![]() REPOSTED FROM THE TRANS-SCEND BLOG 2015 I’ve seen a bunch of things come across social media stating that one type of person is better than another. Where one should get housing, the other not. One should get food the other not. One money and so on and so forth. Responses came in the same form, so and so shouldn’t be treated that way because they served their county. We see it day in and day out where one group of people believes they have the right(s) to do/have/get something over another. It doesn’t matter if it is a matter of race, religion, creed, orientation, gender, social status, financial status, etc. there is nothing in this world that makes one person better or more deserving than another. I know this is how we are raised and how we are taught to believe. We are taught in good/bad, black/white, my team/your team. All of our morals and decisions and beliefs are based on things we have learned, things from our parents, their parents, our schools, our countries, our religions. Generally none of our decisions are based on our own beliefs, we have none outside of what we were taught. Every once in a while we are able to change our opinions but it generally takes firsthand knowledge and the stronger the belief the stronger the convincing needs to be.
Case in point: When I was first deciding to come out to my partner about being transgender I started off by asking her how she felt about different types of people. I learned through these questions that she didn’t believe that gays should marry (this was years ago). I asked her why and she said she wasn’t sure so I asked who else in her family believed that and she said her parents. A few months after we got together and she met all my exes (all being lesbians) and some of my gay male friends as well, she quickly changed her opinion. I had challenged something that was not that strong of a belief, she didn’t have any religious beliefs or anything else other than her dad’s opinion to go on. When she had time to experience my gay friends she then realized that they were no different than her straight friends and that belief fell away. Now, like I said, she wasn’t full engrained in that belief, imaging if someone was. We see it all the time the difference between someone deciding that they like coke over Pepsi compared to those willing to die for their beliefs. They all hold different weights in our minds and the more weight they hold the more attached we are to that idea as not only being right but being a part of who we are. Our makeup, what defines our morals. If I am a diehard believer in the 49ers being the best ever football team in the whole gosh darn U.S of A then I am going to be on top of the golden gate bridge singing their praises every time they win. Every time they lose though, I am going to be swearing about how the refs made the crappiest calls ever and they should all get their heads out of their asses and the 9rs would have crushed your team if only the REFS COULD FUCKING READ A GODDAM CALL CORR… *cough* get the point? We look at all those things that we believe in just like a fan. Some things aren’t that big of a deal, others can turn our worlds upside down. Now are these things actually real, are they actually the only “right” things in the whole world. Is my way the only right way and if you don’t agree you obviously need to start moving down that highway? We do believe it, we are so attached to some things that we can’t possibly see the other side. There is no difference between the person who does not believe in anything other than his own personal god telling him to kill someone than the one that believes his god tells him to feed someone. When our beliefs are that extreme we cannot imagine our lives if we do not think that way, we can’t even conceive of the concept that our god might be wrong, our belief might be wrong, that both things are right, both are wrong. We cannot see beyond the 3rd dimensional consciousness or duality. That is the basic definition, duality is what we were born into, the game we jumped into the game we decided to play in our human existence. Once we begin to awaken we begin to see duality for what it is. The part of our human mind that cannot see past a limited dualistic reality. As we open up and explore ourselves, our own belief system and where it came from we begin to see how we got stuck in some emotional patterns. While there are only actually two emotions we conceive of many more when our beliefs are being challenged and depending on how strongly we hold to those beliefs correlates to how emotional we get. For example if I believe that the 49rs are the best team like in the above example if they lose I could become so enraged that I hit something, someone, vandalize things, riot, etc. If I just think they are an okay team when they lose I say what a crappy game and turn off the TV. If I don’t care about them at all I might not even watch the game. So, if our believes tell us one person is better than another then our believes are also giving us even more of a reason to believe we are separate from one another. This also leads to us feeling alone, lonely, like no one else has ever had to go through the things we have, we are freaks, etc. Separation is what we feel as we play out our human existence in the 3rd dimensional consciousness. Everything tells us that we are single individuals. The truth, however, is that we are all one. We are all a part of the whole and the whole is creation. The more we put stock into our beliefs the more we pull away from others and our true selves. As we move into the 4th dimensional consciousness and beyond we begin to see this for the lie it is. The more often we can identify what it is in our history that gives us the ideas we have about being separate from others the more we can learn to come back together. The first step is always in examine ourselves, we are the only ones that can help ourselves and in doing so we also help the whole. It’s kind of a neat little trick, by focusing on yourself, your spiritual journey, your path you end up helping everyone else. So just take it one day at a time, one hour at a time, one minute, one second. Our belief system took centuries to come together to be handed down to you, now you are to take it apart piece by piece and understand so you can let go, do not condemn yourself for time, you have all the time you need. Be still, listen, question and feel in your heart what is real and what is not. You may just find that you don’t really believe all those things you have been holding on too, heck I’m not even much of a football fan. And nobody is better than anyone else because we are all ONE, equal, beautiful and WHOLE together.
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