![]() Is it yours? Do you choose to give your power away to what might be, what could be, what was done to someone else but not you, what happened a long time ago and might happen again. Do you choose to walk through this world wondering when the other shoe will drop, when you will be hurt, when you will not be able to afford something, when you will not be able to do something you’ve always done before. Do you choose to suffer to fear before anything has even occurred yet? Are you happy playing victim to your own choices, constantly pointing to the outside world when really it’s all about giving your own power away to some no-named thing out there. Are you happy blaming others. Are you happy thinking (and acting) like the world isn’t fair. Are you happy pretending you have no say. Are you happy making the choice to be scared, unhappy, fearful, pained and suffering most of the time.
The choice to fear is your own. The choice to let the world dictate who you are, what you should do, how you should do it, how you should be, how you should act, how you should love, how you should… is yours. I don’t fear those things any more. I don’t cower down and allow others to control me. I stand, in love, not in love for everything right/wrong in the world, not for the good/bad guys, not for the supposed “choices” made for me. I make my own. No one is going to swoop in and save you, save the country, save the world. No one is going to do any of that but YOU. I do not give my power away to anyone because I know that the only way someone else can take it is if I hand it over willingly. I am happy, joyful and in bliss. I understand how this world actually works. I understand that it is our choices, our words, our emotions that dictate the world around us. I understand that I can live in bliss and magic while others suffer and I can allow them that choice. I understand this because I’ve opened my heart and allowed this information to flow in not via others words but by my own experiences brought about by listening/reading what I wouldn’t listened to or read before when I was “happy” being a victim to myself. I’ve read it via religion, spirituality, higher consciousness, psychology and scientific writings. This is not a new thing, it has been handed down and visible from every avenue; we create our own world with our thoughts. Change your mind, change your world. Choose love over fear. Choose to flow and trust and your world will flow and trust you back. Resist and fear and that is what you create. Choose fear and your world will deliver something to fear. The choice is yours. Understand that not everything out there is what you have created in your mind as some horrible thing. Understand that things can pop up because we are ALL here to choose LOVE and that some of us need to be pushed to the breaking point before doing so. We are no longer in these times, you do not have to wait until you have lost everything to open up. Those of us that have, that have been drug kicking and screaming to that point because we didn’t want to listen, because we didn’t want to step out of our fear/hate/anger/sarcasm/despair/depression and so on. We are here to assist. We are the ones that keep writing, keep offering an outstretched hand, keep lighting a candle in the dark. You do not need to continue to choose fear and to suffer but you do need to take that first step and open your heart and realize that your soul already hears what we are saying.
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