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Light Language Planetary Series
The Planetary series can be used for a variety of purposes. We all have a “home” planet based off of our astrological signs and birth dates that give us our personalities and certain experiences along our life paths. You can listen to the energy of your home planet to embrace your true self and be able to express your true self fully. We are all the masters of our own destinies and we are not bound by our planetary signs, but we can use “our” energy to our personal benefit as we strive to become the best versions of ourselves in every moment as we grow through life.
You can also explore the planet energies beyond your home planet to embody and develop different skills and abilities to experience everything life has to offer. If a certain planet is going through retrograde then listening to that planet’s energy will ease the energetic and physical symptoms that usually accompany the shift. While experiencing the changes are part of life, they do not have to disrupt our day-to-day energies and overall mood.
Feel free to explore as many planets and listen as many times as you feel called to. Technically just listening to the recording once is enough to integrate the energy into your reality. If you wish to experience a “deep dive” into a certain planet for any reason then you may need to listen to the transmission more than once over a short period of time to fully integrate and resonate with the energy.
Your intuition is strong, even if you do not believe it yet, so if you feel called to a planet you may not understand why yet then you may still want to give it a try and see what the energies have to offer your personal growth and well-being. We shift and change and grow in every moment and you may feel called to one planet more than another for periods of time and that is perfectly okay! As long as you have your highest good in your heart while you intend to grow positively from these recordings then you can never listen to the “wrong” transmission at any time.
Some have asked how to know which planet is your home planet and I will list the suggestions here as they are based off of your astrological signs. Happy exploring!
The Sun: Leo
The Moon: Cancer
Mercury: Gemini and Virgo
Venus: Taurus and Libra
Mars: Aries
Jupiter: Sagittarius
Saturn: Capricorn
Uranus: Aquarius
Neptune: Pisces
Pluto: Scorpio
You can also explore the planet energies beyond your home planet to embody and develop different skills and abilities to experience everything life has to offer. If a certain planet is going through retrograde then listening to that planet’s energy will ease the energetic and physical symptoms that usually accompany the shift. While experiencing the changes are part of life, they do not have to disrupt our day-to-day energies and overall mood.
Feel free to explore as many planets and listen as many times as you feel called to. Technically just listening to the recording once is enough to integrate the energy into your reality. If you wish to experience a “deep dive” into a certain planet for any reason then you may need to listen to the transmission more than once over a short period of time to fully integrate and resonate with the energy.
Your intuition is strong, even if you do not believe it yet, so if you feel called to a planet you may not understand why yet then you may still want to give it a try and see what the energies have to offer your personal growth and well-being. We shift and change and grow in every moment and you may feel called to one planet more than another for periods of time and that is perfectly okay! As long as you have your highest good in your heart while you intend to grow positively from these recordings then you can never listen to the “wrong” transmission at any time.
Some have asked how to know which planet is your home planet and I will list the suggestions here as they are based off of your astrological signs. Happy exploring!
The Sun: Leo
The Moon: Cancer
Mercury: Gemini and Virgo
Venus: Taurus and Libra
Mars: Aries
Jupiter: Sagittarius
Saturn: Capricorn
Uranus: Aquarius
Neptune: Pisces
Pluto: Scorpio
Embracing Jupiter
The planet Jupiter is concerned with abstract thinking and higher learning. The energies give people a desire to explore both spiritually and intellectually. The planet is also connected with luck and good fortune. Jupiter also desires people to grow and develop in a positive way with energies supporting honor and making sure one is on their desired path. Those who identify with the planet Jupiter generally view life in more positive ways as the energies are predominantly of good will, humor and forgiveness. Jupiter energy tends to overindulge at times and people can embrace more of its negative attributes of laziness and irresponsibility due to extreme optimism and the overindulgence in relaxation that typically comes with good luck and wealth. If you are in need of luck, whether material or not, the energies of Jupiter are your best bet. The planet is associated with different spots and games of chance and can be very advantageous naturally. Overall Jupiter represents luck, development, security, prosperity, giving, equilibrium, integrity and knowledge. |
ll_embracing_jupiter.mp3 | |
File Size: | 5792 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Embracing Mars
Mars is the planet most concerned with action and is associated with the energy of fiery passion. The energy of Mars allows people to stand out and be noticed. It pushes people to get things done, and encourages them to have power and confidence in their choices. Mars is responsible for active energy and will influence people to be more direct, blunt or even aggressive as the more negative extremes of determination and motivation. Those who identify with the planet Mars are usually competitive and take on many challenges, whether it is at work or at play. The energies allow one to be very goal-oriented and focused on achievement, while maintaining a level of excitement as one pursues their dreams. Mars wants people to be their best, have honor, and explore life with a sense of adventure. Overall, Mars is good for increasing your energy to best utilize that competitive spirit. The planet is good for increasing passion and intensity in regards to sex drive as Mars rules over our sexual natures and energies. This energy is an asset if used in the correct way. Mars is not concerned with romantic attraction however, so it is best to balance the energies with Venus if one wants to go beyond just an intense physical attraction. If you lack the energy to get excited about your goals you can embody the energy of Mars to get you going again as it lights a fire within your soul to find your direction and ambition to propel you towards achieving your dreams. |
