![]() Our souls, or higher selves, designed our lives to a certain point in order to ensure certain experiences for the collective soul body and Source consciousness. Beyond these experiences, we are left to choose and experience life at will, free will that is. Our guides are ourselves in a different dimension, plane of existence, frequency or realm in which they have chosen to help us during our ascension process. Guides, or our angels if you will, show themselves within the little synchronicities of everyday life. There are no demons, only in the minds of man and ego as an illusion of separation and fear from our true nature: pure light and divine love. It is the individual’s choice to listen to their intuition, their guides, or not, and to trust in what they receive. Some choices are made for us, yes, by us in fact, but we, as the incarnation who is reading this, have the ultimate decision in how we live. Time is an illusion, we exist in multiple dimensions at once: lower, higher, in between and all. We chose to forget this when we were born into a human vessel on a planet someone named Earth. We chose to accept this limiting belief, the lie, that we are mere mortals doomed to struggle and toil away until our vessels decay and ultimately die. And we can choose now, in this moment, to do something new. We can choose, in this moment, to create our reality outside the confines of the boxes we once put ourselves in and to usher in a new world for all soul bodies to experience at a higher level of consciousness. We can choose whether or not we want to enjoy our journey. Most people are not even aware of this choice in their lives. Life isn’t hard or horrible unless you believe it is. Thoughts are a choice, and we can choose to think differently about ourselves and the world around us if we want to. If you want the new in your life then you have to ask for it from your universe and then choose to look for it in your reality. The human aspect will do anything and everything it can in order to not see and accept what it sees as new. The human aspect likes the old programming; that is where it functions best, and where it feels like it is in control. This is not about control anymore. Control is a fear-based program. Overcoming fear takes trust: trust that the universe will catch you when you fall, or when it lets you fall that it is for the highest good of your experience and growth. You can choose how you want to interact with your world. Everything comes down to choice. Choose what you want to believe. Choose the changes you want to implement in your life’s story and show your courage by actually changing. Choose to be happy, or at least choose to start accepting the parts of your story you have no control over. If your car breaks down you have a choice to be angry or to go with the flow with the universe. The more choices you make in a higher vibrations (love, respect, understanding) the more conscious you become. This is about energy. Choices are energy. Which reality do you believe is real? Do you want a different reality? Do you want a new experience? Openness is a state of energy, closed-mindedness is another state. If you are open to new experiences, if you are expecting the new to come into your life, then that is the energy your universe sends you. If you remain closed off to change and stick to the same programs in your day-to-day activities, then that is okay too. Just remember that your reality changes to your choices and your energy in every moment. Choose to wake up, or choose to stay asleep. Both paths lead to the same destination, for all paths do. Our paths are ours alone to walk, and yet we walk multiple paths at one time, across time, and without time. We walk the same path over (déjà vu) too. Lifetimes converge and diverge; we meet ourselves at every stage and in the beyond after our time is “done” on the Earth as well. Soul families are eternal. We come from Source and we shall return to Source at the point in “time” when we are ready. And by ready I mean when we have experienced all that we set out to and when we have ascended through the cosmic hierarchy of dimensions and frequency. However you choose to live your life is destined and perfect, so choose what you feel is right, what you feel will make you happy, and what you discern as the highest good for yourself and those around you.
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