![]() The Human Experience Life as We (Don’t Really) Know It Book Description: We are souls having a human experience. Earth is simply a game. Earth is just a story we’ve created and are reenacting like a play on a theatre stage. When we are done playing this game, when we are done with the story, we move onto a new one. The first thing to remember is that we chose the human experience. We chose the game, and we agreed to the rules. In fact, we wanted to come here so bad that there is a waiting list to get onto the Earth at this time! Many souls desire to jump onto this ship we call Earth, especially at this time of ascension and shift in consciousness. This is a unique opportunity to experience physical ascension alongside a planetary ascension, and so if you are reading this right now you are one of the luckiest souls to have this experience at this time. So why don’t we remember that we are playing a game when we arrive? Because those are the rules we agreed to. We chose to experience density, which gives us a sort of amnesia as we are immersed fully into the illusion of life as a human. If you knew you were playing a game, would you even want to play after all you have been through? That is why the veils are in place, so we can fully experience and grow from our lives in a human body without the knowledge that we are more than human. Use this book as a tool in discovering your purpose and getting the most out of your journey here on planet Earth. Everything is a learning experience. We are here to play, so play the game you want to play, and play it well!
Every moment is life changing. Every change is a gift.
In every moment you experience something new. Something that changes the way you think, alters a belief, questions your thoughts, challenges the old ways, enlightens to new possibilities… everything literally changes in a moment. And with moments constantly changing, all that ever exists is change, or growth. Change may seem like a bad thing to the human aspect, but on a higher dimensional level, of the soul and our higher selves, change is welcomed with open arms as an experience; an evolution of universal proportions. For our lives as humans on a planet called Earth are not for naught: our lives do have meaning. And that meaning is galactic, universal even. Our purpose is to experience new things constantly. Our purpose is to evolve our thinking process, to accept all possibilities in life and beyond life as we know it. We are the universe expressing itself as a human for only a moment. To view change as a gift is essential to overcoming the earthly or egoic viewpoint that life is meaningless, difficult and cruel, even. The human aspect fears change because it cannot prepare, or attempt to prepare, for what “happens next”. We use our past to dictate our future, believing that things only happen in certain ways and that nothing happens the way we “want” it to. What do we want exactly? And why don’t we already have what we want in life? Unless, in fact, we already have it and we are, just, simply unware of it. We’ve been told we have everything we need inside of us. The human aspect brushes this statement to the side with a snort or a chuckle. Of course we have everything within us; you are referring to our heart and capacity for love beyond all the superficial hardship and life (the hate, the struggles, the lies). The grand deceit is that all struggle, or the mere thought of it, is a lie, an illusion built and designed for one purpose: to experience. We are galactic star beings. We are the universe. We are more than this shell, this vessel, we call the human body that functions quite well on this plane of existence we call planet Earth. To compact our true nature into a tiny, actually the tiniest, box and label it as life does far more damage than good to our beliefs, the core of our existence. For beliefs change, in every moment, and constantly too with each new experience. Yes we have everything we need inside of us already. We always have. And always will. For we are pure, unconditional love; pure, star light essence that has chosen to experience itself in a tiny box for only a moment of time in the vastness of the illusion of time itself. For time is merely an illusion. If it actually exists then it is not as we think it to be. The human mind thinks time is linear, segmented and finite. On a grander, or cosmic, scale, time is cyclical. The universe expresses itself as ages composed of our earthly millennials in which ages come and go to once again reign for their allotted “time”. The human aspect views this concept as the science of astrology and horoscope. The sun, the moon and the stars…all dance to a symphony beyond the range of human comprehension and appreciation. Beyond the cosmos, time is what it wants to be. It expresses itself as it sees fit, as an experience in and of itself. Our time on Earth, in a human shell, is limited compared to our true nature: infinite beings infinitely expressing themselves throughout infinite galaxies and worlds designed with the highest good and purpose in mind: infinite experience. Experience is the true commodity of the universe. That is, if the universe subscribed to the lower dimensional viewpoint of capitalism and commodity or the need to reap what you sow, and the fear of harvest, if you will. But to the soul, our higher selves, experience is the purpose to life itself. For life expresses itself in many forms. This lifetime we are as humans who experience working menial jobs to exchange paper and coin for food, comfort and other pleasures. Simultaneously we are other humanoid creatures on similar planets in neighboring galaxies expressing life in alternate fashions. When this ride is over, when the game ends, we will move on to the next ride, start a new game, in order to gather more experience. We chose this, as our higher selves. We wanted to experience life as a human being on this planet with its certain characteristics and limited parameters. The game of life has rules. We chose to participate in these rules until we remembered that we were playing a game in the first place. Once we remember, we can choose differently. For choice is all we have. The game is changing as the age of the planet, the galaxy, changes. Once a lower dimensional planet with strict rules for advancement, yet ripe with learning opportunities, the Earth is evolving into a higher dimensional planet, equipping itself for a different kind of experience; a new journey in which the human being remembers its divinity and can choose to express it and experience in new ways never before conceived by the limited human mind. Human life may seem tiny in comparison to the vastness of the universe and our true nature, but to the soul, our higher selves, being human is one of the noblest things to accomplish. We should feel gratitude and appreciation for our lives spent as humans. For it is as if the Earth is a once-in-a-lifetime epic rock concert, a universally-renowned play, or a soul’s kindergarten graduation celebration with a line wrapped around the cosmos, with every manner of essence waiting for their turn to experience it. Human life is precious, epic even, when compared to the vastness of its true nature: experience. Humanity is ripe with experience. That is why many of us choose to come to Earth to play over and over again. And when we are done with this planet we move on to a new experience somewhere else, with a new concept of “time” and life “purpose”. Humanity struggles to find purpose because it searches without itself instead of within itself. The heart is the seat of the soul; our true selves. And when our hearts are open to receive the new, the change, and the experiences, our souls are as light as a feather made of pure light itself. Every experience is a gift. The egoic mind will attempt to label it, compartmentalize it, pick it apart and judge it. The soul loves and accepts all as pure love and light, for that is all it is and ever will be, in time or not. We are love. We are light. The darkness is a gift, for it reminds us that ultimately all that exists within is light, and that the darkness in only an illusion. The fear of change is only an illusion. Judging change is only human. Remember that we are all divine star beings, beyond this human shell. Enjoy the ride for what it is. Embrace change, for it will show you things you never knew were possible before. Embody love and exude it towards all beings, creatures on this planet. But most of all, experience. Experience. Every. Thing. |
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