, respect, opening awareness and inner guidance, blessings for planet Earth, blessings for the Anunnaki soul family, blessings for all souls to achieve their potential in the now-moment, Truth revelation, connection to their family Star, and human-body upgrades to receive more energy, divine guidance, and overall awareness.
Also note that the Anunnaki have a somewhat negative reputation, and this is not related to any sort of alien-slave narratives that have played out in the past. This energy is from the direct Star/Soul race of Anunnaki that is ultimately benevolent and has our best interests at heart for the evolution of the universe and humanity as a whole (although they/the energy will be strong and direct, i.e., no-nonsense).

ll_anunnaki_blessing.mp3 | |
File Size: | 3432 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Blessings from the Arcturians
This light language transmission is an energetic blessing from the Arcturians. Arcturians originate from Arcturus, the brightest star in the Bootes constellation, with their name derived from the Greek words ‘arktos,’ meaning bear, and ‘ouros,’ meaning guardian. They are known as divine warriors in a sense as they take on the role of the protector easily. Those who are Arcturian starseeds here on Earth are natural healers and are incredibly gifted at divination and channeling as well. Their blessings are to move the world into a brighter and better future through innovation, technology and advancement of healing capabilities for all of humanity.
This light language transmission is an energetic blessing from the Arcturians. Arcturians originate from Arcturus, the brightest star in the Bootes constellation, with their name derived from the Greek words ‘arktos,’ meaning bear, and ‘ouros,’ meaning guardian. They are known as divine warriors in a sense as they take on the role of the protector easily. Those who are Arcturian starseeds here on Earth are natural healers and are incredibly gifted at divination and channeling as well. Their blessings are to move the world into a brighter and better future through innovation, technology and advancement of healing capabilities for all of humanity.

ll_arcturian_blessing.mp3 | |
File Size: | 3431 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Divine Bee Blessing
Love yourself and each other. We are all one and We are meant to work together as one energetic unit for the sake of everyone’s growth and prosperity. We have lived under the illusion of separation and the part (instead of the ‘whole’) and now it is time for unity and wholeness. New ideas have been fertilized and will sprout soon. The Bee Realm sends blessings of abundance and community. Work hard but with intention to contribute to the world in a positive way. Every soul is a unique expression that has a valued purpose to assist humanity. Live your Light and express it so that others may express their light as well in return. Your Light is needed and encouraged.
Blessings of Love, Remembering, Unity and Abundance
Love yourself and each other. We are all one and We are meant to work together as one energetic unit for the sake of everyone’s growth and prosperity. We have lived under the illusion of separation and the part (instead of the ‘whole’) and now it is time for unity and wholeness. New ideas have been fertilized and will sprout soon. The Bee Realm sends blessings of abundance and community. Work hard but with intention to contribute to the world in a positive way. Every soul is a unique expression that has a valued purpose to assist humanity. Live your Light and express it so that others may express their light as well in return. Your Light is needed and encouraged.
Blessings of Love, Remembering, Unity and Abundance

ll_divine_bee_blessing.mp3 | |
File Size: | 2770 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Blessings from the Elemental Realm
This light language recording includes Elemental blessings of abundance, love, freedom, security, creative expression, grounding, health, passion, zest for life, truth, community, communication, being open to new experiences and self-expression. The Elementals encourage each of us to be our true selves without judgment so we can truly experience life here on Earth as a human being. There are many different experiences throughout the infinite life cycle of the Soul, and we are reminded that our human experience is a temporary one. Live life with joy and love. Light a fire under your passions to express yourself creatively. Go with the flow with the winds of Change. Ground your body and mind for perfect health and abundance. Release all stuck emotions and energy preventing you from living life as you wish. Feel these blessings and allow the best to flow into your life at this time. The Elementals bless our human existence and free its limitations so we can experience true Joy in form.
This light language recording includes Elemental blessings of abundance, love, freedom, security, creative expression, grounding, health, passion, zest for life, truth, community, communication, being open to new experiences and self-expression. The Elementals encourage each of us to be our true selves without judgment so we can truly experience life here on Earth as a human being. There are many different experiences throughout the infinite life cycle of the Soul, and we are reminded that our human experience is a temporary one. Live life with joy and love. Light a fire under your passions to express yourself creatively. Go with the flow with the winds of Change. Ground your body and mind for perfect health and abundance. Release all stuck emotions and energy preventing you from living life as you wish. Feel these blessings and allow the best to flow into your life at this time. The Elementals bless our human existence and free its limitations so we can experience true Joy in form.

ll_blessing_elemental_realm.mp3 | |
File Size: | 3794 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Blessings from the Elohim
This light language recording is a series of blessings from the Elohim and the Twelve Rays of Light and Life. The Elohim reminds us of our connection to Source as we release our human limitations. It is time to master your own energy as spiritual beings experiencing humanity and living a human life for a cycle among many cycles we will experience in our infinite lifetimes as Souls. The Elohim bless us with the energy of the Sun in this solar system. This energy purifies and transmutes all back into pure Source energy and limitless potential. Remember your Divinity within your human experience. Embrace all aspects of Self and live life connected to Source and All That Is through these blessings of the Elohim.
With Love and Light from the Elohim to All Humanity
This light language recording is a series of blessings from the Elohim and the Twelve Rays of Light and Life. The Elohim reminds us of our connection to Source as we release our human limitations. It is time to master your own energy as spiritual beings experiencing humanity and living a human life for a cycle among many cycles we will experience in our infinite lifetimes as Souls. The Elohim bless us with the energy of the Sun in this solar system. This energy purifies and transmutes all back into pure Source energy and limitless potential. Remember your Divinity within your human experience. Embrace all aspects of Self and live life connected to Source and All That Is through these blessings of the Elohim.
With Love and Light from the Elohim to All Humanity

ll_blessing_elohim.mp3 | |
File Size: | 4956 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Blessings from the Fae (Fairy Realm)
This light language transmission is a blessing from the Fairy (Faerie) Realm and is intended to focus on their more positive attributes. There are many different types of Fae that can either remain in spirit form or take on human-like forms. Fairies are often be seen as tricksters because they are spirits of nature that do not tend to see either “good” or “evil” as humanity does, but there are plenty of Fae who work with humanity only in love and light. The energy of the Fae is nonetheless very playful and invites child-like wonderment and overall liveliness into our hearts and souls. The Faerie realm also blesses us with magic and enchantments, reminding us to be careful with the words we choose to speak and the actions we choose to take, as these are more powerful than we give credit to on a daily basis. Fae also loves dancing and musical expression, so this energy promotes living the human experience through these kinds of expression. The Fae reminds us to learn to love ourselves through play, curiosity, and personal trust as we develop our own happiness and acceptance of our true selves before we learned how to survive on the Earthly plane. They also bless us through healings with nature in all its form and encourage humanity to take care of its natural resources as all living systems work together in harmony.
This light language transmission is a blessing from the Fairy (Faerie) Realm and is intended to focus on their more positive attributes. There are many different types of Fae that can either remain in spirit form or take on human-like forms. Fairies are often be seen as tricksters because they are spirits of nature that do not tend to see either “good” or “evil” as humanity does, but there are plenty of Fae who work with humanity only in love and light. The energy of the Fae is nonetheless very playful and invites child-like wonderment and overall liveliness into our hearts and souls. The Faerie realm also blesses us with magic and enchantments, reminding us to be careful with the words we choose to speak and the actions we choose to take, as these are more powerful than we give credit to on a daily basis. Fae also loves dancing and musical expression, so this energy promotes living the human experience through these kinds of expression. The Fae reminds us to learn to love ourselves through play, curiosity, and personal trust as we develop our own happiness and acceptance of our true selves before we learned how to survive on the Earthly plane. They also bless us through healings with nature in all its form and encourage humanity to take care of its natural resources as all living systems work together in harmony.

ll_blessings_from_the_fae.mp3 | |
File Size: | 2990 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Blessings from the Lyrans
This light language transmission is a blessing from the Lyran celestial/star race. They wish to bestow blessings of grounding, strength, wisdom, and to awaken the element of Fire for inspiration, creativity and leadership from within. This energy is directed from Source consciousness and the Lyran star system (Lyra constellation) to send blessings to all ready for these upgrades.
This light language transmission is a blessing from the Lyran celestial/star race. They wish to bestow blessings of grounding, strength, wisdom, and to awaken the element of Fire for inspiration, creativity and leadership from within. This energy is directed from Source consciousness and the Lyran star system (Lyra constellation) to send blessings to all ready for these upgrades.

ll_lyran_blessing.mp3 | |
File Size: | 3342 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Blessings from The Mu (Lemuria)
Eternal blessings from the Council of Mu. The focus on material matters has thrown humanity off balance from Source. While we come together to play humans for short bursts of time, your Soul is eternal and will ascend the playground we call 'Earth' in time. Rejoice as your Earthly journey serves a very important purpose of reminding you of your true nature. We send energies to release the discomfort associated with material possessions and the accumulation of wealth. While abundance is guaranteed to all, we must maintain balance. You can have wealth and live a human life to the fullest if you remember to take care of the four aspects of self: Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual. We send energies to balance these aspects as we move into a new era of human consciousness and the expansion of the Soul. You are on the right path in all ways. Do not forget to Love both the self and the other as we all co-create this wonderful journey, Together.
Eternal blessings from the Council of Mu. The focus on material matters has thrown humanity off balance from Source. While we come together to play humans for short bursts of time, your Soul is eternal and will ascend the playground we call 'Earth' in time. Rejoice as your Earthly journey serves a very important purpose of reminding you of your true nature. We send energies to release the discomfort associated with material possessions and the accumulation of wealth. While abundance is guaranteed to all, we must maintain balance. You can have wealth and live a human life to the fullest if you remember to take care of the four aspects of self: Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual. We send energies to balance these aspects as we move into a new era of human consciousness and the expansion of the Soul. You are on the right path in all ways. Do not forget to Love both the self and the other as we all co-create this wonderful journey, Together.

ll_blessings_mu.mp3 | |
File Size: | 3618 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Music Realm Blessing
If you are a musician or music is your calling, then this light language is for you. This is a light language blessing for musical talent and expression, as well as establishing a connection with the Realm of the Musical Arts at all times. There is a ‘unified field’ where every potential possibility of expression exists and we can tap into that field to enhance our musical connection and expression. If you have musical talent already or would like energetic assistance as you learn an instrument or write song lyrics then this light language will boost your musical creativity.
If you are a musician or music is your calling, then this light language is for you. This is a light language blessing for musical talent and expression, as well as establishing a connection with the Realm of the Musical Arts at all times. There is a ‘unified field’ where every potential possibility of expression exists and we can tap into that field to enhance our musical connection and expression. If you have musical talent already or would like energetic assistance as you learn an instrument or write song lyrics then this light language will boost your musical creativity.

ll_music_blessing.mp3 | |
File Size: | 4320 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Blessings from the Pleiadians
This gentle light language is a blessing from the Pleiadian star family. They wish to bestow blessings and reminders of artistic creativity and our soul purpose. Our ‘purpose’ or mission does not have to be world-changing in order to mean something. To live, laugh, love and bring light to life and everything around you (be it animals, humans or even Mother Gaia) embodies the reason we are all here. Who you are and what you choose to share with the world is what life is all about, so try not to be so hard on yourself as this purpose can change when you change. Our latent gifts are awakening and our creativity in all aspects of life is expanding so that we can share more of our individual selves with the collective for everyone’s benefit.
This gentle light language is a blessing from the Pleiadian star family. They wish to bestow blessings and reminders of artistic creativity and our soul purpose. Our ‘purpose’ or mission does not have to be world-changing in order to mean something. To live, laugh, love and bring light to life and everything around you (be it animals, humans or even Mother Gaia) embodies the reason we are all here. Who you are and what you choose to share with the world is what life is all about, so try not to be so hard on yourself as this purpose can change when you change. Our latent gifts are awakening and our creativity in all aspects of life is expanding so that we can share more of our individual selves with the collective for everyone’s benefit.

ll_pleiadian_blessing.mp3 | |
File Size: | 3171 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Blessings from the Sirians
This light language transmission is a blessing from the Sirians, who are the peacekeepers and guardians of our world. Their soul mission is to watch over humanity’s ascension and guide us through times of great change. This transmission brings the knowledge and energies of unconditional love so that we can navigate our feelings along our spiritual path. This energy also intends to bring harmony and balance, both to the self and the collective, as well as general peace on Earth. In these times of great conflict and confusion this energy is calming and comforting as you find your personal strength and love for yourself to make the necessary changes for the betterment of all.
This light language transmission is a blessing from the Sirians, who are the peacekeepers and guardians of our world. Their soul mission is to watch over humanity’s ascension and guide us through times of great change. This transmission brings the knowledge and energies of unconditional love so that we can navigate our feelings along our spiritual path. This energy also intends to bring harmony and balance, both to the self and the collective, as well as general peace on Earth. In these times of great conflict and confusion this energy is calming and comforting as you find your personal strength and love for yourself to make the necessary changes for the betterment of all.

ll_sirian_blessing.mp3 | |
File Size: | 3596 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Blessings for the Plant Kingdom
This is a light language blessing for the entirety of the Plant (Plantae) Kingdom on Earth. Plants serve a purpose, ascend in their own way, and are affected by energy in similar ways. You can play this recording softly in the background and send a loving intention to reach all kinds of plants across the world in need of energy healing. This is a multi-dimensional and open-ended transmission of pure Love and Light to assist our plants, food, and the creatures who depend on this kingdom throughout life.
This is a light language blessing for the entirety of the Plant (Plantae) Kingdom on Earth. Plants serve a purpose, ascend in their own way, and are affected by energy in similar ways. You can play this recording softly in the background and send a loving intention to reach all kinds of plants across the world in need of energy healing. This is a multi-dimensional and open-ended transmission of pure Love and Light to assist our plants, food, and the creatures who depend on this kingdom throughout life.

ll_plant_blessing.mp3 | |
File Size: | 2914 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Samhain Blessing
Samhain is a Gaelic festival marking the end of the harvest season and beginning of winter or "darker-half" of the year. In the northern hemisphere, it is held on 1 November, but with celebrations beginning on the evening of 31 October, as the Celtic day began and ended at sunset. It is believed that the barriers between the physical and spiritual world break down during Samhain, allowing more interaction between the living and beings in other dimensions. It is during this time that the so-called ‘veil’ between worlds is thin, which amplifies magic, blessings and manifestation in general. This light language Samhain Blessing amplifies your connection to other worlds, the ability to communicate with energetic and ethereal beings, and your own power and connection with yourself and your natural/intuitive abilities and gifts.
Samhain is a Gaelic festival marking the end of the harvest season and beginning of winter or "darker-half" of the year. In the northern hemisphere, it is held on 1 November, but with celebrations beginning on the evening of 31 October, as the Celtic day began and ended at sunset. It is believed that the barriers between the physical and spiritual world break down during Samhain, allowing more interaction between the living and beings in other dimensions. It is during this time that the so-called ‘veil’ between worlds is thin, which amplifies magic, blessings and manifestation in general. This light language Samhain Blessing amplifies your connection to other worlds, the ability to communicate with energetic and ethereal beings, and your own power and connection with yourself and your natural/intuitive abilities and gifts.

