Thank You Yesterday and So Long Tomorrow:
A Guide for Living in the Now
Available on Amazon, Amazon UK, and Barnes and Noble

I was sitting on a bench outside watching the sunrise one summer day, covered in mosquito bites from the hike I took the day before, when I came up with the idea for this book. My calves were blanketed in red bumps, throbbing from the itch as well as my failed attempts to not scratch them. That’s what I get for hiking barefoot and in shorts through a forest I thought. I was entirely exhausted that morning, having cried all night.
I was on a retreat to work through my emotions. Ha! Not only were we trying to work on releasing our emotions but to show gratitude in every moment. I was having a hard time being grateful for becoming an all-you-can-eat mosquito buffet the day before but I decided to give it a try. Through all the discomfort I managed to say “thank you, yesterday.” But that got me thinking…yesterday, literally, was just the day before. Why shouldn’t I be grateful for every yesterday I’ve ever experienced? And that is where this book comes in.
Book Description:
What does it mean to live in the now? Conscious thought. Consciously thinking is being aware of your thoughts, paying attention to them, and having the mindfulness to change them, if needed, in every moment.
Everyone is living their own story. Everyone has their own definition of what it means to live, what it means to die, and everything in between. Our stories change in every moment. Details change in every moment. We identify with our stories, but a lot of the time we forget that the story changes. People change and grow. Is time to let go of the old versions of you. It is time to let go of your attachments to, and expectations of, a future that will never happen.
Living in the now is a choice. We often forget we have choice. We forget how amazing life can be. Yesterday and tomorrow are just words, words with thoughts attached. At its core, time is an illusion. ‘Yesterday’ and ‘tomorrow’ are perceptions of the mind, and we use time to justify them as going in one direction or the other. The concept of ‘now’ is another matter. We are all living in a single moment, or an infinite number of moments, and it is the human mind that perceives that moment as expanded over time.
Sort through your fears and your belief systems to find the real you. The human mind is a powerful thing. It can believe anything it wants to. All you have to do is change your thoughts and you’ll change your world. This takes a constant commitment, for many thoughts and beliefs have been built over time, have many emotional attachments to them, so they take more effort to change. But it can be done. All things are possible if you believe they are.
Why do you think the way you do? The answer should surprise you, and that is a good thing.
Being present! If only it were so easy....I appreciate at the beginning of the book the author states that this is what she has found works for her and it doesn't mean it is the be all end all for someone. I get frustrated when I read a book that says "My way is the way." The book is laid out very well with easy to read chapters. She covers lots of topics that we all can relate to and may struggle with. I love that the author uses examples from her own life to illustrate points. It makes it very easy to understand what she is trying to stay. If you are feeling stuck, this book can support you in living more fully in the present!
-Julie Seibert Coraccio
This book is so simple and helpful for anyone waking up to experience presence and self. It was an honor to have Elizabeth on Kauai and then to go on to write this book! (and others too!). A must read if you are seeking to understand your own awakening experience. Learning to let go is key, and part of our Mastery here. Every tool is important! Awesome Elizabeth!
-Lisa Transcendence Brown
-Julie Seibert Coraccio
This book is so simple and helpful for anyone waking up to experience presence and self. It was an honor to have Elizabeth on Kauai and then to go on to write this book! (and others too!). A must read if you are seeking to understand your own awakening experience. Learning to let go is key, and part of our Mastery here. Every tool is important! Awesome Elizabeth!
-Lisa Transcendence Brown