ll_embracing_mars.mp3 | |
File Size: | 6419 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Embracing Mercury
The planet Mercury is concerned with communication, intelligence, and knowledge. It is responsible for people being rational and practical, controlling the way people think and influencing their thought processes. Mercury also influences our desires to both teach and learn, as it embodies clever wit and fast thinking. Mercury will give people opportunities and the capability to rationalize them. The energy of Mercury can be both a positive and negative thing. It will be able to give the people it rules a lot of energy, but it also pushes people to jump from one project to another. Mercury will encourage people to find answers on both a mental and physical level as a strong multi-dimensional base is needed for levels of communication capable with this energy. Positive actions from Mercury will be questions, a curious nature, good communication, and being versatile. Negative actions from Mercury will be being nervous or anxious, critical, not being able to make a decision, and being too technical. Those who identify with the planet Mercury are usually sharp, flexible, and capable. They are swift, devoted, and industrious. They symbolize progress, intellect, and a relentless devotion to being understood and having others understand life as well. When we communicate well and are on the same page life can flow differently. |
ll_embracing_mercury.mp3 | |
File Size: | 6429 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Embracing Neptune
Neptune is a planet that is very fluid. It controls both our dreams and our illusions, and is focused on the more mysterious and abstract aspects of life. This planet’s energy will influence positive, spiritual feelings in people as she wishes everyone to use this energy to improve their lives. Neptune can be a bit dramatic in that it rules over imagination and fantasy more than taking a more realistic approach to reality. This energy does have a darker side in also being concerned with deception and distraction to bring forth the spiritual realm into our physical realm. The deeper sides of the planet can be explored in the dreamworld. Those who identify with Neptune are often capable of psychic abilities with natural intuition and spiritual instincts. It is easier to spend time in dreams than in reality, which can be a negative trait of the planet. Positive traits are more concerned with spiritual understanding and displaying grace and kindness to all beings on this planet and beyond. Addiction can become a problem as well since it is more desirable to escape into imagination to transcend reality. It is helpful to know that Neptune also symbolizes time and the life cycle from birth to death, and reminds us that we will be one with the dream world again one day, but it is time to enjoy living life in this moment of our awakened reality now. If you desire a deeper spiritual understanding with yourself and the reality you live in then the planet Neptune is good to explore. The energies help establish a spiritual connection with your higher self and Source consciousness as a link between this world and the next that is available in every moment. This also helps one transcend reality and go beyond established divine boundaries to fully understand your Soul. |
ll_embracing_neptune.mp3 | |
File Size: | 6607 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Embracing Pluto
The planet Pluto has an indirect energy that is about complete change, conversion and a phoenix-type of renewal. Pluto might not get things done in a tidy way, but he gets them done, and does not waste time doing so. This planet knows how to push people if that is what is required for immediate change. It represents our struggles and our transformations, and bringing the dark to light. Those who identify with Pluto will want to be ready for change. Pluto wants people to go beyond what they know in this moment and to feel like they are becoming stronger on multiple levels because of it. Pluto is a passionate planet about inward reflection and subconscious growth to push past our fears and self-imposed limitations of human life. Pluto has the positive traits of regeneration and rebirth. It symbolizes spiritual development and growth. However, the negative side of Pluto is being obsessed with power, control and ultimately destruction. In exploring the subconscious and trying to understand it, we could become distant as we become more infatuated with our selves as a means to grow. While shadow work is key to understanding Pluto, the planet’s energy is great for having epiphanies overall as it strives to understand and change as rapidly as possible. |
ll_embracing_pluto.mp3 | |
File Size: | 5948 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Embracing Saturn
The planet Saturn encourages people to be ambitious by working hard due to discipline and responsibility. Saturn is very concerned with time and wants people to understand they have limits on their time so that they manage it in smarter ways as one journeys through life. The energies of Saturn are concerned with life lessons, traditions, culture and ultimately wisdom. The planet also likes to rule with authority and is responsible for energetic restrictions if it feels people are not using their time well. Those who identify with Saturn are often very organized with established boundaries and obligations to the world. Saturn is the planet most concerned with Karma and controls the lessons people can learn after their past experiences in this lifetime. Those who embody this energy naturally are aware of their duties and limits as they explore the meaning of life. While the planet appears limiting, it is actually very encouraging as it reminds us to keep on living day-to-day and striving to be the best versions of ourselves both physically and spiritually. We learn and grow from those around us, and while authority figures don’t always make us happy they do provide some structure as we navigate through life, and this is what Saturn does best. If you are in need of a major shift in life then Saturn is a great, progressive energy. It pushes people to get things done and gives them the energy to be both determined and persistent in achieving their dreams. While it can be stubborn and slow being so organized, the attention to detail does show energetically. The planet Saturn is the ultimate accomplisher as it enjoys the challenge of personal responsibility. |
