What are Realms?
"Realm" is generally a term used to mean different plane of existence. Some people may also say different frequencies, meaning that they are something that we learn to "tune" into as we progress in our awakening. Some people are born with the innate ability to see or hear different realms/frequencies/planes.
For this site I mean all of that. It is just a basic word that I am using to mean beings that are not generally believed to be in the human world. While I believe that at some point everything merges together and we are all living amongst one another, I do not believe that it is easily recognizable at first. Some beings do not wish to be seen by those humans that do not have the capacity as of yet to appreciate their beauty. Some choose not to chose show themselves because of the fear they might incite or for a multitude of different reasons.
Some of the realms which I speak about here I have not actually seen but I know in my heart that they exist. I have seen Fairies, but only in the state that most of us see them in. I have not seen nor heard Dragons but I have believed since I was little that they were real, just not the bloodthirsty beasts that were portrayed in the movies and books.
Orbs are a bit different. They could be considered a realm of their own but really they are usually from our plane of existence visiting our plane. Their are some who believe they come from other places as well and so I have placed them in this category and explain further on their page. Orbs I have yet to see with the naked eye, though I catch them on my camera all the time. I do know of some that don't need a camera to see them and I hope that is the case for me soon!
For this site I mean all of that. It is just a basic word that I am using to mean beings that are not generally believed to be in the human world. While I believe that at some point everything merges together and we are all living amongst one another, I do not believe that it is easily recognizable at first. Some beings do not wish to be seen by those humans that do not have the capacity as of yet to appreciate their beauty. Some choose not to chose show themselves because of the fear they might incite or for a multitude of different reasons.
Some of the realms which I speak about here I have not actually seen but I know in my heart that they exist. I have seen Fairies, but only in the state that most of us see them in. I have not seen nor heard Dragons but I have believed since I was little that they were real, just not the bloodthirsty beasts that were portrayed in the movies and books.
Orbs are a bit different. They could be considered a realm of their own but really they are usually from our plane of existence visiting our plane. Their are some who believe they come from other places as well and so I have placed them in this category and explain further on their page. Orbs I have yet to see with the naked eye, though I catch them on my camera all the time. I do know of some that don't need a camera to see them and I hope that is the case for me soon!