ll_samhain_blessing.mp3 | |
File Size: | 3681 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Dia de los Muertos and All Saint’s Day Blessing
The Day of the Dead (Dia de los Muertos) is a holiday celebrated the 1st and 2nd of November that involves family and friends gathering to pay respects and to remember friends and family members who have died. The veil between worlds is at its thinnest point during this time period which allows for better communication with souls in other dimensional planes and allows for those cords of attachments between souls to be healed and blessed. This light language is intended as a blessing to assist all those who honor both the living and the dead in celebration.
This day is also known as All Hallows Day or All Saint’s Day in which Christians solemnly celebrate and honor the saints of the church. Grave rituals and offerings are also common as many remember and honor their loved ones who have crossed over. There is a powerful spiritual bond between those in Heaven and the living and this light language is intended to bless that bond for all souls involved.
Many blessings to all souls both living and deceased. Communication with loved ones on the other side are amplified during this time if you wish to take advantage of the energy and synchronistic events may happen with the veil between dimensions as thin as it gets throughout the year. This energy is only positive and is channeled from Source with Love and Light intentions. Any and all ‘negative’ spirits and tricksters are repelled during this time to allow for open, honest, and positive communication and experiences with your loved ones.
The Day of the Dead (Dia de los Muertos) is a holiday celebrated the 1st and 2nd of November that involves family and friends gathering to pay respects and to remember friends and family members who have died. The veil between worlds is at its thinnest point during this time period which allows for better communication with souls in other dimensional planes and allows for those cords of attachments between souls to be healed and blessed. This light language is intended as a blessing to assist all those who honor both the living and the dead in celebration.
This day is also known as All Hallows Day or All Saint’s Day in which Christians solemnly celebrate and honor the saints of the church. Grave rituals and offerings are also common as many remember and honor their loved ones who have crossed over. There is a powerful spiritual bond between those in Heaven and the living and this light language is intended to bless that bond for all souls involved.
Many blessings to all souls both living and deceased. Communication with loved ones on the other side are amplified during this time if you wish to take advantage of the energy and synchronistic events may happen with the veil between dimensions as thin as it gets throughout the year. This energy is only positive and is channeled from Source with Love and Light intentions. Any and all ‘negative’ spirits and tricksters are repelled during this time to allow for open, honest, and positive communication and experiences with your loved ones.

ll_dia_de_los_muertos_saints_day_blessing.mp3 | |
File Size: | 3315 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
All Souls’ Day Blessing
All Souls’ Day is a day of prayer and remembrance for all souls who have died, and practitioners of these traditions often remember loved ones in various ways on this day. Beliefs and practices associated with All Souls’ Day vary widely among Christian denominations. Many of these traditions include bell tolling and lighting candles as they serve to comfort those being cleansed and light a path for those languishing in the in-between (purgatory).
This light language transmission serves as a blessing for all souls needing guidance at this time, whether it is which path for the living to take to their highest selves, or for the dead to ascend into heaven and cross over into their next journey of their soul’s highest evolution. If you celebrate by baking and gifting soul cakes and other treats during these hallowed times, your food and drink are divinely blessed for prosperity and radiant health. Many blessings to all as Allhallowtide comes to an end and the veil between worlds regains its thickness for a relatively short amount of time. Manifestation is still at its peak today, the third and final day of this three-day long period (Samhain/Halloween, All Saint’s Day/Dia de Los Muertos, and All Souls’ Day).
All Souls’ Day is a day of prayer and remembrance for all souls who have died, and practitioners of these traditions often remember loved ones in various ways on this day. Beliefs and practices associated with All Souls’ Day vary widely among Christian denominations. Many of these traditions include bell tolling and lighting candles as they serve to comfort those being cleansed and light a path for those languishing in the in-between (purgatory).
This light language transmission serves as a blessing for all souls needing guidance at this time, whether it is which path for the living to take to their highest selves, or for the dead to ascend into heaven and cross over into their next journey of their soul’s highest evolution. If you celebrate by baking and gifting soul cakes and other treats during these hallowed times, your food and drink are divinely blessed for prosperity and radiant health. Many blessings to all as Allhallowtide comes to an end and the veil between worlds regains its thickness for a relatively short amount of time. Manifestation is still at its peak today, the third and final day of this three-day long period (Samhain/Halloween, All Saint’s Day/Dia de Los Muertos, and All Souls’ Day).

ll_all_souls_day_blessing.mp3 | |
File Size: | 2273 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Animal Communication
This light language recording is for enhanced communication with animals. Animals and pets are more energetically in-tune than humans and this blessing will enhance the human aspect for communicating with animals. Everything is energy and when we become more in-tune with our own energy we can begin to sense and communicate with other beings through energy, vibration and frequency. If you want to begin understanding what animals and pets are trying to tell us, listen to this light language to open up your receptors in order to better understand and communicate with animals of all kinds.
This light language recording is for enhanced communication with animals. Animals and pets are more energetically in-tune than humans and this blessing will enhance the human aspect for communicating with animals. Everything is energy and when we become more in-tune with our own energy we can begin to sense and communicate with other beings through energy, vibration and frequency. If you want to begin understanding what animals and pets are trying to tell us, listen to this light language to open up your receptors in order to better understand and communicate with animals of all kinds.

ll_animal_communication.mp3 | |
File Size: | 1974 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Blessings for the Animal Kingdom
This is a light language blessing for the entirety of the Animal Kingdom on Earth. Animals serve a purpose, ascend in their own way, and are affected by energy in similar ways. You can play this recording softly in the background and send a loving intention to reach all kinds of animals across the world in need of energy healing. This is a multi-dimensional and open-ended transmission of pure Love and Light to assist each animal individually on their own journeys.
This is a light language blessing for the entirety of the Animal Kingdom on Earth. Animals serve a purpose, ascend in their own way, and are affected by energy in similar ways. You can play this recording softly in the background and send a loving intention to reach all kinds of animals across the world in need of energy healing. This is a multi-dimensional and open-ended transmission of pure Love and Light to assist each animal individually on their own journeys.

ll_animal_kingdom_blessing.mp3 | |
File Size: | 3372 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Cut Pet/Animal Cords of Attachment
Let us cut the cords of attachment to our pets and animals that no longer serve our best interest with this light language recording. This transmission is for dissolving the expectations and attachments of pets both living and dead. Humans and animals have soul contracts and are bound by energetic cords until they dissolve or are cut intentionally. If you are attached to a pet and your expectations of that pet then it is time to cut the cords. You can cut cords of attachment intentionally or you can allow this energy to dissipate when it is ready to in order to serve your highest interest of expression at this time. Cutting the cords to pets and animals are also in the best interest of the animals for we are all energetic beings and we can all become lighter energetically when these cords no longer weigh us down or keep us from living life to the fullest.
Let us cut the cords of attachment to our pets and animals that no longer serve our best interest with this light language recording. This transmission is for dissolving the expectations and attachments of pets both living and dead. Humans and animals have soul contracts and are bound by energetic cords until they dissolve or are cut intentionally. If you are attached to a pet and your expectations of that pet then it is time to cut the cords. You can cut cords of attachment intentionally or you can allow this energy to dissipate when it is ready to in order to serve your highest interest of expression at this time. Cutting the cords to pets and animals are also in the best interest of the animals for we are all energetic beings and we can all become lighter energetically when these cords no longer weigh us down or keep us from living life to the fullest.

ll_cut_pet_animal_cords_of_attachment.mp3 | |
File Size: | 2370 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Heal the Senses for Animals/Pets
This light language recording assists with healing any health issues related to the senses for animals/pets. Eyesight, hearing, smell, taste, touch.... electromagnetic, vibration, chemical, pressure, light, temperature, gravity, balance, location, intuition... and many more senses we experience without names. If your pet is ailing from a sense-related issue then this light language is for them. Have this play in the background in a space they are in or you can set the intention to have the energy sent to your pet if you listen to this recording in another location. The energy will flow where the intention goes. If you know your pet suffers from a specific sense-related issue then set the intention to heal their eyesight, hearing, equilibrium, etc. etc..
Also, please do not force a pet or animal to “listen” to this recording. They may leave the area or go to a safe space to absorb the energy where they feel most comfortable. They may not need the energy at this moment but will still receive the download in a safe way for their experience here on Earth.
(Note: This recording is safe for animals and pets of all sizes. There is another light language recording for healing the senses of humans, but every human can benefit from this recording as well. The energy of healing is present, even if it is in a “smaller” or “lesser” dose. So if you feel called to listen to this for yourself then that is what your Soul needs right now and you will still receive the energy download of health for all senses. Thank you.)
This light language recording assists with healing any health issues related to the senses for animals/pets. Eyesight, hearing, smell, taste, touch.... electromagnetic, vibration, chemical, pressure, light, temperature, gravity, balance, location, intuition... and many more senses we experience without names. If your pet is ailing from a sense-related issue then this light language is for them. Have this play in the background in a space they are in or you can set the intention to have the energy sent to your pet if you listen to this recording in another location. The energy will flow where the intention goes. If you know your pet suffers from a specific sense-related issue then set the intention to heal their eyesight, hearing, equilibrium, etc. etc..
Also, please do not force a pet or animal to “listen” to this recording. They may leave the area or go to a safe space to absorb the energy where they feel most comfortable. They may not need the energy at this moment but will still receive the download in a safe way for their experience here on Earth.
(Note: This recording is safe for animals and pets of all sizes. There is another light language recording for healing the senses of humans, but every human can benefit from this recording as well. The energy of healing is present, even if it is in a “smaller” or “lesser” dose. So if you feel called to listen to this for yourself then that is what your Soul needs right now and you will still receive the energy download of health for all senses. Thank you.)

ll_heal_senses_animals.mp3 | |
File Size: | 2673 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Pet/Animal Health Booster
This light language recording is for pets/animals. This blessing is for a health booster to animals of all shapes and sizes. This is pure love and light and is at a safe frequency for animals. If your pet is suffering from a physical ailment this recording will help boost their healing capacity. Love and Light energy heals and the animals will know what to do with this transmission. This recording also works in tandem with the Pet/Animal Health Cleanse for healing animals of all kinds.
You can have this recording play in the background in your home for your pets to receive the download, or you can listen to this recording yourself (if you were in public/transit) and set the intention for the energy to heal your pet or another animal. We are all connected and intention is everything with energy so believe that you can direct the energy where it is needed the most.
This light language recording is for pets/animals. This blessing is for a health booster to animals of all shapes and sizes. This is pure love and light and is at a safe frequency for animals. If your pet is suffering from a physical ailment this recording will help boost their healing capacity. Love and Light energy heals and the animals will know what to do with this transmission. This recording also works in tandem with the Pet/Animal Health Cleanse for healing animals of all kinds.
You can have this recording play in the background in your home for your pets to receive the download, or you can listen to this recording yourself (if you were in public/transit) and set the intention for the energy to heal your pet or another animal. We are all connected and intention is everything with energy so believe that you can direct the energy where it is needed the most.

ll_pet_health_booster.mp3 | |
File Size: | 2051 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Pet/Animal Health Cleanse
This light language recording is for pets/animals. This blessing is for a health cleanse to animals of all shapes and sizes. This is pure love and light and is at a safe frequency for animals. Animals have chakras as well and this transmission cleanses the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of any pet/animal. This recording also works in tandem with the Pet/Animal Health Booster for healing animals of all kinds.
You can have this recording play in the background in your home for your pets to receive the download, or you can listen to this recording yourself (if you were in public/transit) and set the intention for the energy to heal your pet or another animal. We are all connected and intention is everything with energy so believe that you can direct the energy where it is needed the most.
This light language recording is for pets/animals. This blessing is for a health cleanse to animals of all shapes and sizes. This is pure love and light and is at a safe frequency for animals. Animals have chakras as well and this transmission cleanses the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of any pet/animal. This recording also works in tandem with the Pet/Animal Health Booster for healing animals of all kinds.
You can have this recording play in the background in your home for your pets to receive the download, or you can listen to this recording yourself (if you were in public/transit) and set the intention for the energy to heal your pet or another animal. We are all connected and intention is everything with energy so believe that you can direct the energy where it is needed the most.

ll_pet_health_cleanse.mp3 | |
File Size: | 1559 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Love and Light for Pets/Animals
This light language recording is for pets/animals. This blessing is for love and light to animals of all kinds. Love and Light are simply energy and the animals will know what to do with this energy. This is pure love and light and is at a safe frequency for animals of all shapes and sizes. They will take what they need energetically from this recording and any excess energy will be transmuted back into the universe.
You can have this recording play in the background in your home for your pets to receive the download, or you can listen to this recording yourself (if you were in public/transit) and set the intention for the energy to heal your pet or another animal. We are all connected and intention is everything with energy so believe that you can direct the energy where it is needed the most.
This light language recording is for pets/animals. This blessing is for love and light to animals of all kinds. Love and Light are simply energy and the animals will know what to do with this energy. This is pure love and light and is at a safe frequency for animals of all shapes and sizes. They will take what they need energetically from this recording and any excess energy will be transmuted back into the universe.
You can have this recording play in the background in your home for your pets to receive the download, or you can listen to this recording yourself (if you were in public/transit) and set the intention for the energy to heal your pet or another animal. We are all connected and intention is everything with energy so believe that you can direct the energy where it is needed the most.

ll_pet_love_and_light.mp3 | |
File Size: | 1891 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Rejuvenate Mind/Body/Soul (Animal/Pet)
This light language is for gentle restoration, replenishment and rejuvenation of health for animals of all shapes and sizes. This energy also includes faster and improved healing on all levels. This energetic transmission is safe for all animals and pets. You can play this recording in the area of an animal or you can set the intention to send this transmission to any animal throughout the world. If an animal/pet moves away from the recording, please allow them to move where they feel most comfortable. Every Soul, whether it is human or animal, will accept and receive what love and light energy they need most right now and discard the rest. Set the intention to assist your animals in pure love and light, and the energy will flow where it is needed the most in regards to healing the animal in all aspects (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual).
This light language is for gentle restoration, replenishment and rejuvenation of health for animals of all shapes and sizes. This energy also includes faster and improved healing on all levels. This energetic transmission is safe for all animals and pets. You can play this recording in the area of an animal or you can set the intention to send this transmission to any animal throughout the world. If an animal/pet moves away from the recording, please allow them to move where they feel most comfortable. Every Soul, whether it is human or animal, will accept and receive what love and light energy they need most right now and discard the rest. Set the intention to assist your animals in pure love and light, and the energy will flow where it is needed the most in regards to healing the animal in all aspects (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual).

ll_rejuvenate__animals_.mp3 | |
File Size: | 3186 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Art/Artistic Blessing
This light language recording is intended to be an artistic blessing. Art and artistic expression are essential to life as they allow us to find more joy and love within ourselves and share that love with the world. If you are an artist then this blessing is for you. Allow more art and joyful creative expression into your life with this energy, and start sharing more of your art with the world as an extension of your true self.
This light language recording is intended to be an artistic blessing. Art and artistic expression are essential to life as they allow us to find more joy and love within ourselves and share that love with the world. If you are an artist then this blessing is for you. Allow more art and joyful creative expression into your life with this energy, and start sharing more of your art with the world as an extension of your true self.

ll_artistic_blessing.mp3 | |
File Size: | 3081 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Attract 'Fun' Energy
This light-hearted light language attracts “fun” energy. If you need a little more fun in your life, use this energy transmission to bring more opportunities to have fun (money, time, synchronicity, etc.), as well as boost the enjoyment of activities you already participate in. This energy will also clear any blocks to “having fun” as we also need to be able to seize those enjoyable opportunities when they present themselves. If you are afraid of having more fun in your life for any reason, this light language energy will clear and transmute that as well. Let’s have more fun!
This light-hearted light language attracts “fun” energy. If you need a little more fun in your life, use this energy transmission to bring more opportunities to have fun (money, time, synchronicity, etc.), as well as boost the enjoyment of activities you already participate in. This energy will also clear any blocks to “having fun” as we also need to be able to seize those enjoyable opportunities when they present themselves. If you are afraid of having more fun in your life for any reason, this light language energy will clear and transmute that as well. Let’s have more fun!

