What are Water Elementals?

Undines, as Paracelsus called them, is a term used for water elementals. Water comes in many forms, from the vast ocean to trickling streams to large lakes and even a glass of water. Undine is also believed to be a derivative of Odine who was a water nymph that would became human after falling in love with a man according to European mythology. In Greek mythology 'Nereids' were the daughters of Poseidon, the god of the sea. Mermaids, water nymphs and sprites are also lumped into the category of 'undine', though it is not clear if these are undines themselves or just other water beings.
In the case of mermaids or merfolk, however, they are their own unique entities that dwell within the sea and are not generally associated with freshwater streams and therefore should be thought of as separate or at least as a subspecies. Merfolk can be spotted by looking out at the sea, especially when the Lemurian frequencies are active, and spotting the human heads when they pop up. Generally this happens out of the corner of your eye where your human ego could tell you that you 'didn't actually see' or were 'imagining' what you saw. However the more you trust yourself the more you will become aware of their presence and believe what your own eyes are telling you.
I have seen the heads pop up myself, though they are extremely hard to capture on film as you never know when they are going to rise. I have not seen faces in the sea as a close friend of mine has. She distinctly saw faces on the ripples of the seas surface. Whether or not these were also Merfolk or whether they were other unique species of Undines is hard to say and I still search all the water sources I come in contact with to 'see' for myself.
In the case of mermaids or merfolk, however, they are their own unique entities that dwell within the sea and are not generally associated with freshwater streams and therefore should be thought of as separate or at least as a subspecies. Merfolk can be spotted by looking out at the sea, especially when the Lemurian frequencies are active, and spotting the human heads when they pop up. Generally this happens out of the corner of your eye where your human ego could tell you that you 'didn't actually see' or were 'imagining' what you saw. However the more you trust yourself the more you will become aware of their presence and believe what your own eyes are telling you.
I have seen the heads pop up myself, though they are extremely hard to capture on film as you never know when they are going to rise. I have not seen faces in the sea as a close friend of mine has. She distinctly saw faces on the ripples of the seas surface. Whether or not these were also Merfolk or whether they were other unique species of Undines is hard to say and I still search all the water sources I come in contact with to 'see' for myself.