Light Language Audio
The Energy of Light
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Light Language Gift Boosters
Unlocking Our Natural Gifts
Astral Projection
Astral projections are intentional out-of-body experiences using our astral, or energetic, body to travel consciously throughout the universe. Usually, astral projections are done while sleeping (utilizing the dreamworld) or in a meditative state as one consciously projects their astral body to travel to wherever they intend as the physical body stays put. This light language activates and enhances your natural astral projection abilities. Clarity on instructions will come with ease as you start the intention to study, practice and nurture this gift.
Astral projections are intentional out-of-body experiences using our astral, or energetic, body to travel consciously throughout the universe. Usually, astral projections are done while sleeping (utilizing the dreamworld) or in a meditative state as one consciously projects their astral body to travel to wherever they intend as the physical body stays put. This light language activates and enhances your natural astral projection abilities. Clarity on instructions will come with ease as you start the intention to study, practice and nurture this gift.

ll_gift_astral_projection.mp3 | |
File Size: | 3380 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Clairvoyance is defined as “perceiving things or events in the future or beyond normal sensory contact,” and it is more of a direct form of ESP in regards to ‘seeing’ future events before they happen, and otherwise perceiving/comprehending energy beyond the normal senses. This light language is intended to boost our natural gift of clairvoyance and overall perception of Time with access to the infinite grid/web of time-lines to assist in perception beyond time, space and reality. Like any skill you simply need to practice in order to get better with it.
Note: there are two transmissions for this and if you are downloading these for your own playlist please be sure to listen to both, and in order.
Clairvoyance is defined as “perceiving things or events in the future or beyond normal sensory contact,” and it is more of a direct form of ESP in regards to ‘seeing’ future events before they happen, and otherwise perceiving/comprehending energy beyond the normal senses. This light language is intended to boost our natural gift of clairvoyance and overall perception of Time with access to the infinite grid/web of time-lines to assist in perception beyond time, space and reality. Like any skill you simply need to practice in order to get better with it.
Note: there are two transmissions for this and if you are downloading these for your own playlist please be sure to listen to both, and in order.
Dimensional Travel
There are multiple dimensions of existence, with some of the more well-known ones being the 3rd, 4th, and 5th dimensions that we have been playing with mainly on Earth. Realities can fluctuate when you move from one dimension to another, and we naturally vacillate between these three dimensions as we ascend throughout our journey here. This gift and energy transmission will also assist with quantum shifts as we rapidly travel between time, space and dimensional realities beyond the fifth dimension. And remember that you can use this gift consciously with a little practice!
There are multiple dimensions of existence, with some of the more well-known ones being the 3rd, 4th, and 5th dimensions that we have been playing with mainly on Earth. Realities can fluctuate when you move from one dimension to another, and we naturally vacillate between these three dimensions as we ascend throughout our journey here. This gift and energy transmission will also assist with quantum shifts as we rapidly travel between time, space and dimensional realities beyond the fifth dimension. And remember that you can use this gift consciously with a little practice!

ll_gift_dimensional_travel.mp3 | |
File Size: | 3246 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Enhanced Physical Senses
This light language is intended to enhance the five main physical senses of the body: touch, taste, smell, sight and sound, in order to boost their effectiveness and strength to experience life to the fullest. Often, one or more of our senses are neglected or overlooked as we go through life and we forget that we can develop our senses consciously and use them consciously without being subjected to the ‘negative’ effects/affects of sensory stimulation/overstimulation. While this energy will enhance your senses as much as ‘possible’ it will do so in a way that is gentle to allow you to control your senses and use them for your benefit, as they were meant to be.
This light language is intended to enhance the five main physical senses of the body: touch, taste, smell, sight and sound, in order to boost their effectiveness and strength to experience life to the fullest. Often, one or more of our senses are neglected or overlooked as we go through life and we forget that we can develop our senses consciously and use them consciously without being subjected to the ‘negative’ effects/affects of sensory stimulation/overstimulation. While this energy will enhance your senses as much as ‘possible’ it will do so in a way that is gentle to allow you to control your senses and use them for your benefit, as they were meant to be.