ll_attract_fun_energy.mp3 | |
File Size: | 2189 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Aura Cleanse
The Aura is the culmination of our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energetic field that surrounds our physical bodies. Our Aura can change color and shape depending on our experience at the time and it can be subject to “disruptions,” both from internal sources (thoughts, beliefs, feelings, diet/nutrition) and external sources (environment, people). Use this light language recording to cleanse your Aura of any impurities and fragmented energy. These fragments and impurities can multiple if left unchecked which can clutter our energy field and make us feel sluggish and fragmented as well. It doesn't matter where the impurities came from, all that matters is healing and wholeness. Also, use this light language in tandem with the blessing for Aura Healing/Repair for a complete Aura-tuning experience. ![]()
Aura Healing/Repair
The Aura is the culmination of our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energetic field that surrounds our physical bodies. Our Aura can change color and shape depending on our experience at the time and it can be subject to “disruptions,” both from internal sources (thoughts, beliefs, feelings, diet/nutrition) and external sources (environment, people). Use this light language recording to repair your aura from cracks, tears, and other damage that prevents a whole and well-rounded aura from emanating from your physical body. It doesn't matter how your aura was damages, all that matters is healing and wholeness. Also, use this light language in tandem with the blessing for Aura Cleanse for a complete Aura-tuning experience. ![]()
Broken Bones Recovery Booster
Use this light language recording to assist your body in repairing broken bones. The human body is a natural healer and can produce the biological and chemical compounds needed to heal itself and repair its own bone matter. Injuries can happen throughout life as the human body continuously achieves many feats once thought physically impossible across the world. With the help of modern medicine and Source energy, recovery from broken bones can be as effortless as much as we allow the human body to do what it was designed to do best… with a little Love and Light booster.
Use this light language recording to assist your body in repairing broken bones. The human body is a natural healer and can produce the biological and chemical compounds needed to heal itself and repair its own bone matter. Injuries can happen throughout life as the human body continuously achieves many feats once thought physically impossible across the world. With the help of modern medicine and Source energy, recovery from broken bones can be as effortless as much as we allow the human body to do what it was designed to do best… with a little Love and Light booster.

ll_broken_bone_recovery.mp3 | |
File Size: | 4959 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Call Money to You (Booster)
This light language energy transmission is intended to call positive money flow to you in this moment. This energy is to attract physical money and monetary products to increase personal wealth and abundance in physical form. We have agreed to play with money for a variety of reasons on a global scale and yet it is still just a form of energy and energetic exchange that can be energetically influenced. This light language will work multi-dimensionally to clear the blocks preventing one from receiving exponentially increasing abundance, transmute all experiences past, present and future causing negative financial flow and align the stars to bring forth increased physical abundance in this moment.
This light language energy transmission is intended to call positive money flow to you in this moment. This energy is to attract physical money and monetary products to increase personal wealth and abundance in physical form. We have agreed to play with money for a variety of reasons on a global scale and yet it is still just a form of energy and energetic exchange that can be energetically influenced. This light language will work multi-dimensionally to clear the blocks preventing one from receiving exponentially increasing abundance, transmute all experiences past, present and future causing negative financial flow and align the stars to bring forth increased physical abundance in this moment.

ll_call_money_to_you.mp3 | |
File Size: | 3944 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Achieve a calm state of being and become neutral in your environment. Calm is a beautiful state. One can see clearly and feel openly without being affected by what is happening around them in a state of serenity. Assist your body in achieving this calm state with this light language recording and enter a state of pure relaxation at a cellular level.
Achieve a calm state of being and become neutral in your environment. Calm is a beautiful state. One can see clearly and feel openly without being affected by what is happening around them in a state of serenity. Assist your body in achieving this calm state with this light language recording and enter a state of pure relaxation at a cellular level.

ll_blessing_calming.mp3 | |
File Size: | 3863 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Channeling and Connection to Source (Intuitive Energy Booster)
This light language transmission is intended to boost your connection to Source as you develop your natural channeling and intuitive skills. Energy healers of all kinds channel energy for a variety of reasons but all are done in Love as the connection to Source Consciousness is the same. How you interpret the energy and use it to inspire yourself and others to be their best possible versions in every moment is your preference. While light language and Reiki are popular forms of energy healing and channeling, all forms of divination use the same practices and connection to Source for their answers. If you want to connect to the Universe in deeper ways then this is the light language for you.
This light language transmission is intended to boost your connection to Source as you develop your natural channeling and intuitive skills. Energy healers of all kinds channel energy for a variety of reasons but all are done in Love as the connection to Source Consciousness is the same. How you interpret the energy and use it to inspire yourself and others to be their best possible versions in every moment is your preference. While light language and Reiki are popular forms of energy healing and channeling, all forms of divination use the same practices and connection to Source for their answers. If you want to connect to the Universe in deeper ways then this is the light language for you.

ll_channeling_connection_source.mp3 | |
File Size: | 4404 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Clear Skin Booster
This light language recording is intended to energetically clear skin of debris, bacteria and ‘stuck’ energy preventing it from being healthy, vibrant, and free of acne, bumps, abrasions and more. In a purely metaphysical way, acne (and cystic acne in particular) relates to self-loathing and mainly manifests itself on the one part of our body that everyone sees… our face. The cosmic ‘joke’ of hating yourself for having acne AND that being the reason why you hate yourself is at play here. Even slight irritations with ourselves can manifest as red bumps on parts of our body we would rather hide. We are cutting the cords of that endless loop with this energy transmission and transmuting the old, stale thoughts and patterns of belief contributing to un-clear skin in all of its forms. This energy will also help auto-immune skin disorders such as eczema and psoriasis where we attack ourselves for being ourselves. Allow Love and Light energies to assist with transmuting what is preventing you from achieving clear and healthy skin.
This light language recording is intended to energetically clear skin of debris, bacteria and ‘stuck’ energy preventing it from being healthy, vibrant, and free of acne, bumps, abrasions and more. In a purely metaphysical way, acne (and cystic acne in particular) relates to self-loathing and mainly manifests itself on the one part of our body that everyone sees… our face. The cosmic ‘joke’ of hating yourself for having acne AND that being the reason why you hate yourself is at play here. Even slight irritations with ourselves can manifest as red bumps on parts of our body we would rather hide. We are cutting the cords of that endless loop with this energy transmission and transmuting the old, stale thoughts and patterns of belief contributing to un-clear skin in all of its forms. This energy will also help auto-immune skin disorders such as eczema and psoriasis where we attack ourselves for being ourselves. Allow Love and Light energies to assist with transmuting what is preventing you from achieving clear and healthy skin.

ll_clear_skin_booster.mp3 | |
File Size: | 3217 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Courage (Booster)
Need a boost of courage? Strength in the face of fear is something we all can cultivate more and more as time goes on. Acting in spite of fear is courage and sometimes we need a little pep talk to talk action. Listen to this light language recording when you need a little boost to your inherent strength and courage found within you in any moment. ![]()
Creativity (Booster)
Need a little boost of creativity? We are all creative people and it's nice to feel a little extra inspired when writing that book, or creating a new art piece, or cooking dinner, or even getting creative at work/school with a report that showcases your talents. Listen to this light language recording any time you need a little inspiration boost for whatever you want to accomplish in life. ![]()
Deep Pain Release
This light language transmission is intended to release our deep pain multi-dimensionally. Pain that lingers often attaches itself to guilt as guilt always seeks out punishment. Our deepest pains can be released by dissolving the guilt of not doing something, not not-doing something, or making some decision, or not making some decision, etc. etc. that we feel would have changed our current reality. We agreed to play with Time as part of the human experience, yet it is ultimately an illusion as past, present and future are subjective thought processes of a collective dream as we journey to remember our infinite nature of energy beyond this lifetime. While we are human, we can learn to transcend guilt and its affect on our physical bodies so we can continue this amazing journey in good health and good feeling. There can be other reasons for your pain and this recording will assist with releasing them as well, including physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and energetic. Allow the energies of Source consciousness to share Love and Light to relieve, release, dissolve, transcend and transmute your pains multi-dimensionally as you listen to this recording. Whatever “comes up” is leaving your reality for good.
This light language transmission is intended to release our deep pain multi-dimensionally. Pain that lingers often attaches itself to guilt as guilt always seeks out punishment. Our deepest pains can be released by dissolving the guilt of not doing something, not not-doing something, or making some decision, or not making some decision, etc. etc. that we feel would have changed our current reality. We agreed to play with Time as part of the human experience, yet it is ultimately an illusion as past, present and future are subjective thought processes of a collective dream as we journey to remember our infinite nature of energy beyond this lifetime. While we are human, we can learn to transcend guilt and its affect on our physical bodies so we can continue this amazing journey in good health and good feeling. There can be other reasons for your pain and this recording will assist with releasing them as well, including physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and energetic. Allow the energies of Source consciousness to share Love and Light to relieve, release, dissolve, transcend and transmute your pains multi-dimensionally as you listen to this recording. Whatever “comes up” is leaving your reality for good.

ll_deep_pain_release.mp3 | |
File Size: | 3414 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Deeper Understanding: History
This light language recording is intended to expand your awareness and understanding on everything history. This is a multi-dimensional transmission that affects your understanding of the social, economic, diplomatic, political, intellectual and cultural history you choose to pursue learning. Conscious thought enables one to be actively connected to the Unified Field of energy where the potential of all exists to aid in your studies throughout life. This energy will assist your history skills as you develop an expansive and multidimensional understanding of history and historical concepts.
This light language recording is intended to expand your awareness and understanding on everything history. This is a multi-dimensional transmission that affects your understanding of the social, economic, diplomatic, political, intellectual and cultural history you choose to pursue learning. Conscious thought enables one to be actively connected to the Unified Field of energy where the potential of all exists to aid in your studies throughout life. This energy will assist your history skills as you develop an expansive and multidimensional understanding of history and historical concepts.

ll_understand_history.mp3 | |
File Size: | 3006 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Deeper Understanding: Languages
This light language recording is intended to expand your awareness and understanding on everything languages. This is a multi-dimensional transmission that affects your understanding of speaking/comprehending/feeling/etc. of languages you choose to pursue learning. Conscious thought enables one to be actively connected to the Unified Field of energy where the potential of all exists to aid in your studies throughout life. This energy will assist your language skills from verbal to non-verbal, and every expression between and beyond.
This light language recording is intended to expand your awareness and understanding on everything languages. This is a multi-dimensional transmission that affects your understanding of speaking/comprehending/feeling/etc. of languages you choose to pursue learning. Conscious thought enables one to be actively connected to the Unified Field of energy where the potential of all exists to aid in your studies throughout life. This energy will assist your language skills from verbal to non-verbal, and every expression between and beyond.

ll_understand_languages.mp3 | |
File Size: | 3103 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Deeper Understanding: Math
This light language recording is intended to expand your awareness and understanding on everything mathematics. This is a multi-dimensional transmission that affects your understanding of all branches of math from basic arithmetic to algebra, calculus, and beyond. Conscious thought enables one to be actively connected to the Unified Field of energy where the potential of all exists to aid in your studies throughout life. This energy will assist your math skills and overall comprehension at any age, and if you have a particular branch of mathematics you would like assistance with then you can set the intention for the energy to concentrate in that area of study.
This light language recording is intended to expand your awareness and understanding on everything mathematics. This is a multi-dimensional transmission that affects your understanding of all branches of math from basic arithmetic to algebra, calculus, and beyond. Conscious thought enables one to be actively connected to the Unified Field of energy where the potential of all exists to aid in your studies throughout life. This energy will assist your math skills and overall comprehension at any age, and if you have a particular branch of mathematics you would like assistance with then you can set the intention for the energy to concentrate in that area of study.

ll_understand_math.mp3 | |
File Size: | 3247 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Deeper Understanding: Science
This light language recording is intended to expand your awareness and understanding on everything science. This is a multi-dimensional transmission that affects your understanding of the physical, biological, and psychological sciences you choose to pursue learning. Conscious thought enables one to be actively connected to the Unified Field of energy where the potential of all exists to aid in your studies throughout life. This energy expands to many different types of sciences, so if you have a specific branch in mind you can set the intention to focus on the physical sciences rather than the environmental or behavioral sciences, but otherwise this transmission will affect all of them.
This light language recording is intended to expand your awareness and understanding on everything science. This is a multi-dimensional transmission that affects your understanding of the physical, biological, and psychological sciences you choose to pursue learning. Conscious thought enables one to be actively connected to the Unified Field of energy where the potential of all exists to aid in your studies throughout life. This energy expands to many different types of sciences, so if you have a specific branch in mind you can set the intention to focus on the physical sciences rather than the environmental or behavioral sciences, but otherwise this transmission will affect all of them.

ll_understand_science.mp3 | |
File Size: | 3446 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Deeper Understanding: Writing/Grammar
This light language recording is intended to expand your awareness and understanding on everything writing. This is a multi-dimensional transmission that affects your understanding of all aspects of writing, including grammar and comprehension, which enables us to effectively communicate with each other in the written word. Conscious thought enables one to be actively connected to the Unified Field of energy where the potential of all exists to aid in your studies throughout life. This energy will assist your writing skills as you practice and hone your craft.
This light language recording is intended to expand your awareness and understanding on everything writing. This is a multi-dimensional transmission that affects your understanding of all aspects of writing, including grammar and comprehension, which enables us to effectively communicate with each other in the written word. Conscious thought enables one to be actively connected to the Unified Field of energy where the potential of all exists to aid in your studies throughout life. This energy will assist your writing skills as you practice and hone your craft.

ll_understand_writing_grammar.mp3 | |
File Size: | 4223 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Divine Self-Care Energy
This light language recording is a self-love boost. This energy is like a hug from the Universe with pure Love and Light to assist with self-love, self-respect, and self-worth. When we love ourselves, and truly love ourselves, we know exactly what we need in every moment. When we listen to our inner voice and honor those feelings we give ourselves the ultimate self-care experience. Learn to listen to your inner Knowing and take action on what you receive. When we take care of ourselves first, everything else falls into place around us. ![]()
Divine Wealth and Pure Abundance
This light language recording goes a little deeper into the energy of wealth and abundance than previous channelings on the subject. Tap into the essence of abundance and limitless wealth with this quick blessing. Feel the energy of the universe and its infinite abundance. Focus your intentions on the abundance you wish to manifest and create in your life. We are all magnificent creators of our life's story. Keep loving energy in your heart and be open to divine wealth and pure abundance per your divine inheritance. ![]()
Eidetic Memory Booster
Eidetic memory is the ability to recall an image from memory with high precision for a brief period after seeing it only once, and without using a mnemonic device. While distinguished from ‘photographic memory’ the two concepts share a common energy and this light language transmission will also assist in being able to recall pages of texts, numbers and pictures in great detail. If you are seeking a boost to your memory recall and overall memory abilities then this is the light language for you. Any energetic blocks to eidetic memory will be transmuted and replaced with multi-dimensionally supportive memory energy.
Eidetic memory is the ability to recall an image from memory with high precision for a brief period after seeing it only once, and without using a mnemonic device. While distinguished from ‘photographic memory’ the two concepts share a common energy and this light language transmission will also assist in being able to recall pages of texts, numbers and pictures in great detail. If you are seeking a boost to your memory recall and overall memory abilities then this is the light language for you. Any energetic blocks to eidetic memory will be transmuted and replaced with multi-dimensionally supportive memory energy.

ll_eidetic_memory_booster.mp3 | |
File Size: | 3700 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Emotional Intelligence Booster
I invite you to feel your truth and your emotions in their fullest capacities in order to clear your attachments to them and allow future interactions to flow freely as energy is meant to flow throughout the universe.
Fully understanding your personal emotions and experiences of emotion. Light Language Warning, LOL, where in order to fully understand your emotions you do have to fully experience and explore your emotions. This does not have to be a daunting or downright fearful task in discovering your true self and how you express your reality. You are a conscious creator and we often forget that emotions ‘work for us’ and are meant to pass through in the moments we experience them and rather we tend to gather and hoard our emotions in our physicality (body) to experience not-so-pleasant symptoms as a result… we do this unconsciously, mostly. Once we become more conscious of our emotions and allow them to express themselves before letting them go for good in every moment, we can maintain a better flow through life of receiving and giving all kinds of energy as the energetic beings we are becoming more and more.
This light language energy is an emotional intelligence activation and booster to sync the truth of yourself with your experiences in regards to the emotional body of consciousness within us all.
I invite you to feel your truth and your emotions in their fullest capacities in order to clear your attachments to them and allow future interactions to flow freely as energy is meant to flow throughout the universe.
Fully understanding your personal emotions and experiences of emotion. Light Language Warning, LOL, where in order to fully understand your emotions you do have to fully experience and explore your emotions. This does not have to be a daunting or downright fearful task in discovering your true self and how you express your reality. You are a conscious creator and we often forget that emotions ‘work for us’ and are meant to pass through in the moments we experience them and rather we tend to gather and hoard our emotions in our physicality (body) to experience not-so-pleasant symptoms as a result… we do this unconsciously, mostly. Once we become more conscious of our emotions and allow them to express themselves before letting them go for good in every moment, we can maintain a better flow through life of receiving and giving all kinds of energy as the energetic beings we are becoming more and more.
This light language energy is an emotional intelligence activation and booster to sync the truth of yourself with your experiences in regards to the emotional body of consciousness within us all.