ll_embracing_saturn.mp3 | |
File Size: | 4780 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Embracing the Moon
As the closest celestial body to the planet Earth, the Moon touches people more deeply than any other planet. The Moon rules over the ocean tides, emotions and our intuition. She controls how people feel about things and how their feelings affect other people. The Moon is known to influence “moodiness” as life has a wide range of emotions to experience to the fullest in a single lifetime. While an emotional planet, the Moon has an energy that will work to make peace with our emotions. The energies help us see what we truly want and to use our past/memories to ultimately help our evolution and positive growth. Those who identify with the Moon usually have their emotions on full display for their fellow human beings. The energy of the planet can make people feel lively or delicate, and often one after the other as if playing hopscotch. The energies can get very high, and they can get very low, and the Moon can easily make people laugh or cry on a whim. The Moon gives people their soul and permission to express themselves to the fullest. The energies will allow you to make peace with the world and your past as the Moon provides balance and stability with vacillating change in every moment of life. You can use this energy to dive deep into thought and self-reflection as you work through your personal fears and emotional demons to be okay with your emotions as you go through life. |
ll_embracing_the_moon.mp3 | |
File Size: | 3307 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Embracing the Sun
The Sun is responsible for giving off light and bringing about life. It is considered a star and symbolizes the Self. The Sun energies represent our personalities, egos, and our fiery spirit of originality. The planet encourages creativity and gives people the power to face the challenges in their everyday life. It shows us how to display our true nature in the world around us by being regal and impressive naturally. Those who identify with the Sun are determined and creative forces in not only their lives but in the lives of the people around them. They offer prosperity in strength and energy needed to succeed in whatever dream you set out to achieve. The energies of the Sun give rise to natural leaders and commanders who are comfortable being themselves in every moment. Sun personalities are both lively and original as they show others how to be your true self. Negative aspects of the energies include being too stubborn, arrogant and critical due to being more focused on the present and negating the effects of the past in striving to be their best selves in every moment. If you need a creative boost or an energetic reset in being confident in your true self then this is a good energy to embrace. Overall, the Sun gives life and liveliness with clarity in knowing who one is and where their path is leading them and others in this moment. The Sun is great for a personal power boost and understanding your core ego. |
ll_embracing_the_sun.mp3 | |
File Size: | 3721 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Embracing Uranus
The planet Uranus loves looking at the world and the people in it in new ways. It is fond of technological advancement, progressive ideals and inventions of all kinds. The energies encourage people to have an open mind and approach their lives in multidimensional ways by breaking out of the box, so to speak. Uranus does support a more creative approach to change and is not subtle about it. It demands original ideas and sharing your creations, and can be somewhat unpredictable and strange in the ways they push people to achieve their goals. Those who identify with the planet Uranus are often creative and scientific, and can be a little weird about it. Cleverness is a positive trait of this planet while being a tad rebellious and lacking responsibility is on the negative end of the energy spectrum. The energies can be somewhat complex and unexpected, which can lead to flashes of inspiration and new ideas without thinking the consequences through before acting. People who embody Uranus are overall insightful and objective about their ideas with others. If you wish to understand your intuition better and connect with yourself on a deeper level then the planet Uranus may be for you. It represents creation and evolved thinking as the planet pushes new discoveries and insights with every new experience. This energy is great for creative projects and finding original inventions of all kinds to bring forth into the world to benefit humanity as a whole. |
ll_embracing_uranus.mp3 | |
File Size: | 4817 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Embracing Venus
The planet Venus is very concerned with being happy. It has an energy that makes people feel attractive, in more ways than one. The planet is also very connected to beauty of all kinds, including literature, dance, drama, music, and the arts to name a few. Venus wants everyone to see the beauty available all around them in many different forms at many different times throughout our lives. People who identify with Venus enjoy pleasure, especially if they can share it with others. Venus is about romance, love, and balance within emotional bonds (whether these are marriage bonds, business relationships, or any other mutual friendship). The planet teaches people how to love and admire each other through those who express the joy and kindness of its energies. Overall, Venus energy is great for love, ambition, beauty and passion. If you are an artist she helps with desire, creativity and devotion to your craft. The energy symbolizes ideas and imagination, as well as being appreciative of all those things in seeing the beauty all around us. |
ll_embracing_venus.mp3 | |
File Size: | 6685 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |