Thank You for Awakening to Love and Light
About L-n-L Awakening
L-n-L stands for Love and Light. Humanity is waking up and we are yearning for improved self-awareness and self-love. Love and light are universal energies. We can harness these energies within ourselves and incorporate them in our daily lives as a means to expand our consciousness and overall well-being. Choose to awaken to your love and light and remember that you are more than this shell we call a human body; you are more than your job and more than even your name. Embrace love, embrace light, and awaken to your true spirit as you share your love and light with others. When we all come from love, humanity will be truly enlightened.
Follow Us on Facebook and YouTube @lnlawakening
Meet L-n-L
L -n- L Awakening was a fun little play on words that Elizabeth Crooks and Lee Bonde came up with one day when they were sitting down and brainstorming how they wanted to share their journeys of self discovery with others. Since L-n-L stands for both Love and Light, a common term used to describe awakening and ascension, and Lee and Liz, it seemed only fitting to use it for our website.
Light LanguageYou can find our free Light Language recordings on our audio download page (all MP3s). These downloads are not meant to be listened to while driving or operating machinery due to the kind of energetic transmission we employ. Some recordings can become intense emotionally, so it is best to listen to in a comfortable and safe space that is free of distraction. |