I sometimes laugh at the really “dumb” things I’ve said to myself while doing this journey… like I can’t be a real “man” for one reason or another. It’s amazing how even the most simple breakdowns of duality just slip by us at times. 3D… duality... male vs female. Our Souls are NOT one or the other, we are BOTH, in-fact we transcend BOTH to become ALL. You would think that would be obvious at the get go for someone like me, someone who chose to be born into a female body and then realize years later that I was male (because of the energy I brought to this body in order to learn this and share it with others) and then had to learn that I’m not really either! Now I look around me and find all the things that say this is what you must do to be a spiritual man… this is how a man does this or that for their spiritual journey… um no, being a man has nothing to do with any of it, it’s just the suit we brought to this play… there is no right or wrong thing for any of us on this journey. Even saying that “I am male… or I am female… or I am transgender” limits me and throws me back into the dualistic nature of 3D.
“I am Love”, “I am the universe”, “I am an unlimited energy being.” Everything can assist us ALL because there is no DIFFERENCE between our souls. There is not one way to act for any of us based on this or that… there is no this or that… we all learn to embrace everything and bring ourselves back to being ONE with our universe which is LOVE. Okay, back to our regularly scheduled programs, Batman...
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