ll_emotional_intelligence.mp3 | |
File Size: | 3676 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Energy (Boost)
Need a little boost of energy? Want to add a little 'pep' to your step today? This light language recording will give you a boost of energy at the cellular level. Feel alive and energized to accomplish anything and everything you desire in life. Living to the fullest is what life is all about! What are you going to do with your energy boost today?
Need a little boost of energy? Want to add a little 'pep' to your step today? This light language recording will give you a boost of energy at the cellular level. Feel alive and energized to accomplish anything and everything you desire in life. Living to the fullest is what life is all about! What are you going to do with your energy boost today?

ll_blessing_energy.mp3 | |
File Size: | 4135 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Everything Brain
This light language energy transmission is intended to positively affect the brain and any issue related to the brain. In terms of metaphysics, the brain represents our computer or switchboard, and issues usually revolve around beliefs, as we are discovering more and more about energy and how the ethereal can affect the physical. A short list of brain-related issues is here with their metaphysical explanation however this energy will assist with so much more in clearing general brain fog and old thoughts and patterns preventing positive change in our lives. If you have a specific problem in mind regarding your brain then please set the intention for the energy to assist in healing that condition and the energy will flow where attention goes.
Brain Tumor: ‘Incorrect’ computerized beliefs. Stubborn. Refusing to change old patterns
Dementia/Senility/Alzheimer’s Disease: A refusal to deal with the world as it is. Both hopelessness and helplessness energy present and not flowing through the body as expected.
Headaches: Invalidating the self. Self-criticism and fear. (Also note headaches are common at the beginning of the ascension process as the pineal gland wakes up so to speak, and during any time of great expansion of awareness.)
Migraines: Dislike of being driven through life. Resisting the flow of life. Sexual fears can contribute as well.
Palsy and other neurological dis-orders: Paralyzing thoughts and beliefs
This light language energy transmission is intended to positively affect the brain and any issue related to the brain. In terms of metaphysics, the brain represents our computer or switchboard, and issues usually revolve around beliefs, as we are discovering more and more about energy and how the ethereal can affect the physical. A short list of brain-related issues is here with their metaphysical explanation however this energy will assist with so much more in clearing general brain fog and old thoughts and patterns preventing positive change in our lives. If you have a specific problem in mind regarding your brain then please set the intention for the energy to assist in healing that condition and the energy will flow where attention goes.
Brain Tumor: ‘Incorrect’ computerized beliefs. Stubborn. Refusing to change old patterns
Dementia/Senility/Alzheimer’s Disease: A refusal to deal with the world as it is. Both hopelessness and helplessness energy present and not flowing through the body as expected.
Headaches: Invalidating the self. Self-criticism and fear. (Also note headaches are common at the beginning of the ascension process as the pineal gland wakes up so to speak, and during any time of great expansion of awareness.)
Migraines: Dislike of being driven through life. Resisting the flow of life. Sexual fears can contribute as well.
Palsy and other neurological dis-orders: Paralyzing thoughts and beliefs

ll_everything_brain.mp3 | |
File Size: | 5104 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Everything Heart
This light language energetic deep dive is intended to assist with everything related to our heart. The heart represents our center of love and security. Problems with the heart can form from long-term emotional problems, lack of joy and bliss, belief in stress and heartbreak, and hardening of the heart due to life’s experiences and personal choice to do so. Heart attacks, in a metaphysical sense, can happen as a result of us squeezing all the joy out of the heart in favor of money, position, power, etc. in pursuit of our human goals and aspirations. Humans have a bad habit of rejecting what is in their heart when it comes to earthly pursuits because life costs money as well, and that is okay. We can maintain joy in our hearts and allow ourselves to remain open to the possibility of new joyful experiences as we go through life. The past does not define us as we are free to make a new choice in any moment of time. This gentle energy will remind you of your joy and heal the aches of the heart as we see our life’s experiences in a new light and appreciate the growth they provide. The energies of love and security bless your heart with renewed vigor to love unconditionally again.
This light language energetic deep dive is intended to assist with everything related to our heart. The heart represents our center of love and security. Problems with the heart can form from long-term emotional problems, lack of joy and bliss, belief in stress and heartbreak, and hardening of the heart due to life’s experiences and personal choice to do so. Heart attacks, in a metaphysical sense, can happen as a result of us squeezing all the joy out of the heart in favor of money, position, power, etc. in pursuit of our human goals and aspirations. Humans have a bad habit of rejecting what is in their heart when it comes to earthly pursuits because life costs money as well, and that is okay. We can maintain joy in our hearts and allow ourselves to remain open to the possibility of new joyful experiences as we go through life. The past does not define us as we are free to make a new choice in any moment of time. This gentle energy will remind you of your joy and heal the aches of the heart as we see our life’s experiences in a new light and appreciate the growth they provide. The energies of love and security bless your heart with renewed vigor to love unconditionally again.

ll_everything_heart.mp3 | |
File Size: | 4773 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Everything Ovaries and Uterus
This light language is intended to affect the ovaries and uterus of the feminine body and clear many different issues metaphysically. The female reproductive system in general represents the feminine pain body, and issues often arise from rejecting the feminine and being a woman.
Common issues related to the female reproductive system are listed below with their metaphysical counterpart. However, endometriosis has its own transmission to deep-dive into clearing that issue, so please look for this other recording. If you are rejecting yourself in any way, as a female, this energy will be transmuted with Love and Light blessings. Positive affirmations that help include: “I love being a woman,” “I love my body,” “I am safe in my sexuality,” and “I release the pattern in me that attracted this experience.”
Amenorrhea: Not wanting to be a woman, dislike of the self
Dysmenorrhea: Anger at the self, hatred of the body or women in general
Fibroid tumors and cysts: Nursing a hurt from a romantic partner
Leukorrhea: A belief that women are powerless over the opposite sex
Menstrual problems: Guilt, fear, belief that the genitals are sinful and dirty
Vaginitis: Anger at a mate, sexual guilt, punishing the self
*This list is not complete by any means and will be expanded on with further channelings, but if you have an issue related to these organs then please set the intention for it to assist as well*
This light language is intended to affect the ovaries and uterus of the feminine body and clear many different issues metaphysically. The female reproductive system in general represents the feminine pain body, and issues often arise from rejecting the feminine and being a woman.
Common issues related to the female reproductive system are listed below with their metaphysical counterpart. However, endometriosis has its own transmission to deep-dive into clearing that issue, so please look for this other recording. If you are rejecting yourself in any way, as a female, this energy will be transmuted with Love and Light blessings. Positive affirmations that help include: “I love being a woman,” “I love my body,” “I am safe in my sexuality,” and “I release the pattern in me that attracted this experience.”
Amenorrhea: Not wanting to be a woman, dislike of the self
Dysmenorrhea: Anger at the self, hatred of the body or women in general
Fibroid tumors and cysts: Nursing a hurt from a romantic partner
Leukorrhea: A belief that women are powerless over the opposite sex
Menstrual problems: Guilt, fear, belief that the genitals are sinful and dirty
Vaginitis: Anger at a mate, sexual guilt, punishing the self
*This list is not complete by any means and will be expanded on with further channelings, but if you have an issue related to these organs then please set the intention for it to assist as well*

ll_everything_ovaries_uterus.mp3 | |
File Size: | 4027 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Everything Teeth and Mouth
This light language recording is intended to bless and affect everything associated with the teeth and mouth area, including the jaw. This also is intended for pain relief in general for those areas and the metaphysical descriptions of each area are listed below. This loving energy will transmute and cleanse the issues revolving around your trouble spots so you if have a particular issue in mind you can set the intention to send extra healing to those areas. (Also note this energy is more for the ‘front’ of the mouth area as there will be a separate one for the ear/nose/throat area.)
Teeth represent decisions, and problems with our teeth are often associated with long-standing indecisiveness in one or more areas of our life. If you have had a root canal or are on the verge of needing one, metaphysical reasons for those include not believing in your own foundations and your core/root beliefs being eroded away. Remember that you are in charge of your life and you choose the beliefs that either support you or destroy you.
Gum problems are related to the inability to back up decisions and being generally wishy-washy about life. Following through with your ideas and supporting yourself through both failure and success in everything in life will improve gum issues metaphysically.
Our mouth represents the taking in of new ideas and nourishment, and problems often stem from being closed minded or incapable of taking in new ideas. Some affirmations to use to improve your mouth as a whole is: “I nourish myself with love,” and “I welcome new ideas and concepts and prepare them for digestion and assimilation.” We often forget that we can choose our beliefs and that our digestive system works both to keep the ‘healthy’ stuff and get rid of the ‘waste’ we don’t need or want. But the fun part is, we get to decide what is healthy and not for us, so do not be afraid of new ideas as you don’t ever have to assimilate them into your reality if you don’t want. You have that power.
Jaw problems are associated with anger, resentment and a desire for revenge. Some affirmations to assist with jaw issues and pain are: “I am willing to change the patterns in me that created this condition,” “I love and approve of myself,” and “I am safe.”
This light language recording is intended to bless and affect everything associated with the teeth and mouth area, including the jaw. This also is intended for pain relief in general for those areas and the metaphysical descriptions of each area are listed below. This loving energy will transmute and cleanse the issues revolving around your trouble spots so you if have a particular issue in mind you can set the intention to send extra healing to those areas. (Also note this energy is more for the ‘front’ of the mouth area as there will be a separate one for the ear/nose/throat area.)
Teeth represent decisions, and problems with our teeth are often associated with long-standing indecisiveness in one or more areas of our life. If you have had a root canal or are on the verge of needing one, metaphysical reasons for those include not believing in your own foundations and your core/root beliefs being eroded away. Remember that you are in charge of your life and you choose the beliefs that either support you or destroy you.
Gum problems are related to the inability to back up decisions and being generally wishy-washy about life. Following through with your ideas and supporting yourself through both failure and success in everything in life will improve gum issues metaphysically.
Our mouth represents the taking in of new ideas and nourishment, and problems often stem from being closed minded or incapable of taking in new ideas. Some affirmations to use to improve your mouth as a whole is: “I nourish myself with love,” and “I welcome new ideas and concepts and prepare them for digestion and assimilation.” We often forget that we can choose our beliefs and that our digestive system works both to keep the ‘healthy’ stuff and get rid of the ‘waste’ we don’t need or want. But the fun part is, we get to decide what is healthy and not for us, so do not be afraid of new ideas as you don’t ever have to assimilate them into your reality if you don’t want. You have that power.
Jaw problems are associated with anger, resentment and a desire for revenge. Some affirmations to assist with jaw issues and pain are: “I am willing to change the patterns in me that created this condition,” “I love and approve of myself,” and “I am safe.”

ll_everything_teeth_mouth.mp3 | |
File Size: | 4265 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Fertility Booster
This light language recording is intended to boost fertility and it works on both men and women. The energy also boosts overall vibrancy and promotes healthy and positive reproduction. This energy transmission is good for both couples and individuals looking to boost their fertility to have children, as well as provide a healthy environment in womb to carry a child to term for all women. If you struggle with having children or wish to have more children, this light language is for you. ![]()
For Loneliness / Connection Reminder
It is time to remember that you are not alone. You have never been alone and never will be alone. You are always connected to Source; to God; to one another. The human may feel lonely, may be physically alone without human contact for long periods of time, and may feel lost without connection. Especially since Covid-19 and 2020 people all over have been feeling lost and out of place. It is time to come back to connection. Humanity will come together in time, but you can come together right now. It is time to reconnect with your Self. It is time to reconnect with family, friends and your Soul tribe. The Dark Night of the Soul serves its purpose but we do not need to suffer in order to experience ascension at this time. This light language recording is a blessing from Home, to remind you that you are loved and honored. Living the human experience is no easy task at times, but ultimately it is time to remember that we are all more than our present reality and that you are always connected to and cared for by the Universe and every other Soul in existence across Time and Space. ![]()
Gamble/Lottery Win Booster
This light language is intended to increase both the possibility and potentiality of monetary gain when you take a ‘risk’ such as gambling, playing the lottery and other risk-taking adventures like the stock market and cryptocurrency. As we transition from survival to thrival (yes, I made up a word) we can all use a win right now in terms of physical, monetary additions to our realities. This potent energy is designed to increase the odds in your favor because we are all capable of being that ‘lucky’ in life in regards to our income and our livelihoods. ![]()
Good Grades/ Academic Achievement Booster
Yes, you still have to put in the ‘work’ with your scholastic achievements, but this light language energy will assist in boosting your grades and academic performance as understandings come with ease and flow for any subject matter. Learning can be easy and fun. Passing tests and getting passing grades, or even ‘perfect’ grades, can be stress-free and overall pain-less to the body, mind, and Soul. You are capable of more than you think you know. If you need an academic boost and divine blessing as you go through your studies then this light language is for you. ![]()
Heal Cardiovascular System
The cardiovascular system is made up of all the organs involved with moving blood around the body, carrying nutrients and oxygen to tissues, and removing carbon dioxide, among other wastes. This system is a closed tubular system in which blood is propelled by the muscles of the heart, essentially. While the human body is designed to filter the air we breathe, modern society and other metaphysical issues can contribute to a cardiovascular system that doesn’t work at its best performance. This light language energy transmission is intended to give this system an energetic overhaul and cleanse/transmute everything preventing it from working well on a multi-dimensional level.
The cardiovascular system is made up of all the organs involved with moving blood around the body, carrying nutrients and oxygen to tissues, and removing carbon dioxide, among other wastes. This system is a closed tubular system in which blood is propelled by the muscles of the heart, essentially. While the human body is designed to filter the air we breathe, modern society and other metaphysical issues can contribute to a cardiovascular system that doesn’t work at its best performance. This light language energy transmission is intended to give this system an energetic overhaul and cleanse/transmute everything preventing it from working well on a multi-dimensional level.

