Haha, seriously.... it's been a while.
I am not really blogging obviously but check me out on YouTube for everything Light Language! New projects are always in the works! I love you all. Thank you to everyone supporting LNL!
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Happiness is a journey. It is a process. It is personal. It is relative. And it changes form in an instant.
Treat your happiness as a journey; as something that evolves as you grow along your path. Happiness changes definitions throughout our lives as we learn new things, discard old things, and make choices based on what we know What does it mean to be happy for you right now? Can you think of a time when being happy meant something different? How about your dreams of the future, what does happy look like then? In order to grasp happiness and hold it tight, you have to define it first, and yet simultaneously be ready to release it and allow for an upgraded version of happiness to enter your life. Happiness is ultimately within us. It is not based on outside factors, because those change even more quickly than our core self over years of growth. If you base your happiness on achieving the next thing, on acquiring the next thing, on waiting for the next thing to happen, then you will never be happy. Happiness is in the present moment. You can only be happy now, not then, and not later. Ask yourself: Do you even want to be happy? We like what is familiar. The human mind loves what is familiar. It likes patterns. It likes repetition. The mind finds a familiar pattern to keep you safe, because the minds’ one and only job is to survive. So if you have been unhappy for 50 years, unhappiness is familiar to you. Some people even like being unhappy. It is what is safe for them. And yet we can make a new choice to be happy in any moment. We forget this sometimes, and that is okay. Bring yourself back to remembering. We make choices every day, all day, in every moment. And our choices define our life path while providing learning opportunities; the ultimate growth for our mind, bodies, and soul. You can choose to be happy. The first step is choosing. Even if you don’t know how to get happy yet, make the conscious decision to figure it out, to work towards it, to be happy. Start your journey to be happy, whatever that looks like to you. Honor yourself in every moment and make choices that will steer your life in the direction you want. Unhappiness may be familiar right now, but you can also make happiness, joy, and bliss familiar. Keep moving towards happy. ![]() "I Am Extraordinary: A Coloring Book of Reminders" is a coloring book with 42 different positive affirmations. I love Zentangle-inspired designs and all of my coloring books have used this theme. While I love positive affirmations and coloring books I feel that it is time to go in a new direction with my art. I know another art project is coming but I am not sure what it is yet. All I know is that the "I Am" series is done for, for now of course. An idea could come to me in a new months or a few minutes and change my mind... that is the beauty of creativity. I hope you enjoy! Thank you again to everyone who has followed and supported my coloring book journey over the last two and a half years. I appreciate all of your love and support as I found my art voice. Much Love, Elizabeth ![]() New Coloring Book!! "Talk To Yourself: A Coloring Book to Boost Your Self-Esteem" We become the stories we tell ourselves So, how do you talk to yourself? Words have power. The words we use to describe ourselves are important. Words form our perceptions and beliefs. When you change the words you use, your life changes as well. Choose the words you use purposefully, with positive intention, to convey the way you want to think about yourself and your life. This is your life...how do you want to think about it? How do you want to talk to yourself? The affirmations in this coloring book are designed to work with your mind to change your thoughts/beliefs in order to promote a positive shift in your self-talk. Whether we'd like to admit it or not, words do affect us and we can use them purposefully to assist our conscious and subconscious minds to change the thoughts and beliefs we have about ourselves. Seeing positive words and images influences positive thoughts, and thus positive beliefs and positive actions. We become the stories we tell ourselves. Invest in yourself by talking to yourself in a different way. Communicate with yourself and give yourself better messages. Get your mind in your side and work together to create the life you really want by focusing on loving yourself first and foremost. There are 111 unique designs/affirmations to color in this book, including seven blank designs to write your own loving reminders. This is your life. Are you choosing to uplift and inspire yourself with your words? Or are you choosing to reject and criticize yourself? Choose to give yourself better messages, starting with the ones in this coloring book. I've been channeling a lot of light language over the last few months. Please see our YouTube channel or see our Light Lanuage tabs on the website. I love being a channel for energy and providing healing activations and blessings that every human can benefit from. If these resonate with you, then great. If not, that is great too. Find your truth and live it, always.
"Love Notes to Self: Open in Case of Forgetting" and "I Am Worthy: A Coloring Book of Reminders" are now available on Amazon and Amazon UK!
