I’ve been working my way through many changes lately. Coming up against things that I thought I had already worked out, let go of, dealt with and yet, I haven’t or at least I haven’t with this stage of it. Most of it centers around my feelings of being unworthy, unlovable and not fully embracing who I truly am through all the feelings/stories of my incarnation here.
True change is only brought about through love, respect and honor for ourselves. If we continue to fight hate with hate, anger with anger, disrespect with disrespect, spew insults at insult spewers we will continue to go nowhere fast. If we continue to give into fear the world will be a place to fear. The world changes when we do. If we are no different than the one we speak out about then we are the one that needs to change. When we all change the world changes. When we all love the world loves. When we all have respect for ourselves we will have respect for others. When we hold sacred honor for the true beings that we are then that is when we learn to hold the planet and all of her inhabitants in honor, for it is only then that we see from the depths of our souls that we are all ONE. Is it yours? Do you choose to give your power away to what might be, what could be, what was done to someone else but not you, what happened a long time ago and might happen again. Do you choose to walk through this world wondering when the other shoe will drop, when you will be hurt, when you will not be able to afford something, when you will not be able to do something you’ve always done before. Do you choose to suffer to fear before anything has even occurred yet? Coming to love ourselves is not about occasionally saying “yeah I love myself,” it’s not about doing the “right” thing, it’s not about eating the “right” thing, it’s not about feeling/saying/thinking the “right” thing. Loving ourselves completely is about BEcoming love, not about loving… when you BEcome LOVE, when you embody LOVE, you no longer seek it from outside yourself. You no longer find flaws in yourself or anyone else. Today is National Coming Out Day. This is typically a day where someone that is gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender and has been hiding it from others tells someone, or makes an announcement like on Facebook. Today a lot of us know someone who fits that description and we either celebrate it, don’t care, don’t want to think about it, or ignore it. I’d like to put a little bit of a spin on it though… I’d like to come out today and say I’ve had an enlightenment experience. One of those experiences that you read about in books, or hear from some guru or spiritual teacher. I’ve actually had an entire experience where I not only felt but knew that every particle of my being was in every thing else. Where I knew what the trees felt and heard them speak, where I understood how I and the rest of us came to be and how none of us really understood that our only “job” to do here was to recapture that feeling. |