ll_heal_cardiovascular_system.mp3 | |
File Size: | 2507 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Heal Digestive System
This light language recording is intended to assist with healing the digestive system. This gentle energy is a loving blessing to all organs and systems involved with human digestion and excretion (mouth, pharynx, salivary glands, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum). This energy also helps the pancreas, liver, gallbladder and kidneys by proxy as they assist with the digestive processes in various stages. *Energy Healing 101 Warning* When healing the digestive system, there are mainly just two ways in which the energy/density will leave the body, and we all know what those two ways are. Yes, you may have to go to the bathroom/restroom/lavatory/loo… whatever you call it, after using this light language transmission. ![]()
Heal Endocrine System
The endocrine system is our hormone system. It regulates all of the biological processes within the body from birth until death including: the development of the brain and nervous system, the growth and function of the reproductive system, regulating metabolism and blood sugar levels, and it plays a big role in creating emotions on a physical level. Our endocrine system continuously monitors our hormone levels and this light language recording is intended to assist the body in achieving and maintaining a healthy hormonal balance throughout the entire body. As hormones can fluctuate with pretty much everything in life (diet, relationships, work stress, etc.), it is recommended that you add this to a weekly light language regiment if you have a playlist or group of recordings of healings to focus on. However, this transmission is powerful enough to listen to it once a month or longer if you just need a quick hormonal energy clearing and re-balancing. Also, if you currently have any physical issues stemming from hormonal imbalance and you just found this recording, it is recommended that you listen to this at least once a day (2-3 times if you can) for 7-10 days for a full endocrine reset, and then supplement recordings weekly or monthly depending on how you feel. Your intuition is amazing and you will know when your body/Soul needs this energy. ![]()
Heal Immune System
The immune system is our complex network of cells and proteins that defend the body against infection, and it also keeps a record of every germ (microbe) it has ever defeated so that it can recognize and destroy these microbes quickly if they ever enter the body again. Those with compromised or weak immune systems have a difficult time fighting off infections, healing cuts/scrapes/bruises/etc., and ultimately prevent one from living life to the fullest. This light language energy is intended to heal the immune system and provide a loving boost to its function in keeping us healthy as we continuously experience a variety of ‘germs’ in everyday life. ![]()
Heal Integumentary System
The integumentary system contains the largest organ of the body (skin) and includes the epidermis, dermis, hypodermis, associated glands (exocrine glands), hair, and nails. This system is mainly responsible for regulating body temperature, maintaining cell fluid, synthesizing Vitamin D, excreting waste, and much more. This also includes all of the sensory receptors to detect pain, sensation, pressure, and temperature. This light language sends Love and Light energy into the integumentary system to transmute anything in the way of experiencing healthy hair, skin and nails. ![]()
Heal Musculoskeletal System
The musculoskeletal system includes our bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments and soft tissues. They work together to support the body’s weight and help us move around the world. This light language recording is intended to assist the muscle and skeletal systems of the body by cleansing, transmuting and healing it through Love and Light energy on a multi-dimensional level.
The musculoskeletal system includes our bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments and soft tissues. They work together to support the body’s weight and help us move around the world. This light language recording is intended to assist the muscle and skeletal systems of the body by cleansing, transmuting and healing it through Love and Light energy on a multi-dimensional level.

ll_heal_musculoskeletal_system.mp3 | |
File Size: | 3112 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Heal Nervous System
This light language recording is intended to assist with healing the human nervous system; both the central and peripheral nervous systems. The main components of the nervous system are the brain, spinal cord, sensory organs, and all of the nerves within the human body. This transmission sends pure Love and Light energy into the nervous system to transmute and clear anything preventing the system from operating at peak-performance for every physicality. A healthy nervous system is vital to experiencing life to the fullest here on Earth.
This light language recording is intended to assist with healing the human nervous system; both the central and peripheral nervous systems. The main components of the nervous system are the brain, spinal cord, sensory organs, and all of the nerves within the human body. This transmission sends pure Love and Light energy into the nervous system to transmute and clear anything preventing the system from operating at peak-performance for every physicality. A healthy nervous system is vital to experiencing life to the fullest here on Earth.

ll_heal_nervous_system.mp3 | |
File Size: | 5693 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Heal Reproductive Organs
This is a multidimensional light language channeling for healing our reproductive organs and repairing the reproductive system within our individual bodies. Reproductive issues can form for many reasons, and they can even be a part of our Soul’s plan to experience these kinds of issues throughout our lifetimes. If you are struggling with fertility or health issues related to your reproductive organs then this light language is for you. This works for both ‘male’ and ‘female’ reproduction as they are interrelated more than we care to admit. If you have a specific issue in mind you would like to heal then please set the intention and the energy will go where attention flows, otherwise this will provide an overall, powerful transmission to heal a myriad of issues related to reproduction and its changes over time within the human body to work at peak, healthy performance throughout life.
Note: there are two separate transmissions in this video that play back-to-back to complete the reproductive organ energy healing. And yes, technically one is “female” and the other “male” but need to be listened to together (so it does not matter which one is which). On the website the two transmissions can be downloaded separately but please listen to both if you are focusing on this kind of healing. No matter the gender, reproduction, and issues with reproduction, are interrelated energetically and need multi-dimensional healing. If you have female reproductive organs you still need to heal the male “side” of it as well, and vice versa.
This is a multidimensional light language channeling for healing our reproductive organs and repairing the reproductive system within our individual bodies. Reproductive issues can form for many reasons, and they can even be a part of our Soul’s plan to experience these kinds of issues throughout our lifetimes. If you are struggling with fertility or health issues related to your reproductive organs then this light language is for you. This works for both ‘male’ and ‘female’ reproduction as they are interrelated more than we care to admit. If you have a specific issue in mind you would like to heal then please set the intention and the energy will go where attention flows, otherwise this will provide an overall, powerful transmission to heal a myriad of issues related to reproduction and its changes over time within the human body to work at peak, healthy performance throughout life.
Note: there are two separate transmissions in this video that play back-to-back to complete the reproductive organ energy healing. And yes, technically one is “female” and the other “male” but need to be listened to together (so it does not matter which one is which). On the website the two transmissions can be downloaded separately but please listen to both if you are focusing on this kind of healing. No matter the gender, reproduction, and issues with reproduction, are interrelated energetically and need multi-dimensional healing. If you have female reproductive organs you still need to heal the male “side” of it as well, and vice versa.
Heal Respiratory System
The respiratory system is comprised of the organs and tissues that help us breathe, including the lungs, blood vessels and the muscles that power the system. We live in a modern world of modern convenience that currently causes airborne pollution of all kinds. While the human body has been designed to filter toxins as we breathe, the system may need a deep clean once in a while, at least in an energetic sense. This light language transmission is intended to assist the respiratory system by cleansing, transmuting and healing it through Love and Light energy on a multi-dimensional level.
The respiratory system is comprised of the organs and tissues that help us breathe, including the lungs, blood vessels and the muscles that power the system. We live in a modern world of modern convenience that currently causes airborne pollution of all kinds. While the human body has been designed to filter toxins as we breathe, the system may need a deep clean once in a while, at least in an energetic sense. This light language transmission is intended to assist the respiratory system by cleansing, transmuting and healing it through Love and Light energy on a multi-dimensional level.

ll_heal_respiratory_system.mp3 | |
File Size: | 4320 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Heal the Senses for Humans
This light language recording assists with healing any health issues related to the senses for humans. (There is a separate light language recording for healing the senses of animals as well.) Any issue related to eyesight, hearing, smell, taste, touch.... electromagnetic, vibration, chemical, pressure, light, temperature, gravity, balance, location, intuition... and many more senses we experience without names, can be assisted with this recording. If you would like energy healing for a sense-related issue then this light language is for you. You can play this recording in the background as you go about work or play and let the energy speak to your Soul and heal your body energetically. If you have a specific issue you would like to focus on, set the intention for the energy to be sent there for healing... as in healing eyesight or hearing, etc. etc.. (Note: Again this recording is for humans and there is a separate recording for the health of the senses of animals and pets. This recording can be played around animals/pets with no issues as the energy will not affect them in any negative way. This energy is safe for all creatures to be around but is designed to affect humans in a positive way.) ![]()
Heal Urinary System
The urinary system is comprised of the organs that filter the blood and create urine as a waste by-product to be removed from the body. These organs include the kidneys, renal pelvis, ureters, bladder and urethra. Filtering waste out of the body is essential to maintaining a healthy system as we are exposed to all sorts of organisms and toxins throughout daily life. This light language transmission is intended to give the urinary system and energetic overhaul and assist the body in clearing debris from our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. ![]()
Health (Set Point)
Reset your health to optimum level with this light language recording. Our natural state is health and longevity, but we tend to accumulate a lot of energetic debris from living life in the 21st century that affects our health overall. This is a cleansing and purifying activation. Keep a positive mindset about your health and healing capabilities as you are the creator of your reality and in control of your physical body and mind.
Reset your health to optimum level with this light language recording. Our natural state is health and longevity, but we tend to accumulate a lot of energetic debris from living life in the 21st century that affects our health overall. This is a cleansing and purifying activation. Keep a positive mindset about your health and healing capabilities as you are the creator of your reality and in control of your physical body and mind.

ll_blessing_health.mp3 | |
File Size: | 2945 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Healthy Eyesight and Vision
This light language transmission is intended to promote healthy eyesight and perfect vision overall. Metaphysical reasons for eye problems can boil down to simply “not liking what you see in your own life” in more ways than one. Common eye problems and their general metaphysical explanations are listed below, and this blessing will positively affect all of them, even glaucoma (pressure from long-standing hurts) which has its own dedicated transmission to further assist. If you like to incorporate positive affirmations into your healing practices, a good one for repairing your own eyesight is: “I now create a life I love to look at.”
Astigmatism: “I” trouble; Fear of really seeing the self.
Cataracts: Inability to see ahead with joy; Belief in a “dark” future.
Farsighted: Fear of the Present.
Nearsighted: Fear of the Future.
This light language transmission is intended to promote healthy eyesight and perfect vision overall. Metaphysical reasons for eye problems can boil down to simply “not liking what you see in your own life” in more ways than one. Common eye problems and their general metaphysical explanations are listed below, and this blessing will positively affect all of them, even glaucoma (pressure from long-standing hurts) which has its own dedicated transmission to further assist. If you like to incorporate positive affirmations into your healing practices, a good one for repairing your own eyesight is: “I now create a life I love to look at.”
Astigmatism: “I” trouble; Fear of really seeing the self.
Cataracts: Inability to see ahead with joy; Belief in a “dark” future.
Farsighted: Fear of the Present.
Nearsighted: Fear of the Future.

ll_healthy_eyesight_vision.mp3 | |
File Size: | 3501 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Healthy and Strong Nails Booster
This light language energy is intended to boost the health and strength of our nails as they protect the sensitive tips of our fingers and toes, as well as assist us in picking up smaller objects. Having a healthy nail system (part of the integumentary system of the body) is essential as these nails mainly protect us from injury along our journey through life. Use this energy to supplement your beauty, skin and nail routine to provide an energetic cleanse and boost to your nail health in all ways.
*healing cat purrs in the background provided by Monty*
This light language energy is intended to boost the health and strength of our nails as they protect the sensitive tips of our fingers and toes, as well as assist us in picking up smaller objects. Having a healthy nail system (part of the integumentary system of the body) is essential as these nails mainly protect us from injury along our journey through life. Use this energy to supplement your beauty, skin and nail routine to provide an energetic cleanse and boost to your nail health in all ways.
*healing cat purrs in the background provided by Monty*

ll_healthy_nails.mp3 | |
File Size: | 2083 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Healthy Pregnancy Blessing
This light language recording is an energetic blessing for a healthy pregnancy (from conception through birthing). This energetic blessing is for all women to assist their bodies, minds, and souls throughout the pregnancy journey. You can also set the intention to send this loving energy to anyone you know who is expecting if you are not pregnant yourself. ![]()
‘I Love Money’ booster
I love money! Use this light language to show money some love. Celebrate money. Show gratitude towards money. Be thankful for money. Send money love. Send money appreciation. Send your bank account love. Send your future self a money blessing. Send your past self a money blessing. Send your now-self a money blessing. Send Love money in gratitude. Send Love money in celebration of its love. Celebrate the money you have had in your life time, the money you currently have, and for all the money yet to come into your life. Money is energy and it is in a constant state of flow. Turn the flow frequency up by loving and appreciating money as money goes where it is attracted to. ![]()
‘I Matter’ Energy Reminder
There is no need to be someone other than who you are. This light language transmission is a loving reminder from Source that you matter, have always matter, and will always matter…just as you are right now. Your dreams and goals matter as they are unique to you. You are worthy of accomplishing any goal or dream you set your mind, body and soul out to achieve in this life time. You have always been enough, but the point of the journey was to forget that for just a short while. We often don’t fully appreciate what we have until we’ve remembered just how more than “enough” we are. Allow the loving energies of Source consciousness to remind you of your inherent worth with this energetic transmission.
There is no need to be someone other than who you are. This light language transmission is a loving reminder from Source that you matter, have always matter, and will always matter…just as you are right now. Your dreams and goals matter as they are unique to you. You are worthy of accomplishing any goal or dream you set your mind, body and soul out to achieve in this life time. You have always been enough, but the point of the journey was to forget that for just a short while. We often don’t fully appreciate what we have until we’ve remembered just how more than “enough” we are. Allow the loving energies of Source consciousness to remind you of your inherent worth with this energetic transmission.

ll_i_matter_energy_reminder.mp3 | |
File Size: | 3229 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Improve Balance
Use this light language recording to improve balance in all areas of your life. This energy can assist in improving physical balance, dexterity and agility as well as mental and emotional stability. The Universe is in balance, and when we become unbalanced it starts to affect our lives on all levels. There is no light without dark, health without disease, wealthy without poverty. Find the balance within and experience an energetic shift that, once we acknowledge and balance the polar opposites within, can bring us a beautifully balanced and fruitful experience. If you want perfect health, wealth, love, happiness and freedom, you must first acknowledge the opposite within your own energy and allow it to be, and receive abundance of all that is good from the Universe when you are in sync with its balanced energy. ![]()
Increase Romance and Intimacy
Attract more intimacy into your life with this light language recording. Passion, romance and intimate connections are experiences both the human and our Soul wishes to have throughout life. If your intimate relationships are lacking the fire you desire to experience then this recording is for you. You can listen to this recording with headphones or have it play in the background as you go about your day in order to attract more of this intimate, loving energy into your life as a whole. Set the intention if you have a romantic partner to increase and improve your experiences of romance/intimacy. And remember that relationships are a partnership and we receive the energy we give out the most (so while you are attracting more intimacy into your life, become more intimate yourself in the process, and see how your relationship changes). ![]()
Intense Motivation
This light language blessing is for a super charge of motivation. Become interested in your success more than maintaining the status quo out of fear. Use this recording to boost your inner success story more and more to accomplish all of your dreams. It is easy to procrastinate and give up for a variety of reasons. Sometimes we need an energetic push to drive us into action so use this recording to give you some intense motivation when you need it the most. ![]()
Intuitive Eating Booster
This light language transmission is for intuitive eating and boosting synchronicity in regards to food and eating. Whether your intention is to gain weight, lose weight, or simply maintain your weight, then this energy will assist in influencing your best course of action to be at your healthiest and highest self (highest=energetically). Messages and information may appear to guide you to the best food and health resources available to you on your journey. This is our time to fully understand our body’s needs and to go with the energetic flow of life. ![]()
Joy (Booster)
Happiness is an ideal emotion...why not experience pure joy and bliss all the time? If you're feeling a little down, this joy booster light language activation will give you a little pep in your step. Smile often. Laugh often. You can recreate these joyful states at any moment of the day on your own and with the assistance of this activation. ![]()
Light Therapy (Raise Vibration)
Need a boost of Light energy? This light language recording will raise your vibration to cleanse any density in your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual being. By raising our vibration we allow more light in to dissolve lower density energy. Discomfort and 'negative' experiences can occur when we raise our vibration because this dense energy has to fully arise in our consciousness in order to dissolve and transmute back into pure Love and Light energy. Maintain a positive mindset that this energy is coming up to leave for good and allow it to be released from your physicality. Ultimately raising our vibration is a good thing that allows for more love, abundance and happiness in our reality, but we may temporarily experience the opposite as we clear lower vibrations from our experience. ![]()
Live For Yourself First (Self-Love Booster)
This light language transmission is intended to be a self-love booster in reminding you to live for yourself first. We will have different relationships throughout our lives, but the one constant relationship we often forget about is with ourselves. Only we are with ourselves from birth to death, and only we can live our own lives. We may also have responsibility in terms of raising a child where our needs take a back seat a lot of the time for a short while, but in the end we still only have ourselves. Your choices matter. Your goals matter. Your life matters. Love yourself first and let the rest fall into place after. This energy is like a self-love hug and self-confidence booster.
This light language transmission is intended to be a self-love booster in reminding you to live for yourself first. We will have different relationships throughout our lives, but the one constant relationship we often forget about is with ourselves. Only we are with ourselves from birth to death, and only we can live our own lives. We may also have responsibility in terms of raising a child where our needs take a back seat a lot of the time for a short while, but in the end we still only have ourselves. Your choices matter. Your goals matter. Your life matters. Love yourself first and let the rest fall into place after. This energy is like a self-love hug and self-confidence booster.