ll_gift_enhanced_physical_senses.mp3 | |
File Size: | 3820 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
ESP or The “Sixth Sense”
This light language gift booster is intended to awaken/activate, nurture, and evolve your ‘sixth sense’ or extrasensory perception (ESP). This sense is essential to receive, interpret and comprehend non-physical information that cannot be perceived through the five physical/known senses. This gift leads to enhanced telepathy, clairvoyance, oneiromancy, telekinesis, and much more! We are all capable of sensing energy and consciously having an effect on it.
Note: Headaches in the forehead and third-eye area are common at the beginning of developing this gift as your mind is expanding energetically and creating/awakening the neural pathways designed to connect and manipulate the energetic field that surrounds us. Be gentle with your body and mind during this time. This energy will also dissolve any fears you have in developing this gift so those feelings may come up for ‘review’ before they ‘leave for good’, allowing you to use your natural gift of ESP.
This light language gift booster is intended to awaken/activate, nurture, and evolve your ‘sixth sense’ or extrasensory perception (ESP). This sense is essential to receive, interpret and comprehend non-physical information that cannot be perceived through the five physical/known senses. This gift leads to enhanced telepathy, clairvoyance, oneiromancy, telekinesis, and much more! We are all capable of sensing energy and consciously having an effect on it.
Note: Headaches in the forehead and third-eye area are common at the beginning of developing this gift as your mind is expanding energetically and creating/awakening the neural pathways designed to connect and manipulate the energetic field that surrounds us. Be gentle with your body and mind during this time. This energy will also dissolve any fears you have in developing this gift so those feelings may come up for ‘review’ before they ‘leave for good’, allowing you to use your natural gift of ESP.

ll_gift_esp.mp3 | |
File Size: | 4451 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Omnilingualism is the ability to communicate in and understand any language. This communication is both verbal and non-verbal, and includes the ability to write in these languages as well. Patterns of speech are more easily recognized and understood to allow the absorption of more languages, including energetic languages and non-verbal forms of communication such as sign language. This energetic gift booster also assists with increasing empathy and compassion for different cultures and their methods of communication as we learn to communicate with and understand each other as spiritual beings living as humanity expressing itself in infinite ways.
Omnilingualism is the ability to communicate in and understand any language. This communication is both verbal and non-verbal, and includes the ability to write in these languages as well. Patterns of speech are more easily recognized and understood to allow the absorption of more languages, including energetic languages and non-verbal forms of communication such as sign language. This energetic gift booster also assists with increasing empathy and compassion for different cultures and their methods of communication as we learn to communicate with and understand each other as spiritual beings living as humanity expressing itself in infinite ways.

ll_gift_omnilingualism.mp3 | |
File Size: | 3871 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
This light language recording is intended to boost the gift of oneiromancy, or using dreams to predict the future. The dreamworld is actually a very powerful realm of existence that we all utilize on a regular basis, albeit mostly unconscious until now. This energy is also intended to boost your consciousness within the dream realm and use it to your personal advantage, as well as for the benefit of others. We are all capable of personal oneiromancy as energetic and infinite beings and we can nurture this gift if we choose. Use this energy to awaken your link to the conscious aspect of the dreamworld and to have clarity on the meaning of your personal dreams (as well as the dreams of others if using divination with them).
This light language recording is intended to boost the gift of oneiromancy, or using dreams to predict the future. The dreamworld is actually a very powerful realm of existence that we all utilize on a regular basis, albeit mostly unconscious until now. This energy is also intended to boost your consciousness within the dream realm and use it to your personal advantage, as well as for the benefit of others. We are all capable of personal oneiromancy as energetic and infinite beings and we can nurture this gift if we choose. Use this energy to awaken your link to the conscious aspect of the dreamworld and to have clarity on the meaning of your personal dreams (as well as the dreams of others if using divination with them).

ll_gift_oneiromancy.mp3 | |
File Size: | 3846 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Remote Viewing
Remote viewing is the ability to view or sense people, places and objects in another location, accurately and often without ever having visited the area beforehand. This is a highly intuitive gift as one projects their energy to connect with physically unknown objects across the world. This light language transmissions is intended to boost your natural gift of remote viewing as we are all energetic beings living a human experience whose gifts have simply been forgotten. If you desire to use this gift, your third eye will be opened and cleansed which may cause temporary headaches as you expand energetically. Dark chocolate (80% cacao and up if you can stomach it) is recommended to ease the expansion pains if your traditional pain relief methods are not working. Be gentle with yourself as your head-space goes through a lot of upgrades to activate and nurture this gift.
Remote viewing is the ability to view or sense people, places and objects in another location, accurately and often without ever having visited the area beforehand. This is a highly intuitive gift as one projects their energy to connect with physically unknown objects across the world. This light language transmissions is intended to boost your natural gift of remote viewing as we are all energetic beings living a human experience whose gifts have simply been forgotten. If you desire to use this gift, your third eye will be opened and cleansed which may cause temporary headaches as you expand energetically. Dark chocolate (80% cacao and up if you can stomach it) is recommended to ease the expansion pains if your traditional pain relief methods are not working. Be gentle with yourself as your head-space goes through a lot of upgrades to activate and nurture this gift.

