![]() REPOSTED FROM THE TRANS-SCEND BLOG 2016 I went to do the dishes this morning after feeding our furry children and looked into our double sink and found that my partner had put a pan she had used to cook dinner with on the side that does not have a garbage disposal. My head immediately said “man, I told her not to put stuff with food in them on that side.” Now technically I asked but sometimes our asking is not really asking, it’s more like telling with a lilt in our voice. Why, because we have decided we like things a certain way and that our way is the correct way. I mean, after all, the food that gets on that side I either have to clean up by hand or it gets swept into the drain pipe with no disposal which equals DISASTER. Okay, not really but that is how my human mind works. Either it gives me more work, or it is just Bad with a capitol B and I, of course, know the right way to do things so I “asked” her not to do it again. Okay, so back to the dishes in the sink and my head. Now, I give myself kudos here because I’m learning to not react to things, after all this is the way of the conscious being. We hear the human ego say something, we listen but we no longer react. Instead we process, we ask “What?”, “why do you think that?” and we try and figure out why our reality got out of alignment. So I’m standing there doing the dishes wondering where that all came from, I mean, technically I only asked her once and every time she hasn’t done it I have turned into the little human and done the dishes in a state ranging from mild annoyance to some level of anger all because she didn’t do what I asked. Okay, so here is where we realize that it’s our little human speaking because whatever it is saying actually moved us from our world being perfectly fine to “Grrrrrr.” This time however I’m still in a state of my world being perfectly fine wondering why my little guy is talking, so I think to myself “Where have I heard that before?”
All of a sudden, mid dish, it hits me “wow, that’s my mom.” Yep, my mom used to say to me all the time “why can’t you remember what I told you, do it this way.” She would even wake her 9 year old at 2 am to redo all the dishes because I had missed a spot on one of them. I would re-wash them in my sleep wondering what the big deal was. Or other times when “I’ve told you a 100 times to do it this way.” I remember the words but even now don’t remember the context and why not? She did tell me a 100 times, I was even hit for it numerous times so why can’t I remember it? Umm, probably because it had nothing to do with me, it wasn’t my issue, it didn’t annoy me, it just wasn’t even remotely something that seemed important to me. Why? No idea, but probably the same reason my partner doesn’t feel it is necessary to put a dish she is soaking into the other side of the sink, it just doesn’t make any sense to anyone but me. So why can’t these people see the sense in it? I mean I’m right, right? Nope, I’m controlling which means that I am in fear somehow. Whether the fear actually makes sense or not to anyone else it makes sense to the individual that has the fear, though we rarely see it in those terms. Logically does it make sense that one piece of food could damage the pipes, pipes by the way that are taken care of by the apartment maintenance guys and not me. I mean she rinses the pan out and just leaves it to soak, so see how illogical this really is but somewhere my little human is going berserk because I’m losing control. Its dish Anarchy over here people!! I learned this from my mom, who probably learned it from hers and so on and so forth. Or I watched a home repair show, or I just get a little to anal about where the food goes, who knows. Its funny how something that now seems so trivial can actually ruin my day (or used to) doesn’t it? Yet, as humans we do this constantly, this is why we need to question ourselves. Figure out where and why that voice in our head is saying this stuff. Use that to then talk the little human off the ledge. There is absolutely no reason why I should be in a bad mood for 10 mins or the entire day just because a pan was in the other side of the sink, or someone didn’t wipe their shoes, or a glass of milk went splat. I was trying to control my environment, this is actually quite common for humans, and it started a long long time ago when we first stepped into the 3rd dimension and duality. We feared everything might kill us and being separated from our god source and not realizing that our essential being is eternal we feared death. So we began to try and control our outcomes by controlling our environment. Now dishes and muddy shoes seem a lot different than barring castle doors and digging motes or putting ourselves in caves where the big ole dinosaurs can’t get to us. However that is what it has turned into, we do everything from locking our doors, barring our windows, closing our shades to the placement of our dishes. All of it is for control and the funny thing is the more we do it the less safe we feel. Now that the energies are right for us to ascend in form we need to trust that letting go of our fears, letting go of our control is better for us. Why? Because the more we hold on to control, the more we fear and the more our souls will have to do something huge to get us to realize that. For most people survival is the biggest fear we have, our survival which can translate to a home, food, a job, etc. Look around you, how many people have lost their jobs or their homes. Sometimes we get hit upside the head if we don’t listen. I’m one of those people and believe me it is much easier to just let my partner put the pan where ever and realize that it isn’t going to hurt anything than have to face losing so much more. I will say that in losing those big things my life has become so much better than it was but that is also why I am here writing this, so you don’t have to. So next time just let the dishes fall where they may.
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