ll_live_for_yourself_first.mp3 | |
File Size: | 3422 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Love and Respect in Relationships
This light language transmission is intended to boost the unconditional love and respect between human beings in a relationship. This includes a wide range of relationships from friends and family, to coworkers and acquaintances, and to intimate relationships and everything in between and beyond as just two passing strangers on the Earth. If you have a specific relationship in mind that you would like to bless with the energies of unconditional love and respect then please set the intention before listening or hold their images in your mind’s eye while listening.
This light language transmission is intended to boost the unconditional love and respect between human beings in a relationship. This includes a wide range of relationships from friends and family, to coworkers and acquaintances, and to intimate relationships and everything in between and beyond as just two passing strangers on the Earth. If you have a specific relationship in mind that you would like to bless with the energies of unconditional love and respect then please set the intention before listening or hold their images in your mind’s eye while listening.

ll_relationship_love_respect_booster.mp3 | |
File Size: | 3132 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Lucid Dreaming Booster
Lucid dreams are when you know that you are dreaming while you are sleeping. This consciousness within a dream can be fleeting but we can also choose to use it intentionally. If you practice astral projection, oneiromancy, etc., being conscious in the dream state is an essential skill. Everyone is capable of traveling through and utilizing the dreamworld consciously and this light language transmission is intended to boost your natural lucid dreaming skills and assist with awakening conscious dreamwork within you.
Lucid dreams are when you know that you are dreaming while you are sleeping. This consciousness within a dream can be fleeting but we can also choose to use it intentionally. If you practice astral projection, oneiromancy, etc., being conscious in the dream state is an essential skill. Everyone is capable of traveling through and utilizing the dreamworld consciously and this light language transmission is intended to boost your natural lucid dreaming skills and assist with awakening conscious dreamwork within you.

ll_lucid_dreaming.mp3 | |
File Size: | 2508 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Luck (Booster)
Need a boost of luck? Feeling lucky isn't just useful for gambling. Feeling lucky is an amazing feeling to have at any point. See a shiny penny on the ground? That was for you! Get a dollar off of something you were going to buy anyway? That was for you! Gifts are abundant in the universe so become more open to receiving them by boosting your the luck you already have inside of you with this light language recording.
Need a boost of luck? Feeling lucky isn't just useful for gambling. Feeling lucky is an amazing feeling to have at any point. See a shiny penny on the ground? That was for you! Get a dollar off of something you were going to buy anyway? That was for you! Gifts are abundant in the universe so become more open to receiving them by boosting your the luck you already have inside of you with this light language recording.

ll_blessing_luck.mp3 | |
File Size: | 3182 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Lymphatic Drainage and Health Booster
This light language recording is intended to assist the spleen for healthy lymph production, clearing debris, and assisting the body’s overall natural lymphatic drainage system for optimum health. It is recommended you listen to this recording without distraction and in an environment where you feel comfortable and can take a few moments to adjust after the energy blessing. **You may experience some nausea with this light language. It should be fleeting as your body adjusts to the influx of lymph and the clearing of debris through various organs. Trust that your body knows exactly what to do with the energy and subsequent waste needing to be released from the body. Be kind and gentle with your body for a few moments after the recording. This energy is only positive and channeled in pure Love and Light. Remember that you are an amazing creation who was built to receive these light codes in 100% benevolence** ![]()
Make Money Fun Again
Use this light language blessing to make money fun again! It is time to celebrate money. We can get bogged down in the negativity of money (the lack of it, having to do things we don’t want to do to get it, etc. etc.), which makes it difficult to attract positive blessings of money back into our lives. Money has certainly caused its fair share of stress for all of us, but money is just energy. We can choose a different energy right here and now and we can choose to make money fun again. I am grateful for money! Make it easier to have more of it now. Make it fun to keep it around longer. Honor it in celebration for all the positivity it brings to all of our lives. Money can be fun, and it is! ![]()
Manifest Support and Supportive Energy
This light language recording is intended to energetically manifest support in your time of need. Support can come in many forms, including financial and other physical support, as well as mental and spiritual support (and more). Be open to the possibility that the assistance you seek may come in ways you will never expect, but also trust that only positive, higher vibrational support will find you. The more we become in tune with ourselves and our ability to connect to the various energies of the Universe to heal ourselves and affect our realities, the quicker and easier it will become to manifest, so this light language also doubles as an intuition and connection booster to become more in sync with the energetic reality around us. If you have a specific issue in mind that you need Divine assistance with at this moment then please keep that in mind and set the intention for the Universe to assist in that specific matter.
This light language recording is intended to energetically manifest support in your time of need. Support can come in many forms, including financial and other physical support, as well as mental and spiritual support (and more). Be open to the possibility that the assistance you seek may come in ways you will never expect, but also trust that only positive, higher vibrational support will find you. The more we become in tune with ourselves and our ability to connect to the various energies of the Universe to heal ourselves and affect our realities, the quicker and easier it will become to manifest, so this light language also doubles as an intuition and connection booster to become more in sync with the energetic reality around us. If you have a specific issue in mind that you need Divine assistance with at this moment then please keep that in mind and set the intention for the Universe to assist in that specific matter.

ll_manifest_support.mp3 | |
File Size: | 3426 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Manifest Your Ideal Life (Attraction Booster)
This light language recording is intended to boost your manifestation and attraction skills in building your dream life from energy to physicality. This energy works best with your manifestation and creative visualization practices, with or without meditation, as the energy works to influence your particular thoughts, dreams and goals for life. If you do not have a specific life to visualize during this transmission then the energy will bring forth inspiration to discover your ideal life. Allow the best possible outcome to unfold by being open to receiving ‘better’ than you could ever imagine as the Universe always has your best interest at heart and in mind. Become a more conscious creator of your reality by using energy to boost your inherent attraction skills as you practice making your thoughts a physical reality.
This light language recording is intended to boost your manifestation and attraction skills in building your dream life from energy to physicality. This energy works best with your manifestation and creative visualization practices, with or without meditation, as the energy works to influence your particular thoughts, dreams and goals for life. If you do not have a specific life to visualize during this transmission then the energy will bring forth inspiration to discover your ideal life. Allow the best possible outcome to unfold by being open to receiving ‘better’ than you could ever imagine as the Universe always has your best interest at heart and in mind. Become a more conscious creator of your reality by using energy to boost your inherent attraction skills as you practice making your thoughts a physical reality.

ll_manifest_ideal_life.mp3 | |
File Size: | 3735 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Manifestation Booster: Ideal Body/Health
This light language blessing is intended to boost your manifestation skills in bringing forth your ideal body, health and general physicality. This energy works best with your manifestation and creative visualization practices, with or without meditation, as the energy works to influence your particular thoughts, dreams and goals for life, specifically in regards to the physical body. Allow the best possible outcome to unfold by being open to receiving ‘better’ than you could ever imagine as the Universe always has your best interest at heart and in mind. Become a more conscious creator of your reality by using energy to boost your inherent attraction skills as you practice making your thoughts a physical reality.
This light language blessing is intended to boost your manifestation skills in bringing forth your ideal body, health and general physicality. This energy works best with your manifestation and creative visualization practices, with or without meditation, as the energy works to influence your particular thoughts, dreams and goals for life, specifically in regards to the physical body. Allow the best possible outcome to unfold by being open to receiving ‘better’ than you could ever imagine as the Universe always has your best interest at heart and in mind. Become a more conscious creator of your reality by using energy to boost your inherent attraction skills as you practice making your thoughts a physical reality.

ll_manifest_ideal_body.mp3 | |
File Size: | 2913 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Manifestation Booster: Ideal Career/Income
This light language blessing is intended to boost your manifestation skills in bringing forth your ideal career, business and other income streams. This energy works best with your manifestation and creative visualization practices, with or without meditation, as the energy works to influence your particular thoughts, dreams and goals for life, specifically in regards to your income. Allow the best possible outcome to unfold by being open to receiving ‘better’ than you could ever imagine as the Universe always has your best interest at heart and in mind. Become a more conscious creator of your reality by using energy to boost your inherent attraction skills as you practice making your thoughts a physical reality.
This light language blessing is intended to boost your manifestation skills in bringing forth your ideal career, business and other income streams. This energy works best with your manifestation and creative visualization practices, with or without meditation, as the energy works to influence your particular thoughts, dreams and goals for life, specifically in regards to your income. Allow the best possible outcome to unfold by being open to receiving ‘better’ than you could ever imagine as the Universe always has your best interest at heart and in mind. Become a more conscious creator of your reality by using energy to boost your inherent attraction skills as you practice making your thoughts a physical reality.

ll_manifest_ideal_career.mp3 | |
File Size: | 3027 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Manifestation Booster: Ideal Housing
This light language blessing is intended to boost your manifestation skills in bringing forth your ideal housing and living situation. This energy works best with your manifestation and creative visualization practices, with or without meditation, as the energy works to influence your particular thoughts, dreams and goals for life, specifically in regards to housing. Allow the best possible outcome to unfold by being open to receiving ‘better’ than you could ever imagine as the Universe always has your best interest at heart and in mind. Become a more conscious creator of your reality by using energy to boost your inherent attraction skills as you practice making your thoughts a physical reality.
This light language blessing is intended to boost your manifestation skills in bringing forth your ideal housing and living situation. This energy works best with your manifestation and creative visualization practices, with or without meditation, as the energy works to influence your particular thoughts, dreams and goals for life, specifically in regards to housing. Allow the best possible outcome to unfold by being open to receiving ‘better’ than you could ever imagine as the Universe always has your best interest at heart and in mind. Become a more conscious creator of your reality by using energy to boost your inherent attraction skills as you practice making your thoughts a physical reality.

ll_manifest_ideal_housing.mp3 | |
File Size: | 3109 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Manifestation Booster: Ideal Romance/Relationship
This light language blessing is intended to boost your manifestation skills in bringing forth your ideal life partner and romantic relationship. This energy works best with your manifestation and creative visualization practices, with or without meditation, as the energy works to influence your particular thoughts, dreams and goals for life, specifically in regards to relationships. Allow the best possible outcome to unfold by being open to receiving ‘better’ than you could ever imagine as the Universe always has your best interest at heart and in mind. Become a more conscious creator of your reality by using energy to boost your inherent attraction skills as you practice making your thoughts a physical reality.
This light language blessing is intended to boost your manifestation skills in bringing forth your ideal life partner and romantic relationship. This energy works best with your manifestation and creative visualization practices, with or without meditation, as the energy works to influence your particular thoughts, dreams and goals for life, specifically in regards to relationships. Allow the best possible outcome to unfold by being open to receiving ‘better’ than you could ever imagine as the Universe always has your best interest at heart and in mind. Become a more conscious creator of your reality by using energy to boost your inherent attraction skills as you practice making your thoughts a physical reality.

ll_manifest_ideal_relationship.mp3 | |
File Size: | 3058 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Manifestation and Conscious Creation Booster
We are all natural creators of our realities, but the more conscious we become of our abilities and connection to the energetic and ethereal world beyond the physical body the easier manifestations become. The higher we vibrate in terms of energetic frequency and the more we allow our hearts to open to all experience life has to offer, the more ‘instant’ manifestation becomes as well. Just remember that the term ‘abracadabra’ literally means ‘I create what I speak,’ and ‘be careful for what you wish for’ is just a fear construct with an important message to simply know exactly what you want and why before manifesting. You are THE powerful creator of your own reality, and this light language transmission is intended to remind you of your own abilities with this energy booster. This energy also reminds you that the Universe is kind and always has your back in regards to manifestation. If for some reason you are not getting what you want, then the Universe is more than likely working on finding ‘better’ for you and adjusts accordingly so remember to have faith in yourself and your ability to manifest more ‘awesome’ than you could ever imagine on a physical level.
*Please note that there are two separate transmissions that play in the video so if you are downloading this for your own playlist please use both parts. If the orders get mixed up during playing that is okay but try to keep them in order if you can for best results*
We are all natural creators of our realities, but the more conscious we become of our abilities and connection to the energetic and ethereal world beyond the physical body the easier manifestations become. The higher we vibrate in terms of energetic frequency and the more we allow our hearts to open to all experience life has to offer, the more ‘instant’ manifestation becomes as well. Just remember that the term ‘abracadabra’ literally means ‘I create what I speak,’ and ‘be careful for what you wish for’ is just a fear construct with an important message to simply know exactly what you want and why before manifesting. You are THE powerful creator of your own reality, and this light language transmission is intended to remind you of your own abilities with this energy booster. This energy also reminds you that the Universe is kind and always has your back in regards to manifestation. If for some reason you are not getting what you want, then the Universe is more than likely working on finding ‘better’ for you and adjusts accordingly so remember to have faith in yourself and your ability to manifest more ‘awesome’ than you could ever imagine on a physical level.
*Please note that there are two separate transmissions that play in the video so if you are downloading this for your own playlist please use both parts. If the orders get mixed up during playing that is okay but try to keep them in order if you can for best results*
Mental Clarity
Experiencing brain fog? Not knowing what direction to take in life? Have too many choices and need help deciding? Use this light language recording to get clear, mentally clear that is. You have all the correct answers, but sometimes we get bogged down by the “shoulds” and “could haves” and the “can'ts” in life and the right answer can get lost in the sea of doubt, choices and questions. Remove the answers that are not aligned with your highest path and trust in your divine knowing of Truth for you in this moment. (yes there is a little static and blips because of the amount of light/energy coming through on this one but the energy download remains intact and you will receive what you need regardless of the little static glitches. Thank you for understanding.) ![]()
Mental Focus and Increased Clarity
Use this light language recording to get mentally clear and laser focused on accomplishing your dreams (or at least accomplishing the main tasks of the day). When you find it hard to focus use this transmission to get clear in the moment. When you are confused about what to do next use this transmission to get clarity in the moment. When we think we have too many choices in life we can become stuck and live in a perpetual state of waiting until we have all the answers. Get clear and take action in this moment, not the next. ![]()
Mindfulness (Booster)
Use this Light Language recording to clear the programs preventing you from achieving a deeper state of mindfulness in your life. Take the time to go within and get to know your true self. Life is happening FROM you in every moment, and life flows a little easier and a little higher with a sense of mindfulness and awareness of the moment. You are the source of Time. You are the source of Love. You are Divinity in form and it is good to remind yourself of this, as a human being, when you meditate and go within to pull more of your (true) Self out into the world. Boost the feeling of Knowing your true Self with this light language boost.
Use this Light Language recording to clear the programs preventing you from achieving a deeper state of mindfulness in your life. Take the time to go within and get to know your true self. Life is happening FROM you in every moment, and life flows a little easier and a little higher with a sense of mindfulness and awareness of the moment. You are the source of Time. You are the source of Love. You are Divinity in form and it is good to remind yourself of this, as a human being, when you meditate and go within to pull more of your (true) Self out into the world. Boost the feeling of Knowing your true Self with this light language boost.

ll_mindfulness.mp3 | |
File Size: | 4105 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Multi-Dimensional Strength
This light language is for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual strength. The energy strengthens resolve, faith, fortitude, resilience, and willpower in multi-dimensional ways. Our strength comes from many sources and evolves throughout our lifetimes. There is even strength in asking for help. Whatever aspect of strength you require will come to you in your moment of need. You are in charge of your reality and energetic journey, so feel free to name a specific weakness you would like to improve upon if you are consciously working on yourself. You can also ask the universe for signs and guidance in ways to improve your strength beyond the energetic resonance of this message.
This light language is for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual strength. The energy strengthens resolve, faith, fortitude, resilience, and willpower in multi-dimensional ways. Our strength comes from many sources and evolves throughout our lifetimes. There is even strength in asking for help. Whatever aspect of strength you require will come to you in your moment of need. You are in charge of your reality and energetic journey, so feel free to name a specific weakness you would like to improve upon if you are consciously working on yourself. You can also ask the universe for signs and guidance in ways to improve your strength beyond the energetic resonance of this message.