ll_gift_remote_viewing.mp3 | |
File Size: | 2550 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Self-Healing/ Regeneration
Our human bodies were designed (from the ‘beginning’) to heal themselves and regenerate healthy, viable cells to live life to the fullest. With how life has been designed, it’s been easy to forget how powerful we are both individually and collectively. We are not our bodies, and we are not our minds, but we have influence over both. And yet, we can allow the body to heal itself as its consciousness is also powerful and can work independently of our efforts to sabotage ourselves to sustain ‘perfect’ health. This light language is intended to awaken and develop your natural healing and regeneration abilities. Your cells have already been designed to remove dis-ease from the entirety of the body and it’s time to let them do what they do best.
Our human bodies were designed (from the ‘beginning’) to heal themselves and regenerate healthy, viable cells to live life to the fullest. With how life has been designed, it’s been easy to forget how powerful we are both individually and collectively. We are not our bodies, and we are not our minds, but we have influence over both. And yet, we can allow the body to heal itself as its consciousness is also powerful and can work independently of our efforts to sabotage ourselves to sustain ‘perfect’ health. This light language is intended to awaken and develop your natural healing and regeneration abilities. Your cells have already been designed to remove dis-ease from the entirety of the body and it’s time to let them do what they do best.

ll_gift_self_healing.mp3 | |
File Size: | 3415 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
This light language booster is intended to awaken and develop the ability of telekinesis. There are a lot of mental blocks and programs to dissolve and transmute in the beginning, but the more you ‘allow’ in terms of release/change/growth, the ‘easier’ it will be. Also, knowing your ‘why’ for developing and using telekinesis, or the ability to move things in non-physical means, will assist your journey in practicing the gift. Everyone has access to this gift as energetic beings naturally, and now it is time to go beyond our human-imposed limitations.
This light language booster is intended to awaken and develop the ability of telekinesis. There are a lot of mental blocks and programs to dissolve and transmute in the beginning, but the more you ‘allow’ in terms of release/change/growth, the ‘easier’ it will be. Also, knowing your ‘why’ for developing and using telekinesis, or the ability to move things in non-physical means, will assist your journey in practicing the gift. Everyone has access to this gift as energetic beings naturally, and now it is time to go beyond our human-imposed limitations.

ll_gift_telekinesis.mp3 | |
File Size: | 5696 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Alchemy… transmuting energy… your energetic body has been designed to do this for you perfectly already and it’s beyond time to activate it and develop it fully. Energy is neither created nor destroyed, but it changes form, and can be changed consciously. You have the power to do this already but it may be a latent/hidden gift until this moment. Once planet Earth ascended into fifth dimensional consciousness (depending on who to talk to this happened around 2012-2016, completing in 2017) it created a shift in consciousness for everyone ‘staying’ on the planet at the time in order to play with the higher dimensions while on Earth going forward. We can transmute energy consciously, with intention, and it may just take some practice. This energy will open your receptors to the gift of transmutation and bring divine guidance and intuition in developing it for your personal use. Your intention/attention will become more and more important as you develop this gift to transmute energy out of pure Love and Light.
Alchemy… transmuting energy… your energetic body has been designed to do this for you perfectly already and it’s beyond time to activate it and develop it fully. Energy is neither created nor destroyed, but it changes form, and can be changed consciously. You have the power to do this already but it may be a latent/hidden gift until this moment. Once planet Earth ascended into fifth dimensional consciousness (depending on who to talk to this happened around 2012-2016, completing in 2017) it created a shift in consciousness for everyone ‘staying’ on the planet at the time in order to play with the higher dimensions while on Earth going forward. We can transmute energy consciously, with intention, and it may just take some practice. This energy will open your receptors to the gift of transmutation and bring divine guidance and intuition in developing it for your personal use. Your intention/attention will become more and more important as you develop this gift to transmute energy out of pure Love and Light.

ll_gift_transmutation.mp3 | |
File Size: | 3687 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |