REPOSTED FROM THE TRANS-SCEND BLOG 2014 First off let me just insert here that the old 8 hours of sleep a night was a story that was a fallacy to begin with. We’ve all heard it, you need to get 8 hours of sleep a night or you just won’t be able to function properly. Science, in fact, was already starting to disprove this starting with the idea that teenagers need way more sleep than we think they do. So that old idea was starting to go out the window anyway, let’s just push it all the way out now. We talk about dreams, REM sleep, and all the other things that go on with the human body during a nights rest but what we don’t usually talk about (or know) is that while the body rests the soul is off doing other things. This can also happen during the day but at night or during sleep (whenever that is) the human mind or ego is so relaxed that the soul can finally get some needed work done without its interference. We are actually doing several things while sleeping.
Sometimes we are purging old human emotions, working through our human ideas of things in order to move density (stuck human emotionally baggage) out in order for our bodies to fill with more light (spiritual energy that raises our vibrations and makes it easier for us to raise our consciousness). At other times we are doing the same things but in what we would call other realities, or timelines. We all have multiple timelines of things that could have occurred had we chosen X at a certain time in our lives instead of Y. Eventually these timelines will once again all merge into your one life path but in order to do so we must work out the human stuff there also. Have you ever had a dream where everyone in it you recognize from this life time though some things can be a little off? Your mother could be your sister, your wife could be your husband, and your kids could be your grandparents and so on and so forth. This is an example of another timeline. A lot of these “dreams” may leave you emotionally distraught, do not worry you are just working out things “over there” there isn’t any need to get worried about it as it will work itself out eventually. You may also have dreams of being in school, or a lecture. Or helping others with some kind of work, usually something to do with help others or humanity. For me I sometimes just feel like there are a billion people talking and I can’t get any sleep just to find out I have been sleeping it just seemed like I wasn’t (and usually I’m pretty tired). Why tired? Because you’ve been working! Yep we work in our sleep too, we are working with what a lot of people call your “soul family” or souls that you came down here with a contract to work together in order to help the planet move forward with ascension. You will find that you may be waking up between 2-4 am. This is perfectly normal, you are not an insomniac your soul has just been working so hard that it needs a break. Get up, walk around, go back to sleep. Or, if you wake up feeling like you need to be doing something DO It. I say it like that because I was notorious (and can still be this way) for not doing it and then it just nags at you. Your soul woke you up to do that thing, just do it. Believe me if you question it or you don’t do it, it will come back to haunt you. Your soul is working out trust issues with you. If you can get up and do it, it will know that you trust it and it can trust you and you will move forward on your ascension path so much faster. Also if you have any desire to sleep during the day (and are able to) please do so. If you believe you are lazy it is just a story, don’t believe it! Your body and soul are asking you to sleep, usually because you have taken in some information from somewhere (this can be verbal or nonverbal) and you need to integrate it. Sometimes you need a few hours, sometimes a few minutes. Do what your body and soul ask you to do as often as you can this will also assist you on your journey. Do the best you can do with this and just remember all this sleep is not only better for you and your soul in the long run but can make the ascension journey so much easier. Just think you could sleep while getting out all the emotional density instead of having to experience it in the waking state!
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