ll_multidimensional_strength.mp3 | |
File Size: | 3779 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Passive Income Booster
This light language transmission is intended to boost passive income in multiple ways. This energy brings inspiration for viable passive income streams for you and your interests; aligns the resources and support needed to improve your passive income streams; increases the flow of money/revenue towards your energetic field; removes blocks to making money ‘for being you’; increases the resonance between you (or your product/service) and people who want to support your work; and so much more. Whether you already have passive income or wish to start a new project that can provide additional income in return for you/your gift then this light language is for you. And remember… YOU are the gift. Passive income can take many forms but the source is always you and your ability to recognize and share your gifts, and this energy will activate and clear anything in the way of making money just for being your naturally brilliant, divine self.
This light language transmission is intended to boost passive income in multiple ways. This energy brings inspiration for viable passive income streams for you and your interests; aligns the resources and support needed to improve your passive income streams; increases the flow of money/revenue towards your energetic field; removes blocks to making money ‘for being you’; increases the resonance between you (or your product/service) and people who want to support your work; and so much more. Whether you already have passive income or wish to start a new project that can provide additional income in return for you/your gift then this light language is for you. And remember… YOU are the gift. Passive income can take many forms but the source is always you and your ability to recognize and share your gifts, and this energy will activate and clear anything in the way of making money just for being your naturally brilliant, divine self.

ll_passive_income_booster.mp3 | |
File Size: | 3135 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Patience (Booster)
This light language recording is for anyone in need of giving themselves a break. Time is interesting to say the least. Evolution takes time. Habits take time to change. You may not go from lack to riches in an instant, and you may not go from hating yourself to loving yourself overnight. Stop giving yourself a hard time. Everything happens when it is supposed to happen as you put in the work. Your life will change, but don’t focus on what you don’t see and instead have patience that your effort and accomplishments are paying off energetically. ![]()
Perception Booster
This light language energy is intended to boost our perception multi-dimensionally. Whether it is physical perception as we go through life experiences, or intuitive perception into other timelines and energy fields for astral explorers, or empathetic perception for healers of all kinds, this energy will expand your connection to the Unified Field to boost all those kinds of perception and more. We are energetic and intuitive beings, and our knowledge of this is continuing to grow as we evolve and ascend as spiritual beings experiencing a human existence. ![]()
Positive Finances and Control Over Your Finances (Booster)
This light language recording is intended to positively boost your finances and financial situation, as well as increase your personal control over your finances. If you feel out-of-touch with your own money flow then this energy healing is for you. As the flow of money fluctuates naturally with the ebb and flow of the universe it can feel like our finances are slipping out of our control at times. This energy will provide clarity and confidence in handling your finances as well as boosted intuition to know what actions are best to improve your personal financial situation in this moment.
This light language recording is intended to positively boost your finances and financial situation, as well as increase your personal control over your finances. If you feel out-of-touch with your own money flow then this energy healing is for you. As the flow of money fluctuates naturally with the ebb and flow of the universe it can feel like our finances are slipping out of our control at times. This energy will provide clarity and confidence in handling your finances as well as boosted intuition to know what actions are best to improve your personal financial situation in this moment.

ll_positive_finance_control.mp3 | |
File Size: | 3094 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Protection from Psychic Attacks
This light language is intended to provide energetic protection from all kinds of psychic attacks. As we develop our own intuition and strengthen our gifts of extra sensory perception, we can often unknowingly affect others, and be affected as well, by the manipulation of psychic energy across the world. We can protect ourselves against ill-will that is either/both intentionally or unconsciously sent by another person/entity by cutting all cords of attachment between the entities, transmuting any negative energy (control, manipulation, fear, anxiety, etc. etc.), and putting up an energetic shield to prevent future attacks. I’ve designed the shield to last quite a while after the initial clearing of attachments. I would listen to this at least once a day for 7-10 days to make sure all previous/current psychic cords are dissolved completely (which strengthens and prolongs the shield). After this initial clearing and calibration, you can listen to this just once a month, or less often if you’re not around people a lot, or if you don’t work with energy on a regular basis. If you are an energy healer that deals with connecting with clients on a regular basis you may want to touch-up your shield more often than just once a month if you start feeling depleted energetically. |
Pure Confidence
This light language transmission is the energy of confidence. Sometimes we need a little nudge in the confidence direction and this energy is a reminder for the confidence you store within. True confidence is knowing who you are and expressing yourself to the fullest despite what others may think/believe. Become confident with yourself, as you are now, and you will be unstoppable. Healthy confidence is essential for a healthy expression of self in every moment. ![]()

ll_protection_from_psychic_attacks.mp3 | |
File Size: | 3345 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Reclaim Soul/ Radiate Life
Ignite the spark within again! Use this light language recording to renew your energy with a burst of Love, Light and Life. This is your time to Shine that bright light of yours from within. Reclaim your spark and start living life on your own terms again. Follow your dreams as you are fully supported by the Universe in living your truth at all times. Ask for guidance on how to proceed if you feel lost, but keep moving towards what sets your Soul on fire and everything will fall into place. Your unique expression of Love and Light is much needed by the world at this time and you are encouraged to live life to your highest potential.
Ignite the spark within again! Use this light language recording to renew your energy with a burst of Love, Light and Life. This is your time to Shine that bright light of yours from within. Reclaim your spark and start living life on your own terms again. Follow your dreams as you are fully supported by the Universe in living your truth at all times. Ask for guidance on how to proceed if you feel lost, but keep moving towards what sets your Soul on fire and everything will fall into place. Your unique expression of Love and Light is much needed by the world at this time and you are encouraged to live life to your highest potential.

ll_reclaim_soul.mp3 | |
File Size: | 3268 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Receptivity (Open Channels)
Become more open to divine guidance and wisdom. Our human egos block receptor sites out of fear of our divine Knowing. Over time we can block ourselves entirely out of self-doubt and fear, or for just wanting to play human 100% of the time. Open the channels to your inherent wisdom and Knowing to flow through life with access to your divine gifts and inspiration. The universe has your back and is always sending you messages on what would benefit you the most right now. Become more receptive to these love and light downloads with this light language audio recording. ![]()
Recognition and Appreciation Booster
This light language recording is to boost our recognition and appreciation by others. Whether we have accomplished great things at work, school, or life in general, we all deserve recognition and appreciation for our contributions. If you are feeling underappreciated in a certain aspect of your life then you can set the intention for this energy to affect that situation specifically, or else this blessing will affect your life multi-dimensionally. Rewards and recognition for past work will also manifest in the now in response to this Love and Light blessing. ![]()
Recover Lost Memories
This light language transmission is intended to assist in recovering lost memories. Memories can come and go for many reasons, and we may not realize that we can put blocks of our own in regards to memories. If there is a memory you need to recall to further assist your journey (physical, spiritual, or otherwise) then this energy will bring it forth into your subconscious and conscious minds for processing. You may dream these memories, so this energy will boost dream recall as well. If there is a shadow of a specific memory you wish to recover then please set the intention before listening to focus on receiving that answer. Memories may also come in the form of returned/recovered physical mementos or having friends and family influence the memory recall… the Universe works in multi-dimensional ways so be open to receiving your gifts in more ways than one.
This light language transmission is intended to assist in recovering lost memories. Memories can come and go for many reasons, and we may not realize that we can put blocks of our own in regards to memories. If there is a memory you need to recall to further assist your journey (physical, spiritual, or otherwise) then this energy will bring it forth into your subconscious and conscious minds for processing. You may dream these memories, so this energy will boost dream recall as well. If there is a shadow of a specific memory you wish to recover then please set the intention before listening to focus on receiving that answer. Memories may also come in the form of returned/recovered physical mementos or having friends and family influence the memory recall… the Universe works in multi-dimensional ways so be open to receiving your gifts in more ways than one.

ll_recover_lost_memories.mp3 | |
File Size: | 3407 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Rejuvenate Mind/Body/Soul (Human)
This light language is intended for humans to Restore, Replenish, and Rejuvenate their mind, body and Soul. This energy transmission also includes improved healing for faster results on all levels. Use this energy to clear any and all blockages to perfect health and harmony in the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of the human life. We can get bogged down energetically for many reasons, which creates stagnancy and dis-ease within our realities. Create a fresh starting point by rejuvenating your health set-point and restoring the energy within your cells to purity and resilience. Relax into this light language recording to replenish yourself on all levels.
This light language is intended for humans to Restore, Replenish, and Rejuvenate their mind, body and Soul. This energy transmission also includes improved healing for faster results on all levels. Use this energy to clear any and all blockages to perfect health and harmony in the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of the human life. We can get bogged down energetically for many reasons, which creates stagnancy and dis-ease within our realities. Create a fresh starting point by rejuvenating your health set-point and restoring the energy within your cells to purity and resilience. Relax into this light language recording to replenish yourself on all levels.

ll_rejuvenate__human_.mp3 | |
File Size: | 4141 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Remember Your Dreams
This light language recording is intended to help you remember your dreams. Dream work can be used consciously to understand ourselves on a deeper level. Our higher selves use the dream world to send us messages through symbols and story-telling. Dreams are unique yet there are patterns and many other healers offer dream interpretations to assist in guiding you to your own truth. Use this energy to expand your awareness both within the dream world and remembering your messages and important details when awake. ![]()
Repair Damaged DNA
This light language energy is intended to assist the body in repairing its own damaged DNA. DNA can become damaged for many reasons; sometimes it’s environmental in which pollution or other chemicals negatively affect our body’s cells, or it could be medical in which experimental drugs and vaccines interact in unexpected and negative ways, and certain contaminants and poisons in our food and water supply caused by microorganisms, etc. could also alter our bodies on a cellular level. Whatever the reason, this energy will repair, cleanse and transmute what is needed to achieve a healthy DNA system throughout the entire body. ![]()
Becoming Resilient
The ability to bounce back from any perceived limiting experience is essential for life. We all have things happen to us...that's life! How you think about and what you believe about the events and experiences that happen in your life is what makes happiness or the opposite. Become more resilient to life's less desirable experiences in order to focus on the better ones and improve your overall quality of life.
The ability to bounce back from any perceived limiting experience is essential for life. We all have things happen to us...that's life! How you think about and what you believe about the events and experiences that happen in your life is what makes happiness or the opposite. Become more resilient to life's less desirable experiences in order to focus on the better ones and improve your overall quality of life.

ll_blessing_resilient.mp3 | |
File Size: | 2697 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Return Lost Things
This light language transmission is intended to return lost or missing things, especially soul-bound items and any item of personal significance. If for some reason the item cannot be returned then synchronistic insight and answers will come to you in its stead. If you have a particular item in mind that you wish to recover then please set the intention and hold an image or memory of said item in your mind’s eye during the transmission to strengthen the connection. If you have nothing in mind but wish to play with the energy and call to you items of any and all positive benefits then you can set this intention as well by saying, “I call to me any soul bound item past, present and future that would benefit my journey the most right now,” and see what happens.
This light language transmission is intended to return lost or missing things, especially soul-bound items and any item of personal significance. If for some reason the item cannot be returned then synchronistic insight and answers will come to you in its stead. If you have a particular item in mind that you wish to recover then please set the intention and hold an image or memory of said item in your mind’s eye during the transmission to strengthen the connection. If you have nothing in mind but wish to play with the energy and call to you items of any and all positive benefits then you can set this intention as well by saying, “I call to me any soul bound item past, present and future that would benefit my journey the most right now,” and see what happens.

ll_return_lost_things.mp3 | |
File Size: | 2767 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Return Money Owed
This light language transmission is intended to return money owed to you through energetic intention and synchronization. No matter the reason for the ‘lost’ or ‘misplaced’ or ‘missing’ money from your life, this energy will bring forth opportunities and align the stars in your financial favor. Return funds owed to you and be open to the infinite ways that can happen as the universe works in your favor always. When we get ‘stuck’ in wanting certain people or situations to ‘pay us’ we can block the flow of positive abundance returning to us in a myriad of ways, often beyond human comprehension. This energy transmission also collapses the concept of Time and returns all funds owed in this moment, here and now.
This light language transmission is intended to return money owed to you through energetic intention and synchronization. No matter the reason for the ‘lost’ or ‘misplaced’ or ‘missing’ money from your life, this energy will bring forth opportunities and align the stars in your financial favor. Return funds owed to you and be open to the infinite ways that can happen as the universe works in your favor always. When we get ‘stuck’ in wanting certain people or situations to ‘pay us’ we can block the flow of positive abundance returning to us in a myriad of ways, often beyond human comprehension. This energy transmission also collapses the concept of Time and returns all funds owed in this moment, here and now.

ll_return_money_owed.mp3 | |
File Size: | 3249 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Romantic Love (Attraction)
Whether you are in a relationship or want to attract one, this light language blessing will bring in the love for a romantic partnership to flourish. Improve the passion and connection in your relationship, or become more open to receive love if you are single and wanting an amazing relationship. True love is about respect and reciprocation so be prepared to give and receive love in any partnership.
Whether you are in a relationship or want to attract one, this light language blessing will bring in the love for a romantic partnership to flourish. Improve the passion and connection in your relationship, or become more open to receive love if you are single and wanting an amazing relationship. True love is about respect and reciprocation so be prepared to give and receive love in any partnership.

ll_blessing_romantic_love.mp3 | |
File Size: | 3420 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Romance and Intimacy Booster
This light language transmission is intended to boost the romance and intimacy in a romantic relationship. Everyone has their own love language they prefer and intimacy quotas to fill in regards to their partner. These energies align synchronicities for intimate alone time with your significant other. If all parties involved consciously intend to allow this energy to boost their romantic capabilities, then the energy will expand exponentially. However, you can still listen to this for your own benefit (solo) and set the intention for the energy to affect the other person. This may not be as strong but the energy will still go where the intention flows. Respect and honor is key to any romantic relationship so do not be surprised if this energy affects you in more ways than one.
This light language transmission is intended to boost the romance and intimacy in a romantic relationship. Everyone has their own love language they prefer and intimacy quotas to fill in regards to their partner. These energies align synchronicities for intimate alone time with your significant other. If all parties involved consciously intend to allow this energy to boost their romantic capabilities, then the energy will expand exponentially. However, you can still listen to this for your own benefit (solo) and set the intention for the energy to affect the other person. This may not be as strong but the energy will still go where the intention flows. Respect and honor is key to any romantic relationship so do not be surprised if this energy affects you in more ways than one.

ll_romance_intimacy_booster.mp3 | |
File Size: | 2688 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Safe Travels Blessing
Whether you are traveling by land, sea, air, or multi-dimensionally this light language will provide a safe-travels blessing for ‘smooth sailing’ all around. Travel is important to the Soul as it gets to experience many different things, in many different ways, around this beautiful place we call Earth (and beyond). Listen to this transmission before traveling and set the intention for a positive holiday/vacation/experience. The energy comes from Source and bestows a divine blessing of amazing, positive synchronicity for your travels. ![]()
Sales Booster
If you own a business or work in sales, this light language is for you. Whether you earn a living from commission-based services or sell products and just wish to sell more and earn more, this energy promotes a healthy, positive boost in sales multi-dimensionally. Your sales are related to you. This light language increases your personal resonance to reach people who have been waiting for you. People who want to buy your product or service will find you like a magnet drawing them to you and your business or line of work. Strengthen the bond between you and your clients and expand exponentially to align with more and more clients or simply more and more sales. Focus on your sales goals but also be open to the possibility for fluctuation and deviation from your goal. Trust and allow the universe to increase your sales capabilities even beyond what you think is possible at the current moment. This light language recording also improves overall appreciation and gratitude for money and the reception or receiving of money as part of the constant flow of life. ![]()
Self-Love (Reminder)
When we love ourselves first, everything else in life falls into place. Remember that you are loved and treat yourself to some self-love and self-care today. Nurture your heart and soul and know that you are loved through and through. Listen to this light language recording any time you need a little love reminder to boost your self-confidence and self-esteem. ![]()
Serenity (Deep Peace)
Fall into a deep sense of peace and Knowing that all is well in your world. Breathe deep and take life in, relaxing into the fold of reality. Know that you are loved and supported in all that you do. Use this light language blessing to reconnect with your inner peace and pure serenity in life. Life is easy and flows easy too. ![]()
Setting Boundaries (Booster)
This light language recording is ultimately a self-love booster. Boundaries are important for every human being but especially good for co-dependents and anyone struggling to set boundaries with friends, family, and pretty much everyone else in the world. This energetic transmission will help boost your confidence in saying 'no' when you mean it, instead of saying 'yes' to placate others, and vice versa. You are worthy of healthy boundaries. It is time to dissolve any energetic, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual cords to another person. It is time to be independent and free to choose how one's destiny unfolds. It is time to take your power back and be the confidence you've always had inside. Love yourself more by setting healthy boundaries in all aspects of your life.
This light language recording is ultimately a self-love booster. Boundaries are important for every human being but especially good for co-dependents and anyone struggling to set boundaries with friends, family, and pretty much everyone else in the world. This energetic transmission will help boost your confidence in saying 'no' when you mean it, instead of saying 'yes' to placate others, and vice versa. You are worthy of healthy boundaries. It is time to dissolve any energetic, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual cords to another person. It is time to be independent and free to choose how one's destiny unfolds. It is time to take your power back and be the confidence you've always had inside. Love yourself more by setting healthy boundaries in all aspects of your life.