I am super excited to kick off 2018 with a new book and my second coloring book. There are many more in the works! To view the full description and see a sampling of the love-notes-to-self found within, visit my website at www.lnlawakening.com/love-notes-to-self.html And for more information on "I Am Worthy" and where to buy, please visit www.lnlawakening.com/i-am-worthy.html Thank you for supporting my writing journey. I have a lot more to share with the world, including more personal growth books, a vampire novel series, a children's book series and even some poetry. I'll be sharing more of Me as I stop hiding from my gifts and get over editing myself to appease other people. I'm just going to put myself out there this year and see how it goes. I love you all! ![]() Doodle Distractions Volume Two is now available! I am excited to release volume two so I can focus on new affirmation coloring book projects. I've been doodling for months and finally finished putting together the coloring book for release. It is currently available on Amazon and Amazon UK and will be coming soon to Barnes and Noble.com. Thank you for supporting my coloring journey! For more information check out the links at: https://www.lnlawakening.com/doodle-distractions.html ![]() It's that time again... 2017 is ending and 2018 is beginning, and this means the “New Years Resolution” is fast approaching. No matter which direction you start walking January 1st, set yourself up for success by getting clear on your goals for the year. Reflect on 2017 to see what worked and what didn't work. Resolve to make 2018 your best year yet by getting clear on what you want and what you plan to accomplish in your life. Here are a few questions to get your best year ever started: Reflections 2017 What was your biggest triumph in 2017? What one word or phrase best sums up and describes your 2017 experience? What was the greatest lesson you learned in 2017? What is your biggest piece of unfinished business in 2017? What were the three most significant events of 2017? When did you feel most alive in 2017? What fears surfaced in your life in 2017? What one area do you feel stuck in from 2017 that you would like to improve in the coming year? What else do you need to do or say to be complete with 2017? Resolutions 2018 What would you like to be your biggest triumph in 2018? What advice do you give yourself going into 2018? What would you be most happy about completing in 2018? What are you most looking forward to learning in 2018? If you knew you couldn’t fail, what would you attempt in 2018? What would you most like to change about yourself, personally, in 2018? How can you be kinder to yourself in 2018? How will you move through your fears in 2018? What one word / phrase will be your prayer, intention or theme in 2018? Much Love, Elizabeth ![]() Finding Purpose for 2018 Part 1: Ask yourself these questions repeatedly until you have a list of interests in your life. Be honest with yourself and list the first things that naturally come to mind. 1. If I were to die tomorrow, today I would ______. 2. If money weren’t an issue, I would _____. 3. If I weren't afraid, I would ______. Part 2: When you have your list, go back and circle the Top 5 options that stand out to you the most. These are the things you really want to do with your life. These are the things you really want to accomplish. Part 3: Then ask yourself why these are important to you. Why do you want to accomplish these things in your life? Our 'whys' are our motivation for acting on our dreams. If you have a good enough reason why, it will keep you motivated and on track to fulfilling your goals. We all already know our purpose, but we often are too afraid to admit what it is to ourselves. Ask yourself these questions to bring forward the answer of what your soul is yearning for in your life time. This is your life. Your life purpose is unique. Your desires are unique. The sooner you accept that there is a lone wolf quality to every journey in life, the sooner you can get on with accomplishing what you are here to do. Stop focusing on what everybody else is doing. What are YOU going to do with YOUR life? What is calling to you from deep within your own being? What is trying to express itself from deep within your soul? Bonus Question: If I had a magic wand, I would _____. What would you create and why is it important to you? How would you change the world? What burning desire do you have when it comes to seeing change in the world? If you want the world to be a brighter, healthier place then what can you do to make it a little brighter and healthier in your own life? If you want the world to stop fighting, what can you do to inspire people to stop fighting in your own life? Magic wands allow us to express our deepest desires and inner purpose. What instant change do you want to see happen? This will show you what you are here to assist with as this is what is important to you. You are here to make a difference in your own way. So what is trying to emerge from within you as you ask yourself these questions? We are not here to save the world on our own. We are here to live our lives to the best of our abilities and to fulfill our passions while inspiring others to do the same. “Life Purpose” doesn't have to be some impossible, daunting task where we struggle and toil away all our lives. Our life purpose is to enjoy life to the fullest....to LIVE life to the fullest....and we already know what makes us come alive, we just have to realize what that is and have the courage to act upon it. Make 2018 your best year yet by deciding on a direction and to start walking....and remember that we can change directions in any moment and walk a new path. This is not failure....this is called learning.... this is called growing.... this is the freedom of choice that we all have as human beings. Choose how to live your life in the best way for you, and let others live their lives in the best ways for them. Stay true to yourself and keep walking your own path and living your own purpose. Much Love, Elizabeth |
Welcome!I like to assist others on their journey to awakening by sharing what I have come to understand about the nature of the universe. Thank you for your support by reading this blog. We expand our own knowledge, our own truth, by reading and researching many different ideas to find the ones we resonate with and incorporate into our own truth. Find your truth and live it. Archives
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