Yep, so I’m a big ole gamer. I started off with my mom buying one of the first Mac’s on the market and played goofy little games on it. Well really, there was Atari first and then Zork and maybe a few others I don’t remember. Eventually I got into MUD’s which are text based games on the web where a bunch of people join in the game. Everyone has their own character; we pick races, professions, magic or non, weapons, skills and so forth. Most of the first ones were based off of D&D which in turn was based off of the Hobbit/Lord of the Rings and other books in the genre. One of the biggest things in these games is to not be OOC, or Out Of Character. In other words if I’m playing I don’t suddenly say “OMG did you see last night’s SNL skit?” or something to that affect. Nope in these games we want to RP or Role-play our characters to fit what others see of them on screen so that they match up to the ideal troll, ogre, elf, magician, thief, warrior, etc. So if I’m playing a big ole troll warrior I normally wouldn’t prance around and smell the flowers (unless of course that is your RP which in most cases would make the rest of the computer generated world around you pretty ticked off). Nope, instead I would wander around saying “Grull smash!” or something along those lines. It’s one reason why so many players actually play humans; we know how to act like them! Others find it immensely enjoyable to play a character race, personality or both that is so far removed from RL, or Real Life, that it offers a unique challenge or relaxation to them. Being able to stay IC or in character is essential to many people, to embody your character, behave like they would, talk like they would, etc. Some people don’t see the point or don’t know “how” to be someone/thing else. It all boils down to how the player views the game, what is enjoyable and what isn’t.
So how does all this translate into the ascension processes? Well... if you get right down to it our souls essentially picked an avenue to RP. We are here, as humans that forget who we truly are, we forget how we as souls feel, act, look. Mostly we forget that we are one, we are love and we are eternal. We forget all the wonderful things we knew in order to come down and experience an entirely different way of being. To really get into the things we wanted to experience, to delve deep into being Human even though that isn’t truly what we are. In this way we are essentially role playing a human, though many of us are still not aware of this fact, we have choices of what to do, what to say, what skills to learn, how to behave, how to not behave. All of these things are essentially a role player’s guide on being human and we land smack dab in the middle of it raring to play. So what is the difference between how we RP in a game and how we RP in RL? Well, like I said before there are still a ton of us that don’t realize we are RPing. We think this real life thing is... uh, real life? We think that we really are here to work a job, get married, divorced, worship a god outside of us and so on and so forth. This works for many people and it keeps them relatively sane, if you believe that the 3D consciousness duality is sane. However there are a great many of us who have already bridged 3D and moved into 4D on our ascension path. Plus we have a huge number of us ready to follow along and still others that have moved beyond 4D. We are all here to ascend, to realize who we truly are inside, and to reconnect with our divine essence, to understand unconditional love and how our souls are all one. If we’ve chosen to ascend in the physical, which many of us have now, we are here to move from a state of unknowingly RPing a human to being conscious of it. To actually view how we have played the game of human and how our egos help us play into that. We are here to reverse our role play and reverse how we view the idea of real life. Our true lives, our true nature is not as a limited human but as unlimited divine source energy. Our real roles are to experience, learn, play out different avenues and adventures to truly explore the ideas of what being human (or whatever being we have chosen to incarnate into). By opening up our idea of what could be and expanding our ideas of what is real/not real we in turn expand our consciousness giving us the ability to see through much of the separations that plague the human experience. As we live out our lives as humans in a 3D consciousness we are completely submerged in our own RP. We are constantly bombarded with the ideas of what is right/wrong, good/bad and what we need to do to be a good person. No one ever manages to nail that idea, they consistently fall under par and it is a constant struggle of unworthiness and the like that has our ego reminding us that we will never be good enough. Once we are convinced we are either bad/good (both being a relative term as we constantly struggle to manifest the ideal of either) we continue to RP that type of character until either we die or we awaken. Upon awakening we begin to see how it is all just a game. A reality in which we believe we had no control. A concept of being something we are in fact not. Our thoughts and actions are viewed through a new lens, one that sees the belief in duality as well as the true value of the experience. We are no longer controlled by our belief that our ego is the one in control that it is accurate in its assumptions, that we have no control over who we are. We begin to see the purity of our soul, the integrity of our commitment to the game of life and the ascension from it. As we awaken to 4D we essentially begin to see that this life is an illusion, it is a Role Playing game, and it is not in fact Real Life. We are then able to discover our true self outside of the game, one that does not need to charge into battle, defend the weak, steal from the poor, slaughter the innocent or storm the castle. We begin to see those experiences for what they are, a way to up our level of experience, earn new experience points and beat the Boss ego and win the game. Winning loses its connotation of being the ultimate, the experience of the journey is the ultimate. The gameplay itself is how we advance, the ability to see through the illusion is in itself how we move to end game. There are no trophies or achievements, no bragging rights, no ways to taunt your fellow gamers as the end of this game. There is no longer the idea of being pwned (owned or concurred by the game or another player) in our ultimate end game, it is quite the opposite. Our “winning” is service, its love for the rest of us (both literally and figuratively as we are all one) coupled with the ability to let others walk their own path. We no longer brag, we no longer save, we are just holding space at the end a concept that is sorely lacking in most game mechanics and concepts. The ability to hold others up while simultaneously knowing your own worth is what results from the ability to see through the RP of Endgame, or the concept that there is an Endgame at all. For gamers, endgame is when you beat the game; you win, you are the winner. In Ascension endgame is just the beginning and it isn’t something you want to do without the rest of you, as we are all one. We allow others to complete their journeys the way they need to do it. We may write guides to give them an idea, written from the perspective of our own journey but we do not force, nag, brag, or cajole them into doing it our way. Nor do we ridicule them for choosing one path over the other. Real Life to a soul is the idea that we are all doing this for one another, we are all sharing, we are all part of the unique fabric of life and we will not “win” until we all do. It is a concept that is left out of most RP games including the Human game. You don’t know win with the most toys, you win when we all do because that is the only way to be, as one, in love. So in this fashion, those of us who have chosen to Ascend in the physical, have essentially chosen to change our RP mid game. We shrug off the concept of who we should be or were and become who we are in our characters bodies. We work to bring us all together, to shed more love and light on the game, to illuminate it so others may see it as well. Like walking in and flipping a light switch on during a really scary movie, we want you to know it’s just a MOVIE. We also understand that to try and take your experience of the game away from you is to basically prevent you from winning. I cannot force you to play the way I do, it will not helping you in the end, taking the controller away does not prevent you from having to experience what you need to experience it just prolongs it. To see through the roleplaying game of real life one must recognize that there is no real life. It’s a mind bending idea and one that is perfect for all genera of game players. See through the game, turn off the computer, power down the console and just watch as everyone around you seems to be a sim. A copy, a simulation of an idea, a fictional concept. Question your own reality, your own virtualness, how are you any different from character concept you play out in game. Realize that there is an awareness behind you, much like you are the awareness behind your character. Breathe, connect with that awareness, what does it see, what does it observe, what does it feel and what is it. Ask yourself ‘Who am I’ not ‘who do I want to be,’ and give the awareness time to speak for just might find that you are everything you always dreamed of and more than you could ever conceive.
7/9/2016 10:25:23 pm
Absolutely wonderful article ... you say it like it really is ... !!!
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