ll_setting_boundaries.mp3 | |
File Size: | 3040 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Skin Health Booster
Boost the overall health of your skin from the inside-out with this light language recording. This energy is meant to cleanse and restore balance of the body’s largest organ, and will affect all three layers of the skin as well as the glands, blood vessels, nerves, hair, and nails that are a part of the same system. Assist your body’s natural healing ability by giving an energetic cleanse to the skin across your entire body. If you suffer from acne, eczema, psoriasis or other skin-related issues you can set the intention for the energy to flow more towards your overall face/forehead/cheeks/arms/back/butt etc. where you need the most healing as this will provide extra cleaning across all layers of your skin in those areas. Note: there are two separate transmissions in this video that play back-to-back to complete the skin health booster energy healing. On the website the two transmissions can be downloaded separately but should be listened to together. Either order is fine as long as you listen to them both. ![]()
Social Intelligence Booster
Social intelligence is the capacity to know oneself and to know others. This skill develops from the experiences we have with people, from all of our successes and failures in regards to social settings, as we grow from both rejection and acceptance The ability to communicate and form relationships full of empathy and understanding is key to a balanced social life between ourselves and others. Social cues will be easier to interpret with this light language transmission as we evolve our ability to read emotions and have more intuitive conversations with anyone and everyone. This energy will also assist in boosting non-verbal, verbal and active listening skills which are essential to healthy conversation. The better you know yourself the better you will understand others, so do not be surprised if this energy takes a more inward approach first before you express yourself more outwardly as a result. ![]()
Spirit Link (Divine Inspiration)
This light language blessing is for linking to your highest self for divine guidance and inspiration. Improve the connection and become more receptive to hearing your divine guidance in every moment. Our connections can weaken over time the more we are afraid of our Knowing and this can form doubt as we stop trusting ourselves to receive and interpret messages from our higher selves. Strengthen your connection to your Knowing and keep this link strong and secure by opening the channel and keeping it open. (yes there is a little static and blips because of the amount of light/energy coming through on this one but the energy download remains intact and you will receive what you need regardless of the little static glitches. It ends abruptly at the end because of the static but do not worry as the download was complete. Thank you for understanding.) ![]()
Stillness (Meditation) Booster
This is a light language transmission to improve meditation stillness. Listen to this recording before your next meditation session to relax deeper and go that ‘still’ place where everything is possible. Whether you practice meditation already or are just starting out, this energy will assist you in your meditation endeavors as you find your own truth from within. ![]()
Subliminal Booster
(Being more receptive and acceptive to positive change) This light language recording will boost your receptiveness to light language and all energy encoded work, as well as other subliminal programming like positive affirmations, hypnosis, meditation, and any other spiritual practice used to raise your vibration and instill positive change in your reality. You are the creator of your life experience and if you are actively working towards the best life experience then this energy transmission will assist you on your path. Boost the effectiveness of all subliminal programs by removing blocks to receiving and accepting these programs and reminding your mind that it is a powerful machine. But even with a powerful mind, remember that YOU are in control of it still, and you can learn to use it consciously if you have not yet realized that. Listen to this light language recording before any other light language or positive subliminal practice you have to boost its effectiveness and for deeper healing/clearings. You are allowed to change for the better at any time and have it reflected in your reality immediately. ![]()
Success/Achievement Booster
Need a motivational and energetic kick to your inner drive to keep you moving towards your dreams? Become interested in your success more and more, and do the things you feel you need to do to move you in the direction of your dreams by listening to this energetic transmission. We are all powerful creators of our life's experiences. We are powerful in our creativity. We are powerful in our thought process. We are energetic magicians interested in our own success. We know who we are and we express ourselves fully. Use this light language to boost your inner drive to succeed and accomplish all your dreams in this lifetime. ![]()
Surgery Recovery Booster
This light language speaks to the cells within your body and reminds them that they are powerful healers. The body was designed to heal itself. Things happen in life such as injuries and other damages or defects which require surgery, and the body has everything it needs to repair itself after a traumatic event. If your body has needed surgery for things beyond your control, this light language energy can assist with the recovery process. The energies of the Universe will assist in every way possible to boost the healing and recovery process after any type of surgery. ![]()
Sweet Dreams
Play this light language audio right before bed or at anytime with the intention of having it work when you are ready to sleep. It will not put you to sleep immediately after the download so do not worry about that. This is a gentle relaxation and drifting to a deep sleep for ultimate rest and relaxation. Sleep and dreaming is an important aspect of the human experience as it allows the physical body to rest and integrate from the day's activities. Give your body the restful sleep it deserves to start a new day refreshed and ready to live life to the fullest. (There is a little static blip about a minute and a half in from the energies coming through but it does not affect the download. Thank you for understanding) ![]()
Transmute the Coronavirus Multi-Dimensionally
*This transmission is longer than most for a reason. We have the physical aspect of the virus and being sick from it to relieve, as well as all of the social and political aspects of the disease to illuminate and heal from, and also the mRNA vaccine and its effects to transmute with this light language recording (and more)*
This light language transmission is intended to transmute the coronavirus, and Covid-19 specifically, multi-dimensionally. A metaphysical reason for viral infections in general is ‘the lack of joy flowing through life,’ which can be interpreted many different ways when you think about it. Long story short, the energies of this virus are in ‘perfect Time’ in regards to planetary and spiritual shifts in consciousness as humanity awakens more and more to their true selves.
I am not a doctor so I will not speak the science of the virus, but there is plenty of research out there to explore on the subject if you wish. We will focus on the metaphysical/energetic reasons as this light language will assist with transmuting and cleansing the virus physically from the body, as well as repairing any damage caused as a result of the virus and the vaccine if applicable, through energy healing. The non-physical reasons for the virus in regards to the political and social world will also be transmuted and cleansed energetically as we move to a more conscious society as a result.
We have all been through something major one way or another in regards to the pandemic these past couple of years but things are shifting in positive directions (even if we cannot see them yet). It has been a very stressful and confusing time for all so please be kind to one another as we complete this shift. It is time to bring in the energies of respect, understanding, compassion, freedom, health and vibrancy on both a collective and individual scale, and this energy doubles as an overall blessing of positive well-‘Be’-ing for all.
I know this is a longer recording but please listen to it at least once all the way through, and then subsequent listens can be sped up to no more than 2x (1.8x is best max if your tech allows) for repeated healings. If you have been affected by covid and suffer from continued medical issues it is advised you listen at least once a day, but ideally 2-3 times a day, for 7-10 days to start seeing changes reflected in your reality as quickly as possible. After 10 days you can listen once a day or every other day as maintenance until you feel you no longer need to maintain the energy. Trust your intuition…even if you start to ‘forget’ to listen daily that may be your way of backing off from the energy. But rest assured this energy transmission begins to work with just one listen (the first listen), and if you are unable to continue daily practice your reality will still shift in time. Trust the energies are working for your benefit and unfolding at the perfect speed of ‘time’ for your soul’s journey.
Sending so much Love and Light to all affected by the coronavirus and the changes in lifestyles we have had to adapt through lockdowns and mandates and shifts in everything (thought, emotions, reality, consciousness, behaviors, etc.) and the every-changing shift of consciousness we are collectively experiencing. You are more than enough to get through these difficult times. My Love, as well as all the Love and Light I can channel through our Source consciousness, is always with you and always accessible.
*This transmission is longer than most for a reason. We have the physical aspect of the virus and being sick from it to relieve, as well as all of the social and political aspects of the disease to illuminate and heal from, and also the mRNA vaccine and its effects to transmute with this light language recording (and more)*
This light language transmission is intended to transmute the coronavirus, and Covid-19 specifically, multi-dimensionally. A metaphysical reason for viral infections in general is ‘the lack of joy flowing through life,’ which can be interpreted many different ways when you think about it. Long story short, the energies of this virus are in ‘perfect Time’ in regards to planetary and spiritual shifts in consciousness as humanity awakens more and more to their true selves.
I am not a doctor so I will not speak the science of the virus, but there is plenty of research out there to explore on the subject if you wish. We will focus on the metaphysical/energetic reasons as this light language will assist with transmuting and cleansing the virus physically from the body, as well as repairing any damage caused as a result of the virus and the vaccine if applicable, through energy healing. The non-physical reasons for the virus in regards to the political and social world will also be transmuted and cleansed energetically as we move to a more conscious society as a result.
We have all been through something major one way or another in regards to the pandemic these past couple of years but things are shifting in positive directions (even if we cannot see them yet). It has been a very stressful and confusing time for all so please be kind to one another as we complete this shift. It is time to bring in the energies of respect, understanding, compassion, freedom, health and vibrancy on both a collective and individual scale, and this energy doubles as an overall blessing of positive well-‘Be’-ing for all.
I know this is a longer recording but please listen to it at least once all the way through, and then subsequent listens can be sped up to no more than 2x (1.8x is best max if your tech allows) for repeated healings. If you have been affected by covid and suffer from continued medical issues it is advised you listen at least once a day, but ideally 2-3 times a day, for 7-10 days to start seeing changes reflected in your reality as quickly as possible. After 10 days you can listen once a day or every other day as maintenance until you feel you no longer need to maintain the energy. Trust your intuition…even if you start to ‘forget’ to listen daily that may be your way of backing off from the energy. But rest assured this energy transmission begins to work with just one listen (the first listen), and if you are unable to continue daily practice your reality will still shift in time. Trust the energies are working for your benefit and unfolding at the perfect speed of ‘time’ for your soul’s journey.
Sending so much Love and Light to all affected by the coronavirus and the changes in lifestyles we have had to adapt through lockdowns and mandates and shifts in everything (thought, emotions, reality, consciousness, behaviors, etc.) and the every-changing shift of consciousness we are collectively experiencing. You are more than enough to get through these difficult times. My Love, as well as all the Love and Light I can channel through our Source consciousness, is always with you and always accessible.

ll_transmute_covid_19.mp3 | |
File Size: | 10252 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Virtuoso! Natural Skill Booster for the Arts
This light language transmission is an energetic skill booster for all artistic pursuits. Virtuosos are usually associated music but you can be a virtuoso in any form of art, including writing, painting, and sculpting (etc.). Computers, technology and even sporting endeavors can be considered art forms if you wish to develop excellency in those fields. The possibilities and potentialities for creativity is infinite. If you have a particular skill or talent you would like to specifically improve then please set the intention before listening for the energy to assist in those artistic pursuits, but otherwise you can just allow the loving energies of Love and Light boost your inherent gifts so that you can share them more with the world, as we are all meant to shine in our own way.
This light language transmission is an energetic skill booster for all artistic pursuits. Virtuosos are usually associated music but you can be a virtuoso in any form of art, including writing, painting, and sculpting (etc.). Computers, technology and even sporting endeavors can be considered art forms if you wish to develop excellency in those fields. The possibilities and potentialities for creativity is infinite. If you have a particular skill or talent you would like to specifically improve then please set the intention before listening for the energy to assist in those artistic pursuits, but otherwise you can just allow the loving energies of Love and Light boost your inherent gifts so that you can share them more with the world, as we are all meant to shine in our own way.

ll_virtuoso_skill_booster.mp3 | |
File Size: | 2671 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Vitality Booster
Vitality is defined as the state of being strong and active, having a lively or energetic quality, and as the power of someone to live life to the fullest. Vitality is used to describe a person’s ability to live, grow, and evolve, and can be influenced by many different factors. This light language transmission is intended to boost your vitality and overall energy levels physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and beyond. You can also send this energy to other people and animals through intention before playing the recording.
Vitality is defined as the state of being strong and active, having a lively or energetic quality, and as the power of someone to live life to the fullest. Vitality is used to describe a person’s ability to live, grow, and evolve, and can be influenced by many different factors. This light language transmission is intended to boost your vitality and overall energy levels physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and beyond. You can also send this energy to other people and animals through intention before playing the recording.

ll_vitality_booster.mp3 | |
File Size: | 3574 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Wealth (Abundance)
Need an abundance boost? Become a money magnet. You deserve to get paid well for the work you do. Making money is easy. Attract genuine wealth and abundance in your life in response to your inner vibration of true abundance. Become more attractive to wealth and fulfill all your life's desires with this light language recording. ![]()
Weight Release
Switch your mindset to “releasing” the weight you no longer need, instead of trying to “lose” it. The human mind doesn't like losing things. Assist your body by releasing the weight you no longer want or need with this light language recording in addition to making this simple switch in language. Release and lighten your physical body naturally and effortlessly. ![]()
Lunar New Year 2021: Year of the Ox
(starts February 12, 2021)
2021 is the Year of the Ox, which is a symbol of abundance and luck in all areas of life. Oxen are hard-working animals and embody the qualities of strength, persistence and diligence. The Year of the Ox ushers in Yin energy which is slow, soft and passive. As we work hard towards our goals an underlying positive energy of abundance and good luck will follow us along our journey this year. We are grounded in abundance this year, so take advantage of the energies with all of your life’s goals.
(starts February 12, 2021)
2021 is the Year of the Ox, which is a symbol of abundance and luck in all areas of life. Oxen are hard-working animals and embody the qualities of strength, persistence and diligence. The Year of the Ox ushers in Yin energy which is slow, soft and passive. As we work hard towards our goals an underlying positive energy of abundance and good luck will follow us along our journey this year. We are grounded in abundance this year, so take advantage of the energies with all of your life’s goals.

ll_year_of_the_ox.mp3 | |
File Size: | 3118 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Lunar New Year 2020: Year of the Rat
The rat sign is the first in the Chinese zodiac calendar which ushers in the energy of a cycle beginning. The Year of the Rat offers many opportunities to acquire wealth, as well as the ability to make choices that enable us to provide long-lasting comfort while offering enjoyable challenges that will enable us to become all the we are meant to be. The rat's ability to solve problems is well-known, reminding us to keep our minds sharp while making life more of a game. Abundance in all areas of life marks the Year of the Rat, so seize and act-upon any opportunity that propels you in the direction of your highest dreams. You are more than capable of achieving everything your heart desires this year. This light language recording is a blessing to fully embody of spirit of the Rat in the year 2020 and beyond.
The rat sign is the first in the Chinese zodiac calendar which ushers in the energy of a cycle beginning. The Year of the Rat offers many opportunities to acquire wealth, as well as the ability to make choices that enable us to provide long-lasting comfort while offering enjoyable challenges that will enable us to become all the we are meant to be. The rat's ability to solve problems is well-known, reminding us to keep our minds sharp while making life more of a game. Abundance in all areas of life marks the Year of the Rat, so seize and act-upon any opportunity that propels you in the direction of your highest dreams. You are more than capable of achieving everything your heart desires this year. This light language recording is a blessing to fully embody of spirit of the Rat in the year 2020 and beyond.

ll_year_of_the_rat.mp3 | |
File Size: